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17 Ñåí
How to stay young after 35 (E-News)
One day you may hear on public transport: "Woman, are you getting off?" This moment may come as a surprise, because until recently you were sure that you were far from being a "woman". Looking in the mirror, you will notice subtle changes on your face that make you look mature. The question arises: what gives away your age? Wrinkles, fatigue or something else? And how to regain the appearance of ...
16 Ñåí
How to Improve Your Sleep Quality: Basic Tips (E-News)
Sleep plays a key role in maintaining our physical and mental health. Despite this, many of us face sleep problems, including insomnia and lack of rest. In this article, we will look at important factors that affect sleep quality and give some recommendations on how to improve it. 1. The Role of Sleep in Human LifeSleep not only performs the functions of relaxation and recovery, but also a ...
15 Ñåí
Benefits of sweet peppers for women's health (E-News)
Sweet pepper, despite its name, is not what it might seem at first glance. This wonderful vegetable crop has many health benefits that are especially important for women's health. The discovery of peppers came about due to a mistake made by navigators who sought to find spices in the New World, but instead discovered peppers that later became known as “sweet peppers.” Recent research by ...
14 Ñåí
Secrets of lasting happiness in family life (E-News)
How to maintain a strong and happy marriage for many years? The secrets to marital happiness may seem simple, but following them requires constant effort and understanding. Here are nine key principles that help keep love and respect in a relationship for years to come. 1- Renouncing Old Attachments One of the most important steps in creating a successful marriage is being able to let go of old ...
13 Ñåí
How to cope with tension and stress (E-News)
In our daily rhythm, stress and overload have become commonplace. The concept of "relaxation" sometimes causes confusion, associating it with exotic practices or superficial rest, but in fact, relaxation is an important aspect that can significantly improve the quality of life. The word "relaxation" often evokes associations with training or Eastern practices, which do not always correspond to ...
11 Ñåí
Êàê ìîòèâèðîâàòü äåòåé ðåãóëÿðíî ÷èñòèòü çóáû: Èãðîâûå ìåòîäû è ñîâåòû (ÃîëîñUA)
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