Something on a Stick Day
Something on a Stick Day is held on March 28. This event in the third decade of the month March is annual.
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From the moment the first caveman skewered a hunk of triceratops flesh and roasted it over his hibachi grill, man has had a love affair with food served on sticks. Smashed Steak Skewers With Cherry BBQ Sauce Steak on a stick is already intriguing, but it's downright irresistible with cherry BBQ sauce.
No one really knows who first discovered that food just tastes better when it’s on a stick, but it’s become a veritable fact of life. The modern-day corn dog traces its origins to the 1940s, and the Good Humor Bar, the first ice cream treat on a stick, gained popularity in the 1920s. But research strongly suggests that early man used sticks as some of the first eating utensils, conjuring up the image of “caveman cuisine” and skewered meat cooked over a fire. Whatever its origins, food on a stick is more than just a shtick. So in honor of Food on a Stick Day, celebrated annually on March 28, we always have a list of our favorite treats that happen to be available to string on skewers.
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