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22 марта 2025, суббота 20:18

№ 19839721

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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18 Мар
Zelenskyy signe une loi permettant aux forces armées d'envoyer des unités à l'étranger (E-News)
Le président de l'Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a signé une loi autorisant les forces armées ukrainiennes à envoyer leurs unités dans d'autres pays pendant la loi martiale. Cette mesure vise à garantir la sécurité nationale et à maintenir la stabilité internationale. En vertu de la nouvelle loi, les forces armées ukrainiennes peuvent ...
17 Мар
Ukraine Receives Financial Support from the World Bank for Healthcare Transformation (E-News)
Ukraine has received significant financial support from the World Bank in the form of a grant of UAH 207 million for the implementation of an important project to transform the healthcare system. These funds will be used to modernize the healthcare infrastructure and increase the efficiency of domestic medicine. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal announced the grant. According to him, the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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19 Мар
Transport terrestre autorisé à Kyiv pendant la période d'alerte : ce qui va changer pour les passagers (E-News)
À partir du 21 mars 2024, de nouvelles règles pour les transports publics terrestres en cas d'alerte aérienne sont introduites à Kiev. Désormais, après avoir déposé les passagers au refuge le plus proche, le transport continuera le long du parcours. Cette décision a été prise par le Conseil de défense de la ville de Kiev après ...
19 Мар
Łatwiejsze podróże autobusem między Ukrainą a Estonią: nowe trasy bez pośredników i elektroniczne zezwolenia (E-News)
Ukraina i Estonia zawarły ważne porozumienia mające na celu uproszczenie otwierania nowych tras autobusowych między krajami. Teraz przewoźnicy będą mogli uruchamiać loty bez konieczności pozyskiwania partnerów z państw trzecich, a zezwolenia na takie trasy będą ważne przez pięć lat. Zmiany te były wynikiem ...
19 Мар
Continuation of automatic housing compensation payments for IDPs under the Shelter program (E-News)
Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the government has been implementing a number of measures to support internally displaced persons (IDPs). One of the important areas is the Shelter program, which allows homeowners who are likely to provide shelter to IDPs to receive compensation from the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU). Recently, the press service of the Ministry of Social ...
17 Мар
Poland is becoming increasingly attractive for migrant workers (E-News)
Poland continues to attract migrant workers, particularly Ukrainians, thanks to rising wages and stable working conditions. According to a recent survey, 85% of Ukrainians working in Poland are satisfied with their wages, which correspond to their qualifications. In addition, 70% of respondents noted that they manage to save money regularly. These data are provided by the analytical center of ...
17 Мар
Trump’s trade tariffs have shaken consumer confidence in the US (E-News)
In March 2024, consumer sentiment in the United States suffered a sharp deterioration, accompanied by rising inflation expectations. Economic uncertainty arose against the backdrop of a new wave of tariffs imposed by former President Donald Trump, which led to an escalation of the trade war and raised fears of rising prices and weakening economic stability. According to Reuters, according to a ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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Cosa succede quando hai il singhiozzo: un antico riflesso spiegato (E-News)
Il singhiozzo è quel processo spiacevole e spesso irritante che si verifica nel momento più inopportuno. Questa serie involontaria di contrazioni del diaframma può farci sentire a disagio e molti cercano di trovare spiegazioni mitologiche per questa reazione del corpo. Ad esempio, secondo la credenza popolare, il singhiozzo è un segno che qualcuno sta pensando a te. Ma è ...
21 Мар
Cosa possono dirti le tue unghie (E-News)
Le unghie possono rivelare molto sulla nostra salute e sulle circostanze della nostra vita. Non servono solo a proteggere le dita dai danni, ma sono anche un indicatore dello stato di salute del corpo. La comparsa delle unghie può essere il primo segno di carenza di vitamine, di problemi agli organi interni o addirittura di malattie. Vediamo quali cambiamenti nelle unghie possono essere ...
20 Мар
La vida sin intimidad: la importancia de la elección y las consecuencias de la abstinencia (E-News)
En el pasado, las normas sexuales eran bastante estrictas. La gente vivía dentro del marco de principios morales claros: nada de relaciones estrechas antes del matrimonio y amor sólo en el contexto de compromisos a largo plazo. Hoy en día, la situación ha cambiado drásticamente: ahora la falta de actividad sexual se percibe como algo inusual e incluso extraño. El ...
