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24 апреля 2024, среда 19:29

№ 18992355

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Der Grundstein für einen neuen Industriepark in der Oblast Ternopil ist gelegt (E-News)
Auf einer Sitzung am 23. April beschloss die Regierung, den Industriepark „BORSCHIV“ im Gebiet Ternopil in das Register der Industrieparks einzutragen. Dies teilte der Pressedienst des Wirtschaftsministeriums mit. Die Gründung des Industrieparks „BORSCHIV“ wurde vom Stadtrat von Borschiv initiiert. Die Fläche des Parks beträgt 30 Hektar, und auf seinem Territorium sollen ...
The Verkhovna Rada simplifies trade in used cars: what will change for entrepreneurs (E-News)
An important decision was made by the Verkhovna Rada, which supported draft law No. 9083 as a basis. This draft law provides for the exemption of entrepreneurs who carry out wholesale and retail trade in vehicles from the need to re-register used cars for themselves. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak became aware of this, who confirmed this information in his Telegram channel. According to ...
23 Апр
The US demands a reduction in income taxes on frozen Russian assets: What it means for Ukraine (E-News)
The United States has called on the European Union to reduce taxes on profits earned from frozen Russian assets in order to increase financial support for Ukraine. This was reported by the Financial Times. Daleep Singh, US Presidential Advisor on International Economic Affairs, revealed plans to raise tens of billions of euros for Ukraine through loans backed by future profits from frozen ...
22 Апр
NBU: Ukrainian banks ready to operate during blackout (E-News)
More than 55% of Ukraine's major banks are capable of continuing to operate even in the event of a power outage due to Russian shelling, National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Governor Andriy Pyshnyi said in an interview with the Ukrainian service of Voice of America. The large-scale attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure have tested the banks' readiness to operate in a blackout. Pyshnyi emphasized ...
18 Апр
Einzelhändler beteiligen sich an der Kampagne Made in Ukraine (E-News)
Das ukrainische Wirtschaftsministerium hat den Start einer neuen Initiative mit dem Titel "Jeder gewinnt, wenn es in der Ukraine hergestellt wird" angekündigt. Hauptziel der Kampagne ist es, die einheimischen Hersteller zu unterstützen und den Anteil ukrainischer Produkte auf dem Markt zu erhöhen. Die Initiative umfasst die Verwendung des Logos "Made in Ukraine", das den ...
18 Апр
PrivatBank erwägt Eintritt in internationale Märkte (E-News)
Die größte ukrainische Bank, die PrivatBank, prüft die Möglichkeit, in internationale Märkte einzusteigen, hat aber noch keine endgültige Entscheidung getroffen. Dies gab der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Bank, Gerhard Bösch, in einem Interview mit dem Magazin Forbes bekannt. Er wies darauf hin, dass die PrivatBank derzeit die Möglichkeit eines solchen ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Defeating PMS: tips for women's health (E-News)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a phenomenon characteristic of the female body, associated with the cyclical production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Fluctuations in the levels of these hormones can affect mood and well-being. Plus, changes in blood sugar levels can also affect the overall health of the body. Despite its name, PMS is not a disease but a physiological phenomenon, but ...
Fischpediküre: Mythen und Gefahren (E-News)
Die Fischpediküre ist ein Verfahren, das in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt an Popularität gewinnt, insbesondere in südostasiatischen Ländern wie Thailand und China. Diese exotische Art der Nagelpflege birgt jedoch nicht nur ästhetische Freuden, sondern auch ernsthafte Gesundheitsrisiken. Nach Angaben des US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention können ...
Caesarean section: birth without fear or risk (E-News)
A C-section is a surgical procedure that, like any other medical procedure, requires awareness and preparedness on the part of the expectant mother. While it may seem that there are risks associated with this intervention, in fact, doctors say that the risks of a cesarean section are comparable to those of a routine tonsil or gallbladder removal. In today's environment, cesarean sections are ...
23 Апр
Zucchero di canna: i segreti della cucina (E-News)
Oggi lo zucchero di canna è molto richiesto in tutto il mondo. È un dolcificante naturale per diversi piatti e bevande, un componente essenziale di prodotti da forno, pasticceria, gelati e glasse. Tuttavia, le abilità dei cuochi sono spesso messe alla prova dalla mancata osservanza delle ricette. Per secoli le casalinghe, vivendo in condizioni di scarsità ed economia, sono ...
