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08:48 | Lipstick and its effect on female fertility (E-News) Many women use lipstick every day without thinking that this cosmetic product may contain potentially dangerous chemicals that can negatively affect health. The composition of popular lipsticks often includes components such as cadmium, lead, parabens and methacrylate, which can cause not only allergic reactions, but also more serious problems, such as cardiovascular disorders and even ... |
20:48 27 Янв | Najlepszy sposób na ochronę przed infekcjami (E-News) Naukowcy udowodnili, że prosty nawyk – regularne mycie rąk mydłem – pozostaje najskuteczniejszą metodą zapobiegania infekcjom. Ta prosta, ale ważna czynność pomaga zapobiegać wielu chorobom przenoszonym drogą płciową. Mimo że wydaje się to oczywiste, nie każdy wie, że ważne jest nie tylko częste mycie, ale ... |
15:28 27 Янв | Fragrant pumpkin bread with cinnamon and seeds (E-News) Pumpkin bread is not only a tasty, but also a healthy treat that can be easily prepared at home. Nourishing and aromatic, it will be a great addition to breakfast or dessert. This recipe is suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a sweet and at the same time healthy product.
required ingredientsTo prepare pumpkin bread, you will need the following ingredients: 250 g pumpkin pulp, 2 cups flour, 1 ... |
08:48 27 Янв | How gadgets affect the quality of sleep (E-News) Modern technology has become an integral part of our lives, but along with convenience it brings hidden risks. Studies show that using cell phones, tablets and computers before bedtime can have a negative impact on the quality of your night's rest. Why is this the case and how can we minimize the harm from gadgets?
Melatonin and its roleMelatonin is a hormone that regulates the body's natural ... |
15:28 26 Янв | Berry Cake Preparation (E-News) This berry dessert is a perfect choice for lovers of fresh and light treats. It combines with the natural taste of cottage cheese and sour cream, creating a rich texture and delicate taste, and the berries add brightness and sourness. Here's how to make a delicious and beautiful "Forest Berries" cake.
IngredientsFor the base:
200 g cookies100 g butterFor the filling:
400 g cottage cheese150 g ... |
08:48 26 Янв | How to lose weight without training: secrets of active metabolism (E-News) Many people believe that losing weight is impossible without grueling workouts, but this is not entirely true. You can maintain a slim figure without physical activity if you approach the issue of nutrition and lifestyle correctly. Of course, sports bring many advantages, but not everyone can do regular exercise. Let's consider how you can achieve the desired weight without resorting to ... |
15:28 25 Янв | How to use aloe juice for skin and body care (E-News) Aloe is a unique plant that has been considered one of the most beneficial for health and beauty for many centuries. Its juice is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that can restore the skin, soothe irritations and increase its elasticity.
care for dry and sensitive skinAloe juice is the best solution for those who suffer from dryness, flaking or irritation. Add a few drops to your day ... |
13:28 25 Янв | Lekka sałatka warzywna z pikantnym dressingiem (E-News) Ta sałatka warzywna to doskonały wybór dla tych, którzy cenią połączenie świeżości, zdrowia i lekkiej pikantności. Można go szybko przygotować z powszechnie dostępnych składników, a efekt końcowy zadowoli nawet najbardziej wybrednych smakoszy.
Składniki na sałatkę:rzodkiewka (średniej ... |
09:28 25 Янв | Der Einfluss der Gene auf das Glücksniveau von Frauen (E-News) Die moderne genetische Forschung bringt immer mehr Geheimnisse der menschlichen Psyche und Emotionalität ans Licht. Wissenschaftler der University of South Florida, der National Institutes of Health und anderer Forschungszentren haben herausgefunden, dass das Glücksniveau von Frauen möglicherweise direkt mit der Aktivität eines bestimmten Gens zusammenhängt.
Rolle des ... |
08:48 25 Янв | What is important in love for men (E-News) Love is a feeling that is hard to describe with just words. Each person has a different perspective on what is important in a relationship. While women often put mutual respect and care at the center of attention, for men these concepts can have a completely different meaning. But what do lovers care about most?
For most women, the most important thing in love is attention and respect from their ... |