18 Мар
El estornudo como mecanismo de regeneración celular (E-News)
En los últimos años, los científicos han comenzado a analizar de forma nueva procesos a los que estamos acostumbrados, como el estornudo, que se ha demostrado que es una parte importante del mecanismo de curación del cuerpo. Según el Dr. Noam Cohen, de la Universidad de Pensilvania, el estornudo no es sólo un reflejo, sino una especie de “reinicio” de las ...
18 Мар
Google a officiellement annoncé son intention de remplacer Google Assistant par une nouvelle intelligence artificielle Gemini (E-News)
Google a officiellement annoncé son intention de remplacer progressivement Google Assistant par une nouvelle intelligence artificielle appelée Gemini. Ce processus devrait se poursuivre tout au long de 2025 et couvrir presque tous les appareils, à l’exception de ceux exécutant des versions obsolètes d’Android. Ceci est rapporté sur le blog de Google. Selon la ...
17 Мар
Faire renaître la passion : comment se débarrasser des facteurs qui réduisent la libido ? (E-News)
Tout le monde a des problèmes de désir sexuel, mais si cela devient un phénomène constant, il est important de prêter attention aux causes possibles et de chercher des solutions. Les causes peuvent être variées, et elles résident souvent dans le fait que nous ne remarquons pas ou que nous n'accordons pas d'importance à de petites choses. Voici quelques ...
16 Мар
New hairstyle - new changes (E-News)
For many, changing your hairstyle means more than just updating your appearance. It is a step towards changes in life, a reflection of your inner state, or a desire to leave something in the past. But how can you make sure that the changes are truly beneficial? Hair has always had a special meaning. In ancient cultures, long locks symbolized strength and vitality. Let's remember the biblical ...
15 Мар
Jak zacząć zarabiać pieniądze w domu (E-News)
Dzięki rozwojowi technologii internetowych, możliwość zarabiania pieniędzy w domu staje się coraz bardziej aktualna. Jeśli zdecydujesz się spróbować tej drogi, wiedz, że nie jesteś sam. Świat zmienia się w szybkim tempie, otwierając nowe możliwości zarabiania pieniędzy, a praca zdalna jest jedną z ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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Unexpected pleasures of sport: how physical activity affects sexual arousal (E-News)
Many women think of exercise solely as a way to keep fit, but research has shown that physical activity can affect sexual arousal. A recent survey of 124 women engaged in various types of exercise showed that several of them experienced orgasm during exercise. This discovery surprised scientists, because most of the participants said that during the training did not think about sex, but ...
19 Мар
Active recreation and choosing a bike (E-News)
Active recreation is gaining popularity every year, and more and more people are looking for ways to combine physical activity with a pleasant pastime. One of these exciting types of recreation is mountain biking, which provides excellent physical exercise and allows you to fully enjoy nature. In recent years, technology has improved the quality of these bikes, and the variety of models makes ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Why flip-flops can harm your feet (E-News)
With the onset of warm weather, many of us begin to happily wear lightweight flip-flops, enjoying the comfort and coolness. However, despite their popularity, these shoes can have a negative impact on the health of the feet and the musculoskeletal system. American scientists warn of possible risks associated with long-term wearing of flip-flops, and recommend being more careful when choosing ...
Kaip kovoti su prakaito kvapu vasarą (E-News)
Karštu oru kiekvienas iš mūsų susiduriame su prakaitavimo problema, kuri tampa ypač aktuali. Ir šioje vietoje kyla klausimas: ką pasirinkti kovojant su nemaloniu kvapu – dezodorantą ar antiperspirantą? Svarbu suprasti, kad šie gaminiai atlieka skirtingas funkcijas, o pasirinkimas tarp jų priklauso nuo jūsų pageidavimų ir ...
Qué beber en el calor para la salud (E-News)
Con la llegada del verano empezamos a pensar más en lo que consumimos, pues el calor exige un enfoque especial a la hora de elegir bebidas. En los últimos años, muchos de nosotros hemos comenzado a prestar atención a nuestra salud, eligiendo alimentos saludables, vitaminas y antioxidantes, y también sin olvidarnos de la importancia de un régimen de bebida adecuado. ...
