Новости - Украина |  | |
10:00 03 Мар | The government provided assistance to the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense: Distribution of funding and expenses (E-News) On Friday, February 28, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to allocate a significant amount to support the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. A total of 1.1 billion hryvnias will be allocated for one-time cash assistance to these families. This was announced by government representative Taras Melnychuk during a meeting of the ... |
17:00 07 Мар | Top 5 des villes ukrainiennes ayant connu la plus forte augmentation des prix de l'immobilier pendant la guerre (E-News) Avec le déclenchement d'une guerre à grande échelle, les prix de l'immobilier en Ukraine ont subi des changements importants. Tout d’abord, les prix des nouveaux bâtiments dans les régions occidentales du pays ont augmenté de 40 à 60 %. Au cours des trois années de guerre, la plus forte augmentation des prix des appartements a été enregistrée ... |
15:00 07 Мар | Ukraine needs $39 billion to restore social protection sector (E-News) Ukraine has faced huge losses in the social protection sector as a result of the war, and $39 billion is needed to restore this sector. These data were published in the results of the fourth rapid assessment of damage and needs for reconstruction of Ukraine (RDNA 4), according to the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.
The losses in the social protection sector are ... |
12:00 07 Мар | Les prix des médicaments ont baissé en Ukraine : comment le coût dans les pharmacies a changé (E-News) Depuis le 1er mars 2025, le prix d’un certain nombre de médicaments a diminué en Ukraine. C'est le résultat de l'initiative du président Volodymyr Zelensky et de la décision du Conseil national de sécurité et de défense du 12 février visant à assurer la disponibilité des médicaments pour la population. Les principales sociétés ... |
10:00 05 Мар | Ukrainian Robots at NASA: First Step in Cooperation (E-News) The Ukrainian company DroneUA, a resident of Diya.City, announced the successful start of cooperation with NASA, sending the first test batch of its robots to Virginia, USA. These robots will be tested to determine the most effective areas of their application.
According to Mykhailo Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Economy, cooperation with NASA is an important step for the Ukrainian ... |
13:00 04 Мар | Rynek nieruchomości biurowych na Ukrainie: które miasta tracą aktywność biznesową (E-News) Rynek nieruchomości biurowych na Ukrainie w dalszym ciągu zmaga się z poważnymi wyzwaniami spowodowanymi wojną i niestabilnością gospodarczą. Popyt na powierzchnię biurową różni się nierównomiernie w poszczególnych regionach, a niektóre miasta, które kiedyś były kluczowymi ośrodkami biznesowymi, ... |
12:00 04 Мар | ARMA a vendu 61 wagons de potasse biélorusse pour 45,5 millions d'UAH (E-News) L'Agence de suivi et de gestion des actifs (ARMA) continue de vendre les actifs russes et biélorusses confisqués, consacrant les bénéfices à l'aide à l'État. Dans le cadre de ce processus, un autre lot de chlorure de potassium biélorusse a été vendu via le système Prozorro.Sales.
Selon le service de presse de l'ARMA, cette fois-ci 4,29 mille ... |
10:00 04 Мар | Record construction: in 2024, more than 118 thousand apartments were put into operation in Ukraine (E-News) Last year, Ukraine recorded the largest volume of housing put into operation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. According to the State Statistics Service, in 2024, 118.5 thousand apartments were commissioned in the country, which was a record figure during the war.
More than two-thirds of these apartments – 70% or 82,794 units – were in apartment buildings, while 35,658 apartments ... |
18:00 03 Мар | Wkład ukraińskich uchodźców do budżetu Czech przekroczył koszty pomocy humanitarnej (E-News) W ciągu trzech lat toczącej się na Ukrainie wojny ukraińscy uchodźcy stali się ważną częścią czeskiej gospodarki, a ich wkład do budżetu państwa znacznie przekroczył wydatki na pomoc humanitarną. Łączny dochód budżetu czeskiego od Ukraińców, którzy otrzymali tymczasową ... |
15:00 03 Мар | Record 14.4 million applications for the Winter eSupport program (E-News) The Winter eSupport program has proven to be extremely popular among Ukrainians, with almost 14.4 million citizens applying for assistance. This result is a record for state social support programs, which confirms its importance and necessity for people in the current situation in the country.
This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, emphasizing that such a high level ... |
12:00 03 Мар | L'Ukraine a reçu du matériel d'une valeur de 7,5 millions d'euros : la contribution de la coalition informatique à la numérisation de l'armée (E-News) Le ministère de la Défense de l’Ukraine continue de recevoir le soutien technologique des partenaires internationaux. Cette fois, la coalition informatique a remis un nouveau lot d'équipements d'une valeur de 7,5 millions d'euros, cofinancé par les gouvernements des Pays-Bas et du Luxembourg.
