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In a world of democracies. Theme - «Emancipation Day»

Calendar: «Emancipation Day in District of Columbia», «Emancipation Day in California», «Emancipation Day in Ohio», «Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico», «Emancipation Day in Texas (Juneteenth)», «Emancipation Day in U.S. Virgin Islands», «Emancipation Day in Florida», «Emancipation Day in Mississippi», «Emancipation Day in Kentucky», «Juneteenth National Freedom Day in Ohio», «International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition».
Quotes and pictures for Emancipation Day. «In a world of democracies» quotation with photo.
«In a world of democracies» illustrated quotation. Emancipation Day, free quote pictures for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest and other social networks.
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Quotes and wishes: «Emancipation Day»

Quotes & Wishes - In a world of democracies In a world of democracies

In a world of democracies, in a world where the great projects that have set humanity on fire are the projects of the emancipation of individuals from entrenched social division and hierarchy; in such a world individuals must never be puppets or prisoners of the societies or cultures into which they have been born.
Roberto Unger

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