21 Мар
How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle (E-News)
The modern pace of life forces people to spend more and more time in a sitting position - at work, in transport, at home in front of the screen. However, prolonged lack of movement can lead to serious health problems. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of obesity, heart and vascular diseases, and also negatively affects the spine. What is the danger of prolonged sittingLong-term stay in ...
21 Мар
Cómo mantener relaciones cálidas en la familia (E-News)
La armonía familiar es un trabajo diario basado en el respeto, el cuidado y la capacidad de escucharnos unos a otros. El ambiente en el hogar determina qué tan fuerte será la relación. Unos pocos pasos sencillos le ayudarán a que su matrimonio sea más fuerte y feliz. Confianza y respetoEs importante no hablar de su cónyuge con amigos o familiares. Las peleas y ...
21 Мар
Delicato cocktail con banana e latte di cocco (E-News)
Il latte di cocco si sposa bene con la frutta per creare frullati morbidi e nutrienti. Questa bevanda non è solo gustosa, ma anche sana, grazie ai suoi ingredienti naturali. È adatto per la colazione, per uno spuntino o per un dessert leggero. Per la preparazione avrai bisogno di:– 400 ml di latte di cocco,– 1 banana matura,– 1 pesca matura,- zucchero a velo q.b.,- menta fresca per la ...
21 Мар
Foods That Will Help You Reduce Your Belly Fat (E-News)
Many of us struggle with reducing belly fat. It is one of the most stubborn problems we have to deal with. However, proper nutrition can be a key element in achieving a flat stomach. Instead of relying solely on strict diets, it is worth diversifying your diet with foods that help reduce fat deposits and improve metabolism. One of the best ways to start the day is with oatmeal. This product is ...
20 Мар
How not to harm the child by punishment (E-News)
Every parent sooner or later faces a situation when the child breaks the rules. He knows that he does something forbidden, but still checks the boundaries of what is allowed. The question of punishment in such cases is acute, but the main thing is not to harm the child and not to break his trust in parents. First of all, if you doubt whether to punish, it is better not to do it. Punishment ...
20 Мар
Cuidado de la piel cuando hace calor (E-News)
En verano, la piel se pone a prueba: el sol, el calor y el polvo pueden provocar deshidratación, pérdida de elasticidad e irritación. En un periodo así, es especialmente importante elegir los cuidados adecuados para evitar consecuencias desagradables. Los dermatólogos no recomiendan utilizar cremas demasiado grasas con el calor, ya que pueden obstruir los poros y provocar ...
20 Мар
Come lo stress moderato aiuta la tua immunità (E-News)
Lo stress è solitamente associato a effetti negativi sulla salute, ma recenti ricerche dimostrano che, in piccole dosi, può avere effetti positivi sull'organismo. Gli scienziati della Stanford University hanno scoperto che lo stress a breve termine può attivare il sistema immunitario e migliorarne le funzioni protettive. Durante l'esperimento, gli specialisti hanno osservato topi ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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20 Мар
Un tribunal fédéral américain a statué qu'il bloquait une tentative de liquidation de l'USAID (E-News)
Un tribunal fédéral américain a décidé de bloquer une tentative de liquidation de l'Agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID) par le Département de l'efficacité gouvernementale (DOGE), dirigé par le milliardaire Elon Musk. Cette décision constitue une victoire majeure pour les partisans de l’agence et de l’aide ...
20 Мар
Estonia is the leader in the level of inflation in the eurozone in February (E-News)
According to the results of February 2025, Estonia became the country with the highest inflation rate among the eurozone countries and the third in this indicator in the European Union. While most countries observed a decrease in the rate of price growth, inflation remained at a high level in some countries. According to data from the Statistical Office of the European Union, published on March ...
19 Мар
L'Estonie va augmenter considérablement ses dépenses de défense : le budget dépassera 5 % du PIB (E-News)
L'Estonie se prépare à une augmentation significative du financement du secteur de la défense, et à partir de 2026, ce chiffre dépassera 5 % du PIB du pays. Le gouvernement estonien a pris cette décision le 18 mars, confirmant sa volonté d’investir dans le renforcement de la sécurité nationale face aux menaces croissantes. Comme le rapporte ERR, la ...
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