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14 января 2025, вторник 05:37

№ 19749669

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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13 Янв
How to avoid varicose veins: recommendations for prevention (E-News)
Varicose veins are a disease in which the venous valves become inflamed, causing blood to stagnate in the vessels. This leads to increased pressure on the walls of the veins and their deformation. The disease most often affects middle-aged people, but recently varicose veins have become increasingly common among young people. What contributes to the development of this disease? One of the main ...
13 Янв
Dlaczego małżonkowie często kłócą się w łóżku? (E-News)
Wszyscy znamy uczucie dyskomfortu, które może pojawić się w łóżku, szczególnie, gdy w związku pojawia się zmęczenie i napięcie. Mimo że łóżko powinno być miejscem odpoczynku i prywatności, to właśnie w nim często dochodzi do najintensywniejszych konfliktów. Przyczyny kłótni ...
13 Янв
How to Reduce the Risk of Blood Clots Through Diet (E-News)
Blood clots are caused by problems with the blood coagulation system, especially if the blood tends to thicken. This condition requires medical attention, but you can also maintain your health by changing your diet. Certain foods can help reduce the risk of blood clots. Blood-thinning juicesFreshly squeezed juices are an excellent way to prevent blood clots. Orange, grapefruit, or cranberry ...
12 Янв
Pickling mushrooms: useful tips for winter (E-News)
With the onset of fall, when mushrooms begin to grow abundantly, many housewives think about how to preserve this natural gift for the winter. One of the most popular ways is pickling mushrooms. Pickled mushrooms are not only delicious, but also useful, as they retain all their nutrients. Let's consider several methods of pickling, which will be suitable for both beginners and experienced ...
12 Янв
Caring for Curly Hair: Secrets of Health and Beauty (E-News)
Curly hair requires a special approach, as it is significantly different from straight hair in terms of structure and care. One of the main problems that owners of curly hair face is their tendency to dryness, especially along the entire length. In addition, scalp flaking and itching are common, which makes caring for such hair an important and regular task. In order for curly hair to be healthy ...
11 Янв
How to help a child if there are difficulties with teachers (E-News)
School years play an important role in the formation of a child's personality. However, sometimes instead of joy and new knowledge, they bring stress and conflicts, especially with teachers. Such situations require a delicate approach from parents to help the child cope with difficulties and restore harmony in the learning process. the role of a teacher in a child's lifeFor a primary school ...
11 Янв
Jak pomóc dziecku z zatkanym nosem (E-News)
Zatkany nos u dziecka to problem, z którym zmaga się wielu rodziców, szczególnie w sezonie przeziębień i infekcji wirusowych. W takich momentach ważne jest nie tylko złagodzenie stanu dziecka, ale także zapobiegnięcie ewentualnym powikłaniom. Zastanówmy się, jakie działania pomogą złagodzić objawy i ...
11 Янв
Canapes with mushrooms and egg (E-News)
Canapes are an ideal appetizer for any table. This dish is prepared quickly, looks aesthetically pleasing and goes well with different tastes. The ease of preparation allows you to diversify the recipe depending on your preferences, and the use of pickled mushrooms adds piquancy. To prepare, you will need: several pieces of white bread;3-4 chicken eggs;2 cloves of garlic;salt and pepper to ...
10 Янв
13 sposobów na zachowanie świeżości lata (E-News)
Sezon letni to czas, kiedy skóra, włosy i paznokcie otrzymują niezbędną dawkę słońca i witamin. Ale co zrobić, gdy długo wyczekiwane ciepło już minęło, a Ty nie chcesz rozstawać się z letnimi wrażeniami? Oto kilka wskazówek, które pomogą Ci przedłużyć lato oraz przywrócić ...
10 Янв
Myths about the benefits of products: what you should know (E-News)
Many products that we consider healthy do not always have a positive effect on the body. Mistakes in choosing food can lead to stress on internal organs, deterioration in health and even interfere with the process of losing weight. Let's look at several popular myths about products that have a reputation for being healthy, but in fact require a careful approach. watermelon: fasting days or extra ...
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