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6 сентября 2024, пятница 21:42

№ 19583375

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
Why it is important to start the day with breakfast (E-News)
Many people still ignore breakfast, citing lack of time or a desire to lose weight. However, not eating breakfast in the morning can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. Here are seven key reasons why breakfast should be an integral part of your day. First of all, eating in the morning energises your body for the day. Scientists claim that breakfast boosts our performance by ...
How to choose the perfect fragrance: from romantic to exotic (E-News)
Choosing a perfume is not just a matter of preference, but also a way to express your individuality and create a unique image. A fragrance can highlight your mood, become part of your image and leave an unforgettable impression. Find out which perfume is right for you and how it can complement your style. Elegant classics If you like to be the center of attention and radiate confidence, pay ...
05 Сен
How to choose the perfect cream for dry skin (E-News)
Face cream is an indispensable skin care product, especially when it comes to dry skin, which requires special attention and care. Dry skin is characterized by its thinness and tendency to irritation, which makes it especially sensitive to weather conditions and unsuitable cosmetics. To keep your skin healthy and hydrated, it is important to choose the right cream, focusing on factors such as ...
05 Сен
How to do a pedicure at home: foot care secrets (E-News)
Well-groomed feet are not only beautiful, but also healthy. To keep your feet in good condition, you don’t have to visit a beauty salon regularly. You can do a pedicure at home yourself by following simple recommendations. In this article, we will tell you how to properly care for your feet and nails so that they always look their best. The first step of a home pedicure is preparing a foot bath. ...
04 Сен
Jak dbać o skórę: peelingi, żele i maski (E-News)
Zdrowa i pełna blasku skóra to efekt regularnej pielęgnacji i odpowiedniego złuszczania. Prawidłowe złuszczanie pomaga pozbyć się martwych komórek, poprawia strukturę skóry oraz sprawia, że ​​staje się ona gładsza i bardziej wyrównana. Ważne jest jednak, aby podejść do tego procesu mądrze, ...
04 Сен
How to choose the perfect foundation for your skin type (E-News)
Each of us is faced with the problem of choosing the perfect foundation that would hide imperfections and emphasize the advantages. The main task is to find a product that will harmonize with your natural skin tone and match your skin type. The right choice can significantly improve the appearance and emphasize the natural beauty. The first step in choosing a foundation is to determine your skin ...
04 Сен
Mistrzostwo makijażu: jak osiągnąć profesjonalny efekt (E-News)
Każda z nas przynajmniej raz zastanawiała się, dlaczego makijaż wykonany własnoręcznie nigdy nie wygląda tak nieskazitelnie, jak ten wykonany przez profesjonalnego wizażystę. Nawet stosując drogie kosmetyki, czasami pozostajemy niezadowolone z efektu. Tajemnica tkwi w tym, że makijaż to nie tylko wysokiej jakości produkty, ale ...
04 Сен
How to overcome autumn apathy (E-News)
Autumn days often bring not only fresh and bright colors, but also emotional changes. Sadness and fatigue can cloud our mood, forcing us to seek out ways to regain strength and joy. Instead active morning rituals Start the day with a workout. Morning gymnastics not only warms up your muscles, but also helps you prepare for a productive day. Simple exercises such as stretching, turning or ...
03 Сен
Psychologia makijażu: co kryje twój kosmetyczny wybór (E-News)
Makijaż to nie tylko sposób na poprawę wyglądu, ale także odzwierciedlenie naszego wewnętrznego stanu i charakteru. Twoje podejście do kosmetyków dekoracyjnych może wiele powiedzieć o twoim wizerunku i stosunku do życia. Zastanówmy się, co może oznaczać inne podejście do makijażu. Bez makijażu Rzucenie ...
03 Сен
Fashionable and functional clothing for winter sports (E-News)
The ski season continues despite the vagaries of the weather and any obstacles. If there is no snow on the usual tracks, athletes find new places or move to artificial slopes. Skis give way to snowboarding, and the companies of friends and family support the enthusiasm. However, the most important element of preparing for skiing is choosing the right equipment, which will not only protect you ...
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