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6 марта 2025, четверг 19:07

№ 19788721

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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03 Мар
The government provided assistance to the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense: Distribution of funding and expenses (E-News)
On Friday, February 28, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to allocate a significant amount to support the families of deceased servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. A total of 1.1 billion hryvnias will be allocated for one-time cash assistance to these families. This was announced by government representative Taras Melnychuk during a meeting of the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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05 Мар
Ukrainian Robots at NASA: First Step in Cooperation (E-News)
The Ukrainian company DroneUA, a resident of Diya.City, announced the successful start of cooperation with NASA, sending the first test batch of its robots to Virginia, USA. These robots will be tested to determine the most effective areas of their application. According to Mykhailo Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Economy, cooperation with NASA is an important step for the Ukrainian ...
04 Мар
Rynek nieruchomości biurowych na Ukrainie: które miasta tracą aktywność biznesową (E-News)
Rynek nieruchomości biurowych na Ukrainie w dalszym ciągu zmaga się z poważnymi wyzwaniami spowodowanymi wojną i niestabilnością gospodarczą. Popyt na powierzchnię biurową różni się nierównomiernie w poszczególnych regionach, a niektóre miasta, które kiedyś były kluczowymi ośrodkami biznesowymi, ...
04 Мар
ARMA a vendu 61 wagons de potasse biélorusse pour 45,5 millions d'UAH (E-News)
L'Agence de suivi et de gestion des actifs (ARMA) continue de vendre les actifs russes et biélorusses confisqués, consacrant les bénéfices à l'aide à l'État. Dans le cadre de ce processus, un autre lot de chlorure de potassium biélorusse a été vendu via le système Prozorro.Sales. Selon le service de presse de l'ARMA, cette fois-ci 4,29 mille ...
04 Мар
Record construction: in 2024, more than 118 thousand apartments were put into operation in Ukraine (E-News)
Last year, Ukraine recorded the largest volume of housing put into operation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. According to the State Statistics Service, in 2024, 118.5 thousand apartments were commissioned in the country, which was a record figure during the war. More than two-thirds of these apartments – 70% or 82,794 units – were in apartment buildings, while 35,658 apartments ...
03 Мар
Wkład ukraińskich uchodźców do budżetu Czech przekroczył koszty pomocy humanitarnej (E-News)
W ciągu trzech lat toczącej się na Ukrainie wojny ukraińscy uchodźcy stali się ważną częścią czeskiej gospodarki, a ich wkład do budżetu państwa znacznie przekroczył wydatki na pomoc humanitarną. Łączny dochód budżetu czeskiego od Ukraińców, którzy otrzymali tymczasową ...
03 Мар
Record 14.4 million applications for the Winter eSupport program (E-News)
The Winter eSupport program has proven to be extremely popular among Ukrainians, with almost 14.4 million citizens applying for assistance. This result is a record for state social support programs, which confirms its importance and necessity for people in the current situation in the country. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, emphasizing that such a high level ...
03 Мар
L'Ukraine a reçu du matériel d'une valeur de 7,5 millions d'euros : la contribution de la coalition informatique à la numérisation de l'armée (E-News)
Le ministère de la Défense de l’Ukraine continue de recevoir le soutien technologique des partenaires internationaux. Cette fois, la coalition informatique a remis un nouveau lot d'équipements d'une valeur de 7,5 millions d'euros, cofinancé par les gouvernements des Pays-Bas et du Luxembourg. Selon Kateryna Chernogorenko, vice-ministre de la Défense chargée de la ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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04 Мар
Cosmetic Traditions of Great Women of the Past (E-News)
For centuries, women have been looking for ways to maintain youth and a well-groomed appearance. Great women of the past not only inspired with their image, but also left a legacy in the form of unique recipes for self-care. Let's consider the beauty secrets used by Cleopatra, Josephine, Catherine II and other famous ladies. Cleopatra, known for her love of luxury, paid special attention to skin ...
03 Мар
El vínculo inusual entre el estado emocional y los niveles de presión arterial (E-News)
Se sabe desde hace mucho tiempo que el estrés y la ansiedad provocan un aumento de la presión arterial. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes realizadas por científicos noruegos han refutado este estereotipo. Con base en los datos obtenidos, los expertos llegaron a la conclusión de que las emociones y las experiencias, por el contrario, pueden contribuir a una ...
01 Мар
Nightmares of men and women: what do dreams hide? (E-News)
Nightmares are not only scary dreams, but also subconscious signals from our body about inner tensions and worries. A study published in the journal European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience looked at the difference between men's and women's nightmares. The research showed that dreams of the different genders have certain differences in themes and emotional coloring. In a study ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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03 Мар
Entraînement efficace pour des fesses fermes en trois semaines (E-News)
L’industrie du fitness moderne offre une variété de solutions pour rester en forme, et l’une des méthodes les plus intéressantes est l’entraînement à l’aide d’un entraîneur à vide. Cet appareil unique contribue non seulement à améliorer votre apparence, mais a également un effet positif sur votre santé globale. Dans cet article, nous ...
