Cinderella Day in Japan
Cinderella Day in Japan is held on December 31. Shinderera De. This event in the third decade of the month December is annual. Help us
In between tasting your omochi dishes and watching Kohaku, take a moment to also think of Cinderella — like her, we must be home before midnight or we risk wasting the beginning of the year and the magic disappearing. Have a great year, full of made-up holidays!
Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts
Tick Tock Day on December 29 (urges us to make the most of this time to complete those tasks that can be done in that time);
Unlucky Day on December 31 (You get the chance to get all the bad things out of the way, do next year will be happy, healthy and prosperous);
Commitment Day on January 1 (The first known Commitment Day was celebrated in 1960 as an extension of the tradition of New Year’s Resolutions—however);
Polar Bear Swim Day or Polar Plunge Day on January 1 (Canada and United States);
Z Day on January 1 (People whose first or last name start with the letter Z must have it pretty rough. Most processes, systems and organizations use alphabetical sorting as standard, meaning they are always last no matter the place or occasion)