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11 сентября 2024, среда 00:12

№ 19606126

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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10 Сен
Czekoladowe rytuały piękna: maseczki, okłady i pielęgnacja włosów (E-News)
Czekolada to nie tylko słodki przysmak, ale także potężne narzędzie do pielęgnacji skóry i włosów. Ostatnio zabiegi upiększające z użyciem czekolady stają się coraz bardziej popularne. Maseczki, okłady i inne rytuały upiększające z wykorzystaniem tego produktu można z łatwością ...
10 Сен
Secretos de belleza: cómo hacer que las pestañas sean largas y espesas (E-News)
Los ojos son el espejo del alma, y las pestañas desempeñan un papel importante en su expresividad. Toda chica sueña con unas pestañas largas y espesas, que aporten profundidad y encanto a la mirada. Sin embargo, no todo el mundo puede presumir de tener unas pestañas así por naturaleza. La genética, por supuesto, juega su papel, pero hoy en día hay muchas ...
10 Сен
Comment les vêtements de sport sont devenus partie intégrante de la mode (E-News)
La sagesse populaire dit qu'« il n'y a pas de mauvais temps, il y a de mauvais vêtements ». Cette phrase nous rappelle l'importance d'une tenue adéquate pour être à l'aise dans toutes les conditions, qu'il s'agisse d'une chaude journée d'été ou d'une froide nuit d'hiver. Aujourd'hui, les vêtements de sport ne sont pas seulement synonymes de confort, mais ...
10 Сен
Kefir masks for glowing skin: secrets of daily care (E-News)
Kefir, known for its nourishing and cleansing properties, is an ideal natural remedy for skin care. This fermented milk product is suitable for daily use and perfectly copes with the task of cleaning and brightening the skin of any type. In this article, we will tell you how to use kefir to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. daily skin cleansing with kefir Cleansing the skin is the most ...
10 Сен
Come trovare un equilibrio nel peeling per tutti i tipi di pelle (E-News)
Ogni giorno la nostra pelle è esposta a una serie di fattori che portano all'accumulo di cellule morte. Queste cellule possono privare il viso della sua naturale lucentezza, ostruire i pori e accentuare le rughe. “Con l'avanzare dell'età, il tasso di rinnovamento cellulare rallenta, causando desquamazione e altri problemi”, osserva la dermatologa Annette King dell'International ...
10 Сен
Natural cosmetics based on sea minerals: how they help your skin (E-News)
Sea cosmetics are not just a fashion trend, but a real salvation for skin that requires special care. Sea salt, seaweed and other minerals have unique properties that can significantly improve the condition of the skin. But what exactly are they useful and why after a vacation at the sea hair becomes thicker and nails stronger? benefits of sea minerals for the skin The effect of sea salt on the ...
09 Сен
Yıldızların güzellik sırları: Kirsten Dunst nasıl genç ve güzel kalıyor? (E-News)
Kirsten Dunst, 30'lu yaşlarına rağmen genç ve taze görünümüyle şaşırtmaya devam ediyor. Interview with the Vampire'daki ikonik rolünü oynadığından beri zamanın nasıl geçtiğini anlamamış gibi görünüyor. Bugün hala Hollywood'da rağbet görüyor, yeni ...
09 Сен
Trucco permanente: sempre al top della forma (E-News)
Ogni donna vuole essere bella in ogni circostanza, che si tratti di una spiaggia assolata, di una passeggiata mattutina sotto la pioggia o anche di una mattinata a letto. Occhi espressivi, sopracciglia curate e labbra luminose sono da sempre considerati simboli di femminilità e attrattiva. Per ottenere un look perfetto, le donne utilizzano diversi prodotti cosmetici, dal mascara al rossetto. ...
09 Сен
What happens during intimacy (E-News)
During sexual activity, the body undergoes significant changes related to hormone production and overall health. Oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” plays a key role in this process. Its effects on men and women are different, which may explain the differences in their perceptions and emotional reactions after sex. The role of oxytocin Oxytocin helps to reduce psychological defenses and ...
09 Сен
Taking care of your hair: safe dyeing and natural methods (E-News)
Changing your hair color is not only a way to refresh your appearance, but also a great way to lift your mood. However, chemical dyes can negatively affect the health of your hair, leading to brittleness, dryness, and hair loss. Fortunately, there are many ways to achieve the desired color without damaging your hair. Let's consider several methods that will help you maintain the health and beauty ...
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