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27 февраля 2025, четверг 17:08

№ 19721487

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
How to keep a man close to you (E-News)
In the search for harmony and happiness in a relationship, women often find themselves faced with the task of tying a man to themselves. This requires not only love, but also a strategic approach. Women often lose their individuality in the pursuit of attention of a partner, sacrificing hobbies and social circle for the sake of being liked. However, over time it becomes clear that constant ...
Co zrobić w przypadku użądlenia przez pszczołę? (E-News)
Użądlenie przez pszczołę to nieprzyjemność, która może spotkać każdego. Owady te często kojarzone są z korzyściami, ponieważ produkują miód, jednak dla niektórych osób spotkanie z pszczołą okazuje się nie tylko bólem, ale i niebezpiecznymi konsekwencjami. Ważne jest, aby ...
Proper nutrition during different years of life (E-News)
Proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining health and slowing down the aging process. So how to change habits depending on age to maintain health and look attractive throughout life? Gennady Malakhov, a well-known expert in the field of healthy lifestyle, can provide an answer to this question. In youth, up to thirty years old, the body is not yet experiencing serious changes, and we often ...
26 Фев
Jak leczyć zapalenie oskrzeli za pomocą roślin leczniczych (E-News)
Zapalenie oskrzeli to stan zapalny błony śluzowej oskrzeli, któremu często towarzyszą kaszel, świszczący oddech i trudną do oddzielenia plwocinę. W leczeniu tej choroby stosuje się w medycynie ludowej wiele roślin, jedną z nich jest bukwica. Roślina ta jest szeroko znana ze swoich właściwości leczniczych i ...
26 Фев
What foods will help stop hair loss (E-News)
The problem of hair loss is becoming relevant for many people, regardless of their age and gender. However, there is no reason to panic - there are several effective ways to combat this phenomenon, including through proper nutrition. Products rich in useful vitamins and microelements can significantly slow down hair loss and improve the condition of the hair. What substances are needed for this? ...
26 Фев
Dried tomatoes with aromatic herbs (E-News)
Dried tomatoes are a great way to preserve the summer harvest for a long time and enjoy a rich taste at any time of the year. They retain all their beneficial properties and become a great addition to various dishes, such as pasta, pizza or salads. Making dried tomatoes at home is not a difficult process, but it does take time and patience. To prepare dried tomatoes, you will need 1.5 kg of ripe ...
25 Фев
Jak zachować spokój podczas wychowywania dzieci (E-News)
Wychowywanie dzieci to nie tylko złożony proces, ale prawdziwa sztuka, która wymaga cierpliwości, wytrwałości i mądrości. Niestety, nie ma jednej uniwersalnej szkoły, która uczy wszystkich subtelności komunikacji z dzieckiem w trudnych sytuacjach. Każdy rodzic staje przed wyjątkowymi wyzwaniami, które wymagają ...
25 Фев
How to deal with snoring: effective methods and recommendations (E-News)
Snoring is not only an unpleasant phenomenon for those who hear it at night, but also a serious problem that can affect the quality of sleep and health. Although snoring most often bothers men, women can also face this problem. It is important to understand that snoring is not always harmless, it can be a signal of more serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, when breathing can temporarily ...
24 Фев
Why August is the month of crises in families (E-News)
August is the time when the sun, sea and long-awaited vacation should at first glance bring only joy and harmony. However, at the same time, many couples face unexpected challenges. Instead of enjoying their vacation, some begin to think about breaking up, and according to statistics, September is the month when many family unions break up. Italian lawyers specializing in divorce proceedings ...
24 Фев
How even short-term stress affects health (E-News)
Stress has long been an integral part of modern man's life. Many people believe that a little stress can even be beneficial, motivating them to take action or helping them cope with difficulties. However, research shows that even short-term stressful situations can be seriously detrimental to health. Scientists from the UK have conducted a large-scale study that disproves the myth about the ...
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