Selon Kateryna Chernogorenko, vice-ministre de la Défense chargée de la ... |
08:48 08 Мар | How Sleeping Position Affects Dreams (E-News) Scientific research confirms that the sleeping position of a person can influence the content of their dreams. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong conducted a survey of 670 students, most of whom were women, to find out the connection between sleeping position and the nature of dreams.
According to the results of the study, erotic dreams are most often seen by those who sleep on their ... |
20:48 07 Мар | Jak wybierać ubrania, które staną się Twoimi ulubionymi (E-News) Sezon wyprzedaży to prawdziwy sprawdzian dla tych, którzy lubią odświeżyć swoją garderobę. Sklepy kuszą rabatami, a wystawy sklepowe urzekają stylowymi przedmiotami. Jak jednak uniknąć błędu w wyborze i kupować ubrania, które naprawdę staną się częścią Twojego wizerunku, a nie ... |
08:48 04 Мар | Cosmetic Traditions of Great Women of the Past (E-News) For centuries, women have been looking for ways to maintain youth and a well-groomed appearance. Great women of the past not only inspired with their image, but also left a legacy in the form of unique recipes for self-care. Let's consider the beauty secrets used by Cleopatra, Josephine, Catherine II and other famous ladies.
Cleopatra, known for her love of luxury, paid special attention to skin ... |
19:28 03 Мар | El vínculo inusual entre el estado emocional y los niveles de presión arterial (E-News) Se sabe desde hace mucho tiempo que el estrés y la ansiedad provocan un aumento de la presión arterial. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes realizadas por científicos noruegos han refutado este estereotipo. Con base en los datos obtenidos, los expertos llegaron a la conclusión de que las emociones y las experiencias, por el contrario, pueden contribuir a una ... |
17:28 03 Мар | Entraînement efficace pour des fesses fermes en trois semaines (E-News) L’industrie du fitness moderne offre une variété de solutions pour rester en forme, et l’une des méthodes les plus intéressantes est l’entraînement à l’aide d’un entraîneur à vide. Cet appareil unique contribue non seulement à améliorer votre apparence, mais a également un effet positif sur votre santé globale. Dans cet article, nous ... |
18:28 09 Мар | Il melone come prodotto naturale per la cura della pelle e dei capelli (E-News) Il melone non è solo una leccornia gustosa, ma anche un prodotto straordinario che può sostituire molti cosmetici. La sua polpa succosa, il succo aromatico e perfino i semi hanno proprietà preziose che possono essere utilizzate per la cura della pelle e dei capelli.
proprietà cosmetiche del meloneIl succo e la polpa di melone aiutano a rendere la pelle elastica e liscia e ... |
15:28 09 Мар | Psychology of Seduction: Secrets That Work (E-News) Every woman, regardless of age and experience, can learn the art of seduction if only she learns the basic techniques and understands how to use them correctly. Although at first glance it may seem like something complicated and inaccessible, experts are sure that anyone can become a master of seductive maneuvers, regardless of appearance or age. The main thing is to know how to properly ... |
12:28 09 Мар | Cómo ganar peso con una nutrición adecuada (E-News) Muchas personas que desean ganar peso descubren que tienen que buscar métodos nutricionales especiales. A diferencia de aquellos que quieren perder peso, aquellos que quieren ganar peso a menudo no saben cómo abordar adecuadamente este proceso. De hecho, el secreto para ganar grasa no está sólo en el exceso de calorías, sino también en los alimentos adecuados que te ... |
08:48 09 Мар | Secrets of Intimate Gymnastics: The Path to Perfection (E-News) Sexual health is one of those areas of life that few people think about seriously. Many know how important it is to train the muscles of the body to maintain physical fitness, but forget about the muscles that play a key role in intimate relationships. Meanwhile, there is a set of exercises that will help not only improve overall physical fitness, but also improve the quality of your sex ... |
20:48 08 Мар | Jesienna pielęgnacja włosów: jak zachować piękne i zdrowe włosy? (E-News) Jesień to czas zmian nie tylko w przyrodzie, ale także dla naszych włosów. Po gorącym lecie i słońcu włosy wymagają szczególnej uwagi, a zbliżający się chłód i wilgoć również mogą wpłynąć na ich kondycję. Aby włosy były zdrowe, lśniące i zadbane w okresie ... |
18:28 08 Мар | Trattamento e benefici delle banane per l'organismo (E-News) La banana è uno dei frutti più antichi, che l'uomo ha iniziato a consumare in epoca preistorica. Questo frutto tropicale non solo piace per il suo sapore, ma ha anche numerose proprietà medicinali. Grazie all'elevato contenuto di carboidrati, le banane soddisfano perfettamente la fame: un frutto contiene circa 70 calorie. Tuttavia, a causa del loro contenuto calorico, non ... |
15:28 08 Мар | Simple tips to speed up hair growth (E-News) Do you dream of long and healthy hair, but it seems that it grows too slowly? In fact, the speed of hair growth depends a lot on your hair care and lifestyle. By following some simple tips, you can help your locks look thick and well-groomed.
