Science Fiction Day
Science Fiction Day is held on January 2. This event in the first decade of the month January is annual. Help us
The phrase 'science-fiction' is first found in print in 1851. The phrase 'parallel universe' was first used in H. G. Wells' 1923 novel Men like Gods. William Gibson popularised the term 'cyberspace' in a short story of 1982 – though contrary to a persistent rumour, he didn't coin the word.
Heinlein stated: "…a handy short definition of almost all science fiction might read: realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method."
January 2 marked the annual celebration of Science Fiction Day. By no coincidence, this date is also the birthday of Isaac Asimov, a famous science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry. This day of celebration was chosen to honor Asimov (author of “I, Robot”) who, along with Robert A. Heinlein (“Starship Troopers”) and Arthur C. Clarke (“2001: A Space Odyssey”), is considered one of the three most influential sci-fi writers of the all time.
Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts
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Polar Bear Swim Day or Polar Plunge Day on January 1 (Canada and United States);
Z Day on January 1 (People whose first or last name start with the letter Z must have it pretty rough. Most processes, systems and organizations use alphabetical sorting as standard, meaning they are always last no matter the place or occasion);
Happy Mew Year for Cats Day on January 2 (The founders, Tom and Ruth Roy, wanted cats to have a very special New Year's celebration all to themselves);
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Festival of Sleep Day on January 3 (the holiday encourages people to catch up on their sleep post-holiday and New Year celebrations);
Humiliation Day on January 3 (as a time to recognize the negativity of humiliating someone, or a group of people)