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CalendarJuly16 → Day of the Virgin del Carmen, Patroness of Chile

July 16 Events

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Day of the Virgin del Carmen, Patroness of Chile

Day of the Virgin del Carmen, Patroness of Chile is held on July 16. This event in the second decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
16 July - Day of the Virgin del Carmen, Patroness of Chile
Let us remember that the Virgin of Mount Carmel was declared "Patroness of Chile" on October 24, 1923, by decree of Pope Pius XI. And on December 19, 1926, the image of the Virgin of Mount Carmel was crowned as Queen of Chile by papal mandate. From there the feast is fixed for July 16.
In 2008 the Holy See approved, at the request of the bishops of Chile, to celebrate again the Solemnity of the Virgin of Mount Carmel, Mother and Queen of Chile, on its original date, a day that by government decree has been declared a national holiday, since it is also a popular holiday where many pilgrims walk to shrines of the Virgin of Mount Carmel and express their love through popular piety with singing, dancing and various traditions very felt and invoked by the simple and poor, who find in her comfort and support.

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