23 Апр
Thai-style marinated shrimp: simple and delicious (E-News)
Shrimp marinated "Thai-style" is not only delicious, but also an unusual appetizer that can be prepared quickly and easily. This recipe will allow you to create a treat from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. Although originally this dish is called "Lao-style", in this version we use a slightly modified recipe without the mint, so let's call it "Thai-style"! For this dish you will ...
23 Апр
Come perdere peso in base al tipo di corpo (E-News)
Indipendentemente dal numero di chili in più, la distribuzione del grasso nel corpo di una donna ha sempre le sue peculiarità. Ogni rappresentante del gentil sesso ha una composizione corporea unica, che determina dove viene ripiegato il peso in eccesso. Esiste un metodo efficace di perdita di peso basato sul tipo di fisico, che permette di ottenere risultati senza diete rigide. Tipo ...
23 Апр
Aromatherapie für Frauen: Auswahl von Düften für Gesundheit und Stimmung (E-News)
Die Kunst der Aromatherapie, die seit der Antike angewandt wird, wirkt sich positiv auf die Gesundheit und die Stimmung aus. Die alten Ägypter, Griechen und Römer lernten diese Weisheit, und seither ist die Aromatherapie zu einem festen Bestandteil der Pflege und des Wohlbefindens geworden. Die in der Aromatherapie verwendeten ätherischen Öle sind pflanzlicher Herkunft und ...
22 Апр
Creme fatte in casa: cosmetici naturali per la vostra bellezza (E-News)
I cosmetici fatti in casa, comprese le creme realizzate con le proprie mani, hanno un vantaggio significativo: sono naturali. La preparazione di queste creme prevede l'uso di soli ingredienti naturali disponibili nel vostro frigorifero. Queste creme possono fornire diversi effetti, come idratare, ringiovanire e nutrire la pelle in base alle sue esigenze. Tuttavia, il loro principale svantaggio ...
22 Апр
How to remove expression lines: tips and techniques (E-News)
Women might like to reassure themselves with the statement that expression lines are just signs of a lively facial expression that have nothing to do with the aging process. But the fact remains that these wrinkles can make the face less attractive, even though they are not related to the overall condition of the skin (at least at a young age). Even in teenagers, you can see the appearance of ...
22 Апр
Eccesso di ferro: un pericolo nascosto (E-News)
Il ferro è indubbiamente necessario per mantenere la salute, ma pochi pensano al fatto che il suo eccesso può portare a gravi malattie. Inna Lubyanova, capo patologo del lavoro presso il Ministero della Salute ucraino, sottolinea che il ferro in eccesso, che entra nell'organismo attraverso gli alimenti, i farmaci e l'aria inquinata, può accumularsi, causando vari problemi come ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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Kiev will not open the beach season in 2024: government decision (E-News)
Due to the savings of the military, in Kiev there are no plans to reopen the beach season, and the local government recommends avoiding the removal of beaches from the cessation of safety. This is reported by the press service of the Kiev Municipal Sovereign Administration. The decision to cancel the beach season was adopted at a meeting of the Standing Committee on Technogenic-Ecological Safety ...
18 Апр
Deprivation of status and possible dismantling of the Arch of Friendship of Peoples (E-News)
One of the key events in Ukraine in recent days was the decision of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy regarding the former People's Friendship Arch in Kyiv. According to the official press service of the Ministry, this monument is considered not to be included in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. This decision opens up the possibility of dismantling it. The Arch ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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22 Апр
The Netherlands increases funding for air defense and ammunition for Ukraine (E-News)
The Netherlands continues to support Ukraine in its time of need by allocating more than 200 million euros for the purchase of air defense and artillery ammunition. Dutch Minister of Defense Kees Ollongren made the announcement during an online meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council. According to Ollongren, the situation in Ukraine is critical, and the Netherlands has decided to increase its ...
19 Апр
Confiscation of Russian Assets for Ukraine: New Possibilities under a Draft Law in the US Congress (E-News)
The United States Congress may introduce new rules that would allow for the confiscation of Russian Federation assets and expand sanctions against Moscow in favor of Ukraine. Ukraine's Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova revealed the details of the draft law "The 21st Century Peace through Strength Act" published on April 17. According to this bill, the US President will have the ...
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