Use the right grooming accessoriesA quality brush made of natural bristles, such as pig bristles, will be your faithful assistant. When combing your hair, ... |
12:28 08 Мар | Cómo encontrar el camino al corazón de un hombre (E-News) Muchas mujeres se preguntan cómo atraer la atención de un hombre al que consideran especial. Es importante darse cuenta de que no existe una receta única para el éxito: cada hombre es diferente. Sin embargo, existen estrategias que pueden ayudarte a conseguir lo que deseas, en función de tu objetivo. Antes de empezar a actuar, determina exactamente lo que quieres de la ... |
15:28 07 Мар | Office Romance: How to Combine Personal Happiness and Work (E-News) Work often becomes a place where people find not only career prospects, but also love. Imagine how attractive colleagues begin to see each other not just as employees, but as people who can become closer. However, relationships at work are not only about romance, but also about the challenges that lovers face.
advantages of a relationship with a colleaguePerhaps the main advantage of such a ... |
11:28 07 Мар | Semplici modi per mantenere la pelle pulita (E-News) Ogni donna sogna una pelle pulita e luminosa senza alcuno sforzo extra. Non è necessario spendere cifre esorbitanti in trattamenti o cosmetici costosi se si possono utilizzare prodotti naturali a prezzi accessibili. A volte le ricette più semplici, tramandate di generazione in generazione, possono fare veri miracoli, migliorando non solo l'aspetto, ma anche la salute della ... |
12:00 06 Мар | L'Autriche augmente son soutien : 2 millions d'euros supplémentaires pour Grain From Ukraine (E-News) L'Autriche a alloué 2 millions d'euros à l'initiative humanitaire ukrainienne Grain From Ukraine, visant à lutter contre la faim dans le monde. Cette décision s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une coopération plus large entre les deux pays, englobant le soutien à l’Ukraine pendant la guerre, le développement agricole et l’expansion des liens commerciaux.
C'est ce qu'a ... |
10:00 06 Мар | US Trade Tariffs: A Threat to Canada’s Economic Recovery (E-News) New tariffs imposed by the administration of US President Donald Trump are threatening Canada’s economic recovery, raising the risk of rising prices, higher unemployment and even a possible recession. Given that 75% of Canadian exports and a third of all imports depend on trade with the United States, the consequences of such actions could be serious.
Canada’s heavy dependence on international ... |
17:00 05 Мар | La Hongrie a bloqué un nouveau plan d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine de 20 milliards d'euros : l'UE cherche des alternatives (E-News) L'Union européenne a suspendu la préparation d'un nouveau plan d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine d'une valeur de 20 milliards d'euros, proposé par la cheffe du département de la politique étrangère de l'UE, Kaia Kallas. La raison en est le blocage de ce programme d'aide par le gouvernement hongrois, rapporte Politico.
Initialement, le projet de conclusions du sommet ... |
15:00 05 Мар | Poland confirms US halts military aid to Ukraine without consulting allies (E-News) The United States' decision to halt military aid to Ukraine was made without any prior consultations with allies, Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Pawel Wronski said, stressing that the move was made without discussions with NATO partners and the Ramstein Group, which coordinates support for Ukraine.
According to Wronski, former US President Donald Trump made the decision unilaterally, without ... |
18:00 04 Мар | Canada tightens sanctions against Russia: new restrictions and support for Ukraine (E-News) Canada continues to expand economic pressure on Russia in response to its aggression against Ukraine. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the introduction of new sanctions during the "Securing Our Future" summit held in London. These sanctions are part of Canada's strategic efforts to support Ukraine and deter Russia.
According to an official message on the website of the Prime Minister of ... |
17:00 03 Мар | La Lituanie a récolté plus de 5 millions d'euros pour des drones destinés à l'Ukraine dans le cadre de la campagne Radarom ! (E-News) En Lituanie, la collecte de fonds pour des véhicules aériens sans pilote destinés à l'Ukraine, réalisée dans le cadre de la campagne Radarom!, a été achevée. Au cours de la période du 3 au 24 février 2025, les Lituaniens et les organisations commerciales ont collecté plus de 5,6 millions d’euros. Ce projet est le troisième dans le ... |