02 Мар
Is it possible to replace training with intimacy (E-News)
Sex is not only a natural form of intimacy, but also a great way to improve your health. It brings not only psychological satisfaction, but also physical benefits. During intercourse, the body is actively working, burning from 350 to 500 calories, depending on the intensity. At the same time, different muscle groups are involved, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, thighs, ...
28 Фев
Come lo yoga aiuta a riprendersi dopo un ictus (E-News)
La pratica dello yoga può svolgere un ruolo importante nel recupero dei pazienti colpiti da ictus. La ricerca moderna conferma che la pratica regolare dello yoga aiuta non solo a recuperare la forma fisica, ma migliora anche significativamente il benessere psicologico. Ciò è particolarmente vero per le persone che hanno avuto un ictus e sono a rischio di disabilità. Lo yoga ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Gruppo sanguigno e rischio di malattie cardiache (E-News)
I cardiologi sostengono da tempo che la salute del cuore e dei vasi sanguigni è influenzata non solo dallo stile di vita, ma anche dalle caratteristiche biologiche dell'organismo, compreso il gruppo sanguigno. Un recente studio condotto da scienziati americani ha mostrato risultati interessanti che confermano questo fatto. Durante l'analisi dei dati relativi a 90 mila persone, raccolti ...
How to develop sensuality and enjoy the moment (E-News)
One of the key aspects of female sexuality is the ability to be in touch with your own sensations. To do this, it is important to develop the senses to learn to perceive more subtle and vivid emotions that appear in the process of intimacy with a partner. This approach not only improves intimate life, but also helps to build deeper relationships. It is best to do such training with a partner, ...
La meditazione come mezzo per superare la solitudine e migliorare la salute (E-News)
La solitudine può avere un impatto significativo sulla salute di una persona. Le persone che si sentono isolate sono a rischio di malattie cardiovascolari e hanno maggiori probabilità di sviluppare il morbo di Alzheimer. Tuttavia, come dimostrano recenti ricerche, la meditazione può essere un modo efficace per combattere questa condizione e preservare la salute psico-emotiva. Lo ...
Five reasons to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet (E-News)
We all know the importance of fruits and vegetables for maintaining health. But how much should you eat every day to feel all the benefits? Experts advise including at least five servings of different fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. This will help provide the body with the necessary nutrients and reduce the risk of many diseases. According to the World Health Organization, it is ...
05 Мар
Qué hacer si tu marido no muestra interés en la intimidad (E-News)
Una situación en la que un marido no quiere tener relaciones sexuales puede convertirse en un verdadero dolor de cabeza para una mujer. Esto plantea preguntas y preocupaciones, porque la mayoría de las mujeres están acostumbradas al hecho de que la intimidad es una parte integral de una relación. Sin embargo, sucede que la pareja de repente comienza a evitar el contacto sexual ...
05 Мар
Phthalates in Cosmetics: A Possible Health Hazard (E-News)
Phthalates, chemicals widely used in cosmetics, are worrying scientists because of their potential health effects. These substances are found in scented lotions, body creams, and most perfumes. American researchers have concluded that phthalates may increase the risk of diabetes, especially in women. Phthalates are now present in most people's lives, and women tend to have higher levels of them ...
05 Мар
Uśmiechanie się jako sposób na obniżenie poziomu stresu (E-News)
Uśmiechanie się nie jest tylko sposobem wyrażania emocji, ale także skutecznym narzędziem poprawy samopoczucia. Kiedy znajdziemy się w stresującej sytuacji, wielu z nas intuicyjnie próbuje się uśmiechnąć. Naukowcy z USA udowodnili niedawno, że taki prosty nawyk może rzeczywiście wpływać na poziom stresu, a nawet ...
05 Мар
Cuidado del cabello: mitos y realidades (E-News)
Muchos de nosotros nos enfrentamos a la pregunta de cómo cuidar adecuadamente nuestro cabello todos los días. Parece una rutina tan familiar que a menudo no pensamos en por qué es de una manera y no de otra. Me lavo el pelo, uso champú, acondicionador, a veces una mascarilla... todo parece lógico. Sin embargo, ¿deberíamos creer en los mitos y recomendaciones ...
05 Мар
Come scegliere la dieta giusta per sé (E-News)
Molte persone sognano di avere una figura snella e per questo ricorrono a vari metodi: sport, fitness, alimentazione corretta e diete. Oggi esiste un gran numero di diete, ma vale la pena cercare quella perfetta tra queste? Cerchiