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19 февраля 2025, среда 12:44

№ 19785751

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
Useful cheap foods that are worth including in your diet (E-News)
Many of us are convinced that health directly depends on the quality of products, and this is usually associated with their high price. However, it is not always expensive products that guarantee usefulness. There are many available and inexpensive products that can have a positive impact on our health. Let's take a look at which of them can be a good basis for a balanced diet. Chicken meat is ...
18 Фев
Влияние размера груди на здоровье и продолжительность жизни (E-News)
Большой размер груди часто ассоциируется с повышенной женской уверенностью и привлекающим мужским вниманием. Однако за этим привлекательным внешним видом могут скрываться серьезные риски для здоровья, которые, по некоторым данным, могут сократить продолжительность жизни. Недавнее исследование, опубликованное в Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, показало, что женщины с избыточным ...
18 Фев
Wie man Dehnungsstreifen loswird (E-News)
Dehnungsstreifen sind nicht nur ein kosmetisches Problem, mit dem viele Frauen konfrontiert sind, sondern auch ein physischer Prozess, der mit einer schnellen Dehnung der Haut einhergeht. Sie können bei einer plötzlichen Veränderung des Körpergewichts auftreten, z. B. während einer Schwangerschaft, in der Pubertät oder bei der Zunahme der Muskelmasse. Obwohl ...
18 Фев
Why does the belly grow? (E-News)
Many women face the problem of increasing belly fat at different periods of their lives. For some, this happens with age, for others - after pregnancy or as a result of poor nutrition. In any case, excess belly fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a sign that the body needs changes. As a rule, before fighting extra centimeters, it is worth understanding the reasons for their appearance. ...
18 Фев
Proprietà e caratteristiche utili del consumo dell'uva (E-News)
L'uva è nota da tempo come una bacca che rafforza la salute e riempie il corpo di energia. Questa cultura è stata oggetto di ammirazione per secoli ed è stata celebrata in canzoni e poesie. Oltre al suo gusto squisito, l'uva possiede preziose proprietà che la rendono un prodotto indispensabile nella dieta. varietà di specie e varietà di uvaEsistono circa 70 specie ...
18 Фев
So machen Sie hausgemachten Mozzarella (E-News)
Selbst gemachter Mozzarella ist nicht nur ein leckeres, sondern auch ein umweltfreundliches Produkt, das Sie mit Ihren eigenen Händen herstellen können. Hierzu ist keine aufwändige Ausrüstung erforderlich und die Zutaten sind in fast jedem Geschäft erhältlich. notwendige ProdukteZur Vorbereitung benötigen Sie: 1 ? Teelöffel Zitronensäure,120 ml ...
18 Фев
How to recognize a woman who has mastered the art of passion (E-News)
Some women may be completely unremarkable at first glance, but their inner charm and ability to ignite passion make them unforgettable. A good lover is not about appearance, not about ideal body parameters, but about the ability to feel and surrender to the moment. Emotional closeness and knowledge of the bodyA good lover understands that a deep emotional connection is important in intimate ...
17 Фев
Alimenti che supportano il cervello e la memoria (E-News)
Con l'avanzare dell'età, molte persone iniziano a chiedersi come mantenere la lucidità mentale e proteggere il cervello dai cambiamenti legati all'età. Una corretta alimentazione svolge un ruolo importante in questo processo. Il consumo di alcuni alimenti può contribuire a migliorare le funzioni cognitive, a rafforzare la memoria e a ridurre il rischio di malattie. Pesce di ...
17 Фев
How to keep your heart healthy and avoid a heart attack (E-News)
The modern rhythm of life, especially in big cities, jeopardizes heart health. Stresses, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and improper nutrition are the main factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. To protect your heart, you need to take action in time. impact of stress on the heartStress has a devastating effect on the body, especially on the cardiovascular system. Studies ...
17 Фев
Prevenzione dell'ictus: come restare in salute (E-News)
L'ictus si sviluppa rapidamente, ma le cause che portano a questa condizione si sviluppano gradualmente. Uno stile di vita sano e cure personali tempestive possono aiutare a ridurre significativamente il rischio di sviluppare questa pericolosa malattia. L'importanza della nutrizionePer mantenere sani i vasi sanguigni e il cuore è importante seguire una dieta equilibrata. Gli alimenti ricchi ...
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