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26 октября 2024, суббота 15:56

№ 19609036

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
25 Окт
Causes of Female Jealousy (E-News)
Jealousy is a feeling that many women have been familiar with since a very early age. As children, girls already show protective instincts, protecting their toys from other children. As they grow up, they carry these habits into adulthood, assigning their partners the status of “mine.” But why does this particular feeling arise and how does it affect relationships? Let's look at several main ...
24 Окт
Why apples can harm your teeth (E-News)
It's no secret that apples are considered a healthy fruit, but a new study has revealed an unexpected aspect of their effects on dental health. It turns out that apples may be more harmful to enamel than many other foods, including carbonated beverages. According to experts, apples may increase the risk of tooth decay four times more than sugary drinks, raising questions about the need for ...
23 Окт
Colored hair: how to fit a bright trend into your everyday look (E-News)
The world of fashion and beauty does not stand still, and in recent years, colored hair has become one of the brightest trends. First, this style appeared on the catwalks, then it was picked up by fashion bloggers, and now celebrities are demonstrating their bold experiments with hair color. From bright pink strands to rainbow shimmers - the choice of different shades is amazing. The main trend ...
23 Окт
Natural Foot Care: Homemade Scrubs (E-News)
Caring for your feet is no less important than caring for the rest of your body, as they are subject to significant stress every day. Homemade foot scrubs are a great way to cleanse and moisturize your skin using only natural ingredients. Unlike store-bought products, these scrubs do not contain preservatives or chemical additives, making them safe and environmentally friendly. Here are a few ...
22 Окт
How to restore hair with the help of compresses (E-News)
Hair care requires not only regular washing and styling, but also the use of various nutrients. One of the effective methods are compresses that can be easily prepared at home. They not only improve the appearance of hair, but also contribute to the health of the scalp. 1. Benefits of compresses for hair Compresses saturate the hair with vitamins and trace elements that are essential for its ...
21 Окт
How to learn to trust your partner in a relationship (E-News)
Trust is one of the key aspects of any healthy and strong relationship. But it is often undermined by various doubts and insecurities. How to learn to trust your partner and create harmony in the family? 1. Family life is not military serviceMany couples mistakenly apply the principle of "trust, but verify" in relationships, believing that constant control will help avoid problems. However, ...
УкраинаНовости - Украина
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