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CalendarJuly12 → National Day of Social Medicine in Argentina

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National Day of Social Medicine in Argentina

National Day of Social Medicine in Argentina is held on July 12. This event in the second decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
12 July - National Day of Social Medicine in Argentina
In commemoration of the birth of heart surgeon René G. Favaloro, in 2002 a law (25.598/02) was passed to pay tribute on this day to all physicians working in the social area. The example is the life and work of the man who revolutionized medical science by introducing the coronary by-pass in cardiovascular surgery, who used to say that "Medicine without medical humanism does not deserve to be practiced".
Dr. René Favaloro was a great humanist, he lived with the conviction that "medicine without medical humanism does not deserve to be practiced". His main concern was social problems; he was especially dedicated to Public Health, emphasizing the importance of prevention. Favaloro practiced rural medicine for 12 years in Jacinto Aráuz, a small town in the province of La Pampa, and later achieved international prestige in cardiovascular medicine and created the Foundation that bears his name to promote research and teaching. On this day we value the daily work of all physicians who practice their profession with conscience and respect.

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