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23 октября 2024, среда 20:05

№ 19600098

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
Colored hair: how to fit a bright trend into your everyday look (E-News)
The world of fashion and beauty does not stand still, and in recent years, colored hair has become one of the brightest trends. First, this style appeared on the catwalks, then it was picked up by fashion bloggers, and now celebrities are demonstrating their bold experiments with hair color. From bright pink strands to rainbow shimmers - the choice of different shades is amazing. The main trend ...
Natural Foot Care: Homemade Scrubs (E-News)
Caring for your feet is no less important than caring for the rest of your body, as they are subject to significant stress every day. Homemade foot scrubs are a great way to cleanse and moisturize your skin using only natural ingredients. Unlike store-bought products, these scrubs do not contain preservatives or chemical additives, making them safe and environmentally friendly. Here are a few ...
21 Окт
How to learn to trust your partner in a relationship (E-News)
Trust is one of the key aspects of any healthy and strong relationship. But it is often undermined by various doubts and insecurities. How to learn to trust your partner and create harmony in the family? 1. Family life is not military serviceMany couples mistakenly apply the principle of "trust, but verify" in relationships, believing that constant control will help avoid problems. However, ...
19 Окт
How to get rid of sweaty feet (E-News)
Sweating feet is a problem that many people face, and it can cause a lot of inconvenience. This problem does not go away even in the cold season, which makes it especially relevant. Fortunately, there are many folk recipes that can help solve this problem. One of the effective remedies is a honey foot bath. To prepare it, you must first make a decoction of oak bark. To do this, take one part of ...
18 Окт
Sexual myths and misconceptions: what is really important in a relationship (E-News)
In relationships between a man and a woman, certain "rules" regarding intimate life often arise. Often these rules are based on stereotypes that are passed down from generation to generation. But is it worth following such beliefs and to what extent do they reflect reality? The first myth is that a man must necessarily be more experienced in sexual life than a woman. Literature and cinema often ...
17 Окт
Natural Shampoo for Volume: How to Make It at Home (E-News)
Modern hair care products often contain many chemical additives that, despite the promises of manufacturers, can do more harm than good. For those who want to maintain the beauty of their hair without risking its health, a great alternative is homemade shampoo made from natural ingredients. It will not only add volume to your hair, but also protect it from the effects of aggressive ...
17 Окт
How to achieve perfect eyebrows: important details (E-News)
Perfect eyebrows can significantly change the facial expression and create a complete look. Just a few square millimeters in the inner corner of the eyebrow can make a strong impression on others. If you pluck this corner vertically and strictly, without rounding, you will look like a strong and confident woman. Therefore, the right shape of eyebrows is of great importance for your ...
УкраинаНовости - Украина
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