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17 июня 2024, понедельник 11:16

№ 19521271

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Homeopathic intervention for insomnia (E-News)
Insomnia has become one of the common sleep problems in the modern world. Many people, when faced with this disorder, turn to sedatives and sleeping pills, which may temporarily relieve the symptoms but in the long run lead to unwanted side effects. In such cases, homeopathy can offer alternative treatments. choice of homeopathic remediesHomeopathy offers a number of remedies to treat insomnia, ...
16 Июн
Autumn beauty secrets (E-News)
To keep your skin fresh and full of vitamins after summer, you can use natural masks from fall fruits and vegetables or salon treatments. Although the sun's activity is decreasing, it is still high enough for radical rejuvenating procedures. The fall season places a special emphasis on skin and hair restoration. Even though you might have moisturized your skin regularly with oily creams, you soon ...
16 Июн
Tres escenarios del envejecimiento cutáneo: cómo reconocerlos y cómo combatirlos (E-News)
Resulta que es posible imaginar el aspecto que tendrás a los 55 y 60 años ya a los 20, si sabes qué tipo de envejecimiento sufrirá tu piel. Sólo hay tres. Escenario 1: Se forma una cuadrícula de arrugas Qué ocurre. Aparecen muchas líneas finas y arrugas. La piel se reseca, aparecen patas de gallo y arrugas en la barbilla. ¿Cuál es la causa? ...
16 Июн
Depression: more than a bad mood (E-News)
Depression is something of an ARI for mental health. Most of us have experienced this disorder, but many of us still don't understand its nature, causes, and differences from temporary mood deterioration. The many forms of depressionThere are many forms of depression such as unipolar, biological, manic, seasonal affective disorder and others. This variety of terms can be confusing, so it's ...
15 Июн
Eucalyptus: green gold for health (E-News)
The fresh aroma of eucalyptus essential oil is familiar to anyone who uses breath freshening products or chewing gum. This amazing oil is extracted from the leaves of the evergreen eucalyptus tree, which generously bestows its healing properties. Eucalyptus oil has become an essential part of many home medicine cabinets due to its versatility and numerous benefits. Properties of eucalyptus ...
15 Июн
Muschio: il potere della passione della natura (E-News)
La natura ha dotato alcuni animali maschi della sorprendente capacità di secernere una delle sostanze più potenti: il muschio. Questo segnale chimico aiuta gli animali a marcare il loro territorio, ad attirare i partner riproduttivi e a lubrificare la loro pelliccia. Non solo gli animali ma anche le piante producono muschio, creando un potente profumo che viene associato alla passione e ...
15 Июн
Vanille : le parfum de la passion et de l'attention (E-News)
L'arôme de la vanille est souvent associé aux parfums orientaux et aux chefs-d'œuvre culinaires. La vanille, connue comme l'une des épices les plus chères au monde, a gagné en popularité non seulement dans la cuisine, mais aussi dans le monde de la parfumerie et de la cosmétologie en raison de son arôme unique et de ses propriétés ...
15 Июн
Vetiver: the quiet voices of nature (E-News)
In the world of fragrances, the mysterious herb vetiver occupies a special place, gaining recognition thanks to its powerful roots from which the precious vetiver essential oil is extracted. This product, which is resistant to various influences, has a dense woody aroma that has become an integral part of perfumery, cosmetology and aromatherapy. But what exactly is vetiver? Vetiver (Chrysopogon ...
14 Июн
Incienso: una tradición centenaria y una fragancia mística (E-News)
El olor del incienso se asocia invariablemente con la espiritualidad y los rituales majestuosos: la fumada de esta resina aromática ha acompañado los servicios de culto en las iglesias cristianas durante siglos. El incienso se menciona incluso en el Evangelio de Mateo, donde se dice que los Reyes Magos llevaron incienso a Jesucristo como regalo. Pero, ¿qué representa este ...
14 Июн
Come chiamare correttamente un uomo (E-News)
Vi piace da tempo, avete trovato a fatica il suo numero, ma da una settimana state ipnotizzando il telefono, non osando fare il primo passo? Congratulazioni, non siete sole! Affrontiamo questo problema passo dopo passo. Sbarazzarsi del nervosismo L'auto-rilassamento può richiedere tempo e non è sempre efficace. Quindi agite attraverso il vostro corpo. Alzatevi e marciate sul posto, ...
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