CalendarFebruary22 → World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day is held on February 22. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. This event in the third decade of the month February is annual.
The mind contains billions of brain cells. The brain weighs about three pounds and can shrink. It requires a constant supply of oxygen.
Sixty percent of the human brain is made of fat. Your brain isn't fully formed until age 25. Your brain's storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited. Brain information travels up to an impressive 268 miles per hour.
We define facts as “absolute truth” in critical thinking. With facts, there is no debate. You are reading this right now; that's a fact. Facts are facts; they aren't hearsay, opinions, or rumors. However, when someone says, “Here are the facts,” that doesn't mean what follows is factual.

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Scout Sunday in the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church on February 9 (USA. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of February);
Birthday of Scouting and Guiding founder Robert Baden-Powell and Olave Baden-Powell on February 22 (and its related observance: - Founder's Day or "B.-P. day" - World Organization of the Scout Movement);