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10 сентября 2024, вторник 05:09

№ 19600757

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
09 Сен
What happens during intimacy (E-News)
During sexual activity, the body undergoes significant changes related to hormone production and overall health. Oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” plays a key role in this process. Its effects on men and women are different, which may explain the differences in their perceptions and emotional reactions after sex. The role of oxytocin Oxytocin helps to reduce psychological defenses and ...
09 Сен
Taking care of your hair: safe dyeing and natural methods (E-News)
Changing your hair color is not only a way to refresh your appearance, but also a great way to lift your mood. However, chemical dyes can negatively affect the health of your hair, leading to brittleness, dryness, and hair loss. Fortunately, there are many ways to achieve the desired color without damaging your hair. Let's consider several methods that will help you maintain the health and beauty ...
08 Сен
The Secret of Tattoos: Symbolism, Risks, and Care (E-News)
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, with a history of at least 6,000 years. The word "tattoo" or "tatu" came to Europe after Captain Cook's voyage to Tahiti and is of Tahitian origin, from the word "tatau", meaning "wound" or "sign". Tattoos have always had a special meaning in different cultures and on different continents, retaining their magical appeal, intriguing and sometimes ...
07 Сен
Piercings: types, care and medical advice (E-News)
Piercing is not just a fashion trend, but also a way to express your individuality. There are different types of piercings, each with its own characteristics and care requirements. 1. intimate piercings This type of piercing is popular among women after the age of 25 who want to enhance their sexual sensations. The clitoris (horizontally or vertically), the skin fold above it or the labia are ...
06 Сен
Pourquoi les hommes choisissent certaines femmes : une perspective psychologique (E-News)
Pourquoi un homme aime-t-il les filles petites et pleines, et un autre les grandes et minces ? Quel est le secret de leur choix ? Selon les psychologues, les hommes fondent leurs préférences sur des règles internes, qui restent souvent cachées, même pour eux-mêmes. En choisissant une partenaire, ils sont généralement guidés par la combinaison du monde ...
06 Сен
Why it is important to start the day with breakfast (E-News)
Many people still ignore breakfast, citing lack of time or a desire to lose weight. However, not eating breakfast in the morning can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. Here are seven key reasons why breakfast should be an integral part of your day. First of all, eating in the morning energises your body for the day. Scientists claim that breakfast boosts our performance by ...
06 Сен
How to choose the perfect fragrance: from romantic to exotic (E-News)
Choosing a perfume is not just a matter of preference, but also a way to express your individuality and create a unique image. A fragrance can highlight your mood, become part of your image and leave an unforgettable impression. Find out which perfume is right for you and how it can complement your style. Elegant classics If you like to be the center of attention and radiate confidence, pay ...
05 Сен
How to do a pedicure at home: foot care secrets (E-News)
Well-groomed feet are not only beautiful, but also healthy. To keep your feet in good condition, you don’t have to visit a beauty salon regularly. You can do a pedicure at home yourself by following simple recommendations. In this article, we will tell you how to properly care for your feet and nails so that they always look their best. The first step of a home pedicure is preparing a foot bath. ...
04 Сен
How to choose the perfect foundation for your skin type (E-News)
Each of us is faced with the problem of choosing the perfect foundation that would hide imperfections and emphasize the advantages. The main task is to find a product that will harmonize with your natural skin tone and match your skin type. The right choice can significantly improve the appearance and emphasize the natural beauty. The first step in choosing a foundation is to determine your skin ...
03 Сен
Fashionable and functional clothing for winter sports (E-News)
The ski season continues despite the vagaries of the weather and any obstacles. If there is no snow on the usual tracks, athletes find new places or move to artificial slopes. Skis give way to snowboarding, and the companies of friends and family support the enthusiasm. However, the most important element of preparing for skiing is choosing the right equipment, which will not only protect you ...
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