Новости - Украина | | | | 08:54 | How to support a teenager during the crisis of 13 years (E-News) The crisis of 13 years is an important stage in the life of every teenager, when significant physical and psychological changes begin. During this period, the child strives for independence, experiences many internal conflicts and emotional storms. It is important for parents to realize that this is a natural process of growing up, which requires their patience and support.
1. the onset of ... | 15:28 03 Ноя | Healing properties of rose oil (E-News) Rose essential oil is one of the most valuable and rare oils in the world. It is obtained by distillation from rose petals, and it takes several tons of flowers to produce one kilogram of oil. This process makes rose oil not only expensive, but also very effective for health and skin care.
Due to its antiseptic and healing properties, rose oil is used in cosmetology to care for dry, mature and ... | 08:48 03 Ноя | Health and Appearance Benefits of High Heels (E-News) High heels are an essential part of a woman’s wardrobe, able to emphasize femininity and elegance. However, you can often hear about the harm they can cause to health. Nevertheless, researchers claim that high heels can also bring certain benefits.
One of the surprising aspects of wearing high heels is the effect on the pelvic floor muscles. Italian scientists have found that regularly wearing ... | 15:28 02 Ноя | How to Prevent and Manage Allergies in Children (E-News) Children's allergies are a serious problem that can manifest in many different forms. Food, pollen, and contact allergies are the most common, and it is important to be able to recognize and prevent them. Parents often face the fact that allergy symptoms are similar to other diseases, and try to treat the child incorrectly, which can only worsen the situation.
During pregnancy, it is worth ... | 13:28 02 Ноя | Leczenie brodawek: wskazówki dotyczące zapobiegania i usuwania (E-News) Brodawki to narośla skórne, które wielu z nas zna. Chociaż w dzieciństwie często kojarzono je z nieprzyjemnymi opowieściami o ropuchach, głównym winowajcą tych zmian skórnych jest w rzeczywistości wirus — wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego (HPV). Wyróżnia się dziesiątki typów, które mogą przenikać przez ... | 08:48 02 Ноя | The benefits of buckwheat: the secret to health and beauty (E-News) Buckwheat, often called the "queen of cereals", is deservedly considered one of the healthiest foods. Since ancient times, it has been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, thanks to its rich composition. It contains a huge number of useful substances that support health and help in the fight against excess weight. A buckwheat diet based on the use of this cereal helps to normalize ... | 15:28 01 Ноя | Coffee as an assistant in the fight against stress (E-News) Many of us do not imagine our day without a cup of flavored coffee, especially when it is necessary to cope with tension and stress. However, how exactly this drink affects our state in stressful situations depends on the gender of the person. A recent study by British psychologists shed light on how coffee can help women and how it affects men.
During the experiment, participants were divided ... | 13:28 01 Ноя | Domowy peeling twarzy: sekrety doskonałej pielęgnacji (E-News) Peeling twarzy to ważny element pielęgnacji skóry, który można łatwo wykonać w domu. Aby to zrobić, konieczne jest wybranie odpowiedniego produktu, biorąc pod uwagę rodzaj skóry. Podstawową zasadą jest stosowanie produktów z cząsteczkami ściernymi, które pomagają usunąć zrogowaciałe ... | 20:48 31 Окт | Jak dbać o włosy jesienią: porady i wskazówki (E-News) Jesień to czas, kiedy włosy wymagają szczególnej pielęgnacji. Warunki atmosferyczne, takie jak wiatr i zimno, mogą negatywnie wpływać na kondycję włosów. Aby przywrócić włosom blask i zdrowie, warto zastosować się do kilku prostych, ale skutecznych wskazówek.
Pierwszą rzeczą, o której należy ... | 15:28 31 Окт | Ways to combat fatigue and stress (E-News) In the modern world, stress and fatigue have become habitual companions of the life of many people. However, there are simple and effective recipes that will help to restore mental balance and energize. Below are a few proven methods that will help you cope with negative emotions and relax.
The first and, perhaps, the most pleasant way is a bath for stress relief. To prepare it, dry the crusts ... |