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CalendarJanuary3 → Adult Parade in St. Croix

January 3 Events

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Adult Parade in St. Croix

Adult Parade in St. Croix is held on January 3. Held on the first Saturday in January. This event in the first decade of the month January is annual. Help us Help us 
3 January - Adult Parade in St. Croix
For most people, December marks the start of the Christmas holiday season, but on the caribbean island of St. Croix, December means only one thing – carnival! The largest island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Croix celebrates their carnival each year starting on December 26th and closes out with a bang on the first Saturday in January of the New Year.
While most of the Carnival action happens in Frederiksted at the official Carnival Village, there are events held island wide. Festival celebrations include musical competitions, pageants for Carnival royalty, and cultural activities. There are also fairs that showcase local arts, crafts, foods, and drinks. The best is saved for last at the culmination of Carnival – the Childrens’ Parade and, finally, the famous Adults’ Parade.

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