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1 мая 2024, среда 07:07

№ 19472089

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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30 Апр
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant aid from Japan (E-News)
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant assistance from Japan in the form of more than 100 large generators with a total capacity of more than 130 MW. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy. It is noted that during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to Japan, headed by the Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko, a meeting was held with the leadership of the Japan ...
29 Апр
Changes in the conditions of admission to the master's degree for students with TOT: replacement of the EVI with an interview in a foreign language (E-News)
Plans to replace the Unified Entrance Examination (UEI) with a foreign language interview in a remote format were announced during a meeting of the Coordination Staff on De-occupied Territories. This initiative was presented by a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. According to this decision, it became impossible to conduct the EVI for students from the temporarily ...
26 Апр
Standards for prosecutors: Ukraine introduces new rules to protect business (E-News)
Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin signed an order approving the standards of prosecutors' activities in the field of investment protection, an important step in increasing trust in justice and business protection. This new initiative is aimed at reducing the pressure on subjects of economic activity. Kostin announced the signing of the order during a meeting with leading business ...
25 Апр
VR adopted a draft law on control over gambling business and advertising of gambling games (E-News)
On April 24, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported a draft law aimed at strengthening control over the gambling business and limiting the advertising of gambling games. This is an important step in implementing effective measures to regulate the gaming industry in the country. At the moment, People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this in his channel in the Telegram messenger. According ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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26 Апр
Förderprogramm CREATE: Unterstützung von Unternehmerinnen in der Ukraine (E-News)
Das Wirtschaftsministerium der Ukraine stellte zusammen mit dem Women's Entrepreneurship Support Fund (WNISEF) und der Kiew School of Economics Foundation das Stipendienprogramm „CREATE“ vor, das die Beschäftigung von Frauen im Land Nr. 1 unterstützen soll. Die Zielsumme des Programms beträgt 1 Million US-Dollar und zielt direkt auf die Entwicklung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen ...
25 Апр
Forschung: Drei Viertel der Arbeitgeber in der Ukraine leiden unter Personalmangel (E-News)
Laut der von der European Business Association durchgeführten Studie zum Arbeitsmarkt der Ukraine leiden drei Viertel der Arbeitgeber in der Ukraine unter Personalmangel. Dieser Indikator ist im Vergleich zum Vorzeitraum deutlich gestiegen und erreicht 74 %, was deutlich über den 55 % im Herbst 2023 liegt. Die Studie stellt fest, dass 17 % der Arbeitgeber einen teilweisen ...
24 Апр
Der Grundstein für einen neuen Industriepark in der Oblast Ternopil ist gelegt (E-News)
Auf einer Sitzung am 23. April beschloss die Regierung, den Industriepark „BORSCHIV“ im Gebiet Ternopil in das Register der Industrieparks einzutragen. Dies teilte der Pressedienst des Wirtschaftsministeriums mit. Die Gründung des Industrieparks „BORSCHIV“ wurde vom Stadtrat von Borschiv initiiert. Die Fläche des Parks beträgt 30 Hektar, und auf seinem Territorium sollen ...
24 Апр
The Verkhovna Rada simplifies trade in used cars: what will change for entrepreneurs (E-News)
An important decision was made by the Verkhovna Rada, which supported draft law No. 9083 as a basis. This draft law provides for the exemption of entrepreneurs who carry out wholesale and retail trade in vehicles from the need to re-register used cars for themselves. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak became aware of this, who confirmed this information in his Telegram channel. According to ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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30 Апр
How to teach a child to draw: tips and methods (E-News)
Imagine the scene: your baby with a pencil or felt-tip pen in his hands, but his creativity on paper is not always clear yet. But do not despair - after all, the artist in him can be developed gradually. Let's look at a few important tips that will help you instill in your child a love and interest in drawing. Never suppress the creativity of a little artist. When your child brings his work and ...
30 Апр
Künstliche Intelligenz kommt Ärzten zu Hilfe (E-News)
Künstliche Intelligenz kann anhand einer Blutuntersuchung eine Arthrose des Kniegelenks acht Jahre früher erkennen als ein Röntgenbild. Diese Schlussfolgerung wurde auf der Grundlage von in Live Science veröffentlichten Forschungsergebnissen gezogen. Die Forscher analysierten das Blut von 200 weißen Frauen mittleren Alters ohne Arthrosesymptome, die seit 1989 ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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30 Апр
Akne, sivilce ve iltihapla mücadele: etkili yöntemler (E-News)
Akne, sivilce, cilt iltihabı - sadece gençler değil, yetişkinler de karşılaşılan bir sorun. Bu hoş olmayan «guests», yağ bezi salgılanması bozuklukları ve androjenik (erkek) hormon üretiminin artması nedeniyle ortaya çıkabilir. Ancak bu hastalıklarla baş etmenin yolları var. Çinko Çinko ...
30 Апр
Salute, bellezza, lusso nella vasca idromassaggio (E-News)
Jacuzzi - non è solo un lusso a disposizione dei proprietari di case e appartamenti, ma anche la possibilità di trasformare il loro spazio in un resort unico a casa o sul sito. La storia di questa straordinaria invenzione risale alla metà del XX secolo, quando l'azienda Candido Yakuzzi presentò i bagni idromassaggio mondiali, combinando l'uso di trattamenti acquatici e ...
30 Апр
Die Geheimnisse von Eleganz und Stil (E-News)
Es gibt Frauen, die immer perfekt gekleidet und gepflegt sind, aber manchmal passt ihr Verhalten nicht zu ihrem Aussehen, was ihr Image zerstört. Wie erreicht man Eleganz? Schlüsselwörter zu diesem Konzept - Ordnung, Reinheit und Einfachheit. Aussehen und Stimmung Stellen Sie sich richtig. Halten Sie den Rücken gerade, vermeiden Sie es, sich zu bücken und in unbequemen ...
30 Апр
Secrets of stretch control (E-News)
Stretch marks are a problem that many women face, especially during pregnancy. They may appear for various reasons, but there are ways to prevent their formation. Proper nutrition. It is important to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day and eat in a balanced way, avoiding excess carbohydrates, salt and sugar. Protein-rich foods, seafood, fruits and vegetables should be included in the ...
29 Апр
How to Keep Your Legs Healthy: Tips for Taking Care Of Your Supports (E-News)
Runners and athletes often rely on their legs for support, balance and strength. Feet are key to their success, and their care is essential. If you do not pay due attention to your feet, it can lead to discomfort, injuries and infections. 1. Choosing the right shoes It is important to invest in quality shoes, especially if you do sports regularly. Shoes should be comfortable and fit. Remember ...
29 Апр
Stres Yönetiminin Sırları: Ruh Sağlığı Nasıl Korunur (E-News)
Stres, sıklıkla söylendiği gibi, küçük olduğu kadar korkunç değildir. Ancak, kesinlikle çok fazla sorun yaratabilir. Sık stres sağlığımızı etkileyebilir, uykusuzluk, sinirlilik ve diğer hoş olmayan semptomlar şeklinde kendini gösterir. Stres programı Olumsuz sonuçlarına ...
29 Апр
Crisi di mezza età: un momento di cambiamento e di nuove opportunità (E-News)
La crisi di mezza età è un concetto astratto che può avere significati diversi per persone diverse. Per alcuni è un momento in cui ci si rende conto che la vita non sta andando come si vorrebbe. Per altri è un momento di profondo ripensamento delle proprie conquiste e perdite. In generale, è un momento di cambiamento, di introspezione e di ricerca di nuove ...
29 Апр
Die Vorteile von Pflaumen: ein wertvolles Geschenk des Herbstes (E-News)
Die Herbstpflaumenzeit ist die Zeit, in der uns diese saftigen Früchte wieder mit ihren geschmacklichen Qualitäten erfreuen. Seit langem für ihre heilende Wirkung bekannt, sind Pflaumen nicht nur ein schmackhafter Genuss, sondern auch eine wertvolle Quelle von Nährstoffen und wichtigen Mineralien. Der Reichtum der Natur steckt in jeder Frucht Die Pflaume enthält bis zu ...
29 Апр
Healing rosemary: sea freshness for health (E-News)
Rosemary is not only an aromatic plant with a memorable flavor, but also a valuable source of healing properties that many people do not even know about. Its Latin name, derived from the words “ros” (freshness) and “marinus” (sea), reflects its origin in the western Mediterranean. Medicinal qualities of rosemary Rich in essential oils, rosemary not only has a unique aroma but also many ...
28 Апр
Astım - hayat devam ediyor: hastalığın üstesinden nasıl gelinir ve dolu dolu bir hayat nasıl yaşanır (E-News)
Astım şüphesiz ciddi bir rahatsızlıktır, ancak bu kişinin aktif bir yaşam sürmesini engellediği anlamına gelmez. Doğru bakım, tedavi ve destek ile astımlılar dolu dolu bir yaşamın tadını çıkarabilirler. Ancak bunu yapabilmek için belirli kurallara ve yönergelere uymak ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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30 Апр
Kharkiv is renaming metro stations and streets (E-News)
In Kharkiv, there will be significant changes in the toponymy of the city, in particular, two metro stations and about 370 streets whose names are associated with the aggressor country will be renamed. This was reported by representatives of the Kharkiv City Council. On April 26, a meeting of the city commission on toponymy and protection of the historical and cultural environment was held, at ...
24 Апр
Kiev will not open the beach season in 2024: government decision (E-News)
Due to the savings of the military, in Kiev there are no plans to reopen the beach season, and the local government recommends avoiding the removal of beaches from the cessation of safety. This is reported by the press service of the Kiev Municipal Sovereign Administration. The decision to cancel the beach season was adopted at a meeting of the Standing Committee on Technogenic-Ecological Safety ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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30 Апр
Spendensammlung in der Slowakei zur Unterstützung der Ukraine: Bürger helfen ohne Regierung (E-News)
Die Menschen in der Slowakei haben die Initiative ergriffen und bereits fast 4 Millionen Euro für den Kauf von Munition für die Ukraine gesammelt, obwohl ihre Regierung sich weigert, die ukrainische Armee zu unterstützen. Diese Daten werden auf der Website der jeweiligen Bürgerinitiative veröffentlicht. In den 12 Tagen seit Beginn der Initiative (Stand: 27. April 2024) ...
26 Апр
Polen hat der Ukraine in den zwei Jahren der russischen Aggression Hilfe im Wert von 9 Milliarden Dollar geleistet (E-News)
In den zwei Jahren der russischen Aggression gegen die Ukraine hat Polen 44 Hilfspakete im Wert von fast 9 Mrd. USD bereitgestellt. Dies erklärte der polnische Außenminister Radoslaw Sikorski während einer Rede vor dem polnischen Sejm über die außenpolitischen Prioritäten des Landes für 2024. Diese Information wurde von Ukrinform veröffentlicht. "Polen hat ...
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