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5 марта 2025, среда 22:39

№ 19788341

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
Phthalates in Cosmetics: A Possible Health Hazard (E-News)
Phthalates, chemicals widely used in cosmetics, are worrying scientists because of their potential health effects. These substances are found in scented lotions, body creams, and most perfumes. American researchers have concluded that phthalates may increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women. Phthalates are now present in most people's lives, and women tend to have higher levels of them ...
Emergency situations at the dacha with children: how to provide first aid (E-News)
Dacha is a place where children can have fun in the fresh air, but also risk encountering various injuries. Breaking a knee or getting a bruise, it is important to know how to give the right first aid to prevent complications and ensure fast healing. Here are some tips for treating the most common injuries in children at the cottage. Abrasions and scratches First, treat the abrasion with cool ...
04 Мар
Nutrition and mental abilities of children (E-News)
Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the development of a child's mental abilities, scientists say. Research conducted by Australian specialists from the University of Adelaide has shown that diet at an early age directly affects the level of intelligence in the future. Children who ate healthy food had significantly better results in IQ tests than those who ate fast food and non-diet ...
03 Мар
The emotional state of the expectant mother: how a partner affects pregnancy (E-News)
Pregnancy is an important and responsible stage in a woman's life, but it can be accompanied not only by joy and anticipation, but also by numerous worries. Many have heard of postpartum depression, but not everyone knows that depression can begin to develop already during the period of expecting a baby. The emotional experiences of the expectant mother often have a serious impact on the course ...
03 Мар
Sweet dumplings with berry filling (E-News)
Sweet dumplings with juicy berry filling are a summer treat that will not leave anyone indifferent. Cherries and raspberries complement each other perfectly, creating a delicate and refreshing taste. This recipe is ideal for using seasonal berries, which can be slightly sweetened to taste. Step 1: Preparing the doughLet's start with preparing the dough. Dissolve salt, sugar and soda in warm ...
02 Мар
Учёные протестировали новый метод снижения веса (E-News)
Американские исследователи представили вакцину, которая может способствовать снижению веса, сообщает Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. В ходе эксперимента специалисты изучили эффективность двух препаратов – JH17 и JH18 – на лабораторных мышах. Группа ученых под руководством Кита Хаффера из компании Braasch Biotech LLC провела исследование на грызунах с ожирением. До начала ...
02 Мар
Skin care with vegetable wraps (E-News)
Vegetable wraps are becoming increasingly popular due to their natural components and useful properties. Such procedures help to improve the condition of the skin, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, as well as normalize the work of sebaceous glands. They are suitable for different skin types, clearing pores, reducing their visibility and slowing down the aging process. preparation for the ...
01 Мар
Why a man chooses friends over spending time with you (E-News)
Every woman has faced a situation when her beloved refuses to spend time together, citing fatigue or busyness, but it is worth his friends to offer help or invite him for an evening walk, as he instantly changes his mind and leaves without thinking about your desire. This situation can cause you feelings of resentment and even jealousy. You wonder why a man is happy to go to meet his friends, and ...
28 Фев
How to Create a Creative Atmosphere in the Office (E-News)
Creating a creative and comfortable office is an important task for any employer. After all, an office is not just a workspace, but a place where the most important processes of the company take place. In order for employees to feel comfortable and enjoy their work, the environment must be thoughtful and inspiring. How can you create an atmosphere that will promote creativity and effective ...
28 Фев
Herbs for beauty: how they help solve skin problems (E-News)
Summer is not only a time for relaxation, but also a period when you can take care of your health and beauty with the help of natural herbs. For centuries, herbs have been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases and care for the skin. Today, herbs are still in demand in cosmetology, despite the development of pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. They remain an important component in ...
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