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16 февраля 2025, воскресенье 15:15

№ 19712054

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
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Graue Haare und andere Anzeichen von Veränderungen im Körper (E-News)
Das Auftreten grauer Haare bei Frauen wird traditionell mit dem Alterungsprozess in Verbindung gebracht. Allerdings sieht man immer häufiger silberne Strähnen bei jungen Mädchen, die die 30-Jahres-Marke noch nicht überschritten haben. Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass viele von ihnen das Auftreten vorzeitiger grauer Haare mit einem hohen Maß an Stress in Verbindung ...
Why a man may refuse intimacy: main reasons (E-News)
Sex is an integral part of most people's lives, and men are no exception. However, despite the widespread belief that men are always ready for intimacy, there are times when they refuse sex. The reasons for this behavior can be varied, and it is important to understand that most of them can be eliminated by establishing communication and trust in the relationship. One of the common reasons for ...
15 Фев
How to Use Cakes to Fight Excess Weight (E-News)
Many people who watch their weight often face the difficulty of giving up sweet treats. Despite numerous diets, delicious desserts often remain the moment when efforts are wasted. But a new trend in nutrition recently developed in the UK can change the situation. Now, in order to lose weight, you can enjoy cakes that simultaneously help in the fight against extra pounds. Unlike regular sweet ...
15 Фев
I fichi come fonte di salute ed energia (E-News)
I fichi non sono solo un frutto delizioso, ma un vero e proprio aiuto naturale per mantenere la salute. La sua storia risale a migliaia di anni fa ed è citato in testi antichi, tra cui la Bibbia. Grazie alla sua ricca composizione, i fichi sono utilizzati sia in cucina che nella medicina popolare. ricchezza della composizione dei fichiIl frutto del fico è ricco di proteine, zuccheri, ...
14 Фев
Salatalar İçin Sıra Dışı Meyve Kombinasyonları (E-News)
Meyveler sadece tatlıların malzemesi değildir. Çeşitli salataların vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelerek salatalara hafiflik, tazelik ve canlı lezzet katabilirler. Meyve salataları hem ana yemek olarak hem de tek başına meze olarak harika bir seçenek olup, her sofraya parlaklık ve şıklık ...
14 Фев
How Fatty Foods Can Increase Hunger (E-News)
A recent study by scientists at the University of Cincinnati has shown that eating fatty foods can increase hunger by activating the hormone ghrelin. This discovery changes the idea of ​​how fats in food affect our bodies and increase appetite. Previously, it was believed that ghrelin was activated exclusively in the body during fasting, but new work has shown that fats from food play ...
14 Фев
Leckere Eiweißkekse mit Nüssen: ein einfaches und gesundes Dessert (E-News)
Kekse gehören zu den vielseitigsten und beliebtesten süßen Snacks, die fast jeder gerne isst. Sie können diese Leckerei auf eine Reise mitnehmen, im Urlaub genießen oder einfach den Hunger in der Mittagspause stillen. Die Kekse lassen sich leicht aufbewahren, sind immer bereit zum Verzehr und können mit Getränken kombiniert oder pur gegessen werden. Das ...
13 Фев
Barchette di verdure a base di peperoni al forno (E-News)
I peperoni al forno con un ripieno saporito non sono solo un piatto gustoso ma anche sano che decorerà la vostra tavola. La semplicità della preparazione e la ricchezza del sapore ne fanno un'opzione ideale per una cena in famiglia o un pranzo leggero. ingredienti necessariPer preparare il piatto sono necessari 3 peperoni,3 pomodori,2 spicchi d'aglio,10 olive,erbe fresche (prezzemolo ...
13 Фев
Revolutionäre Schokolade ohne zusätzliche Kalorien (E-News)
Schokolade ist eine Leckerei, der viele Menschen nicht widerstehen können, doch aufgrund ihres Kalorien- und Fettgehalts ist ihr gesundheitlicher Nutzen oft fraglich. Britische Wissenschaftler haben jedoch einen Weg gefunden, den Fettgehalt von Schokolade deutlich zu reduzieren, was eine echte Revolution in der Welt der Süßigkeiten werden könnte. Ein neuer Ansatz zur ...
13 Фев
All the pros and cons of online dating (E-News)
The Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. We use it to communicate, search for information, work, study, shop and... build relationships. Over time, the number of people who start their romances in the virtual space has increased significantly. And although many couples successfully find each other online, there are also many disappointments associated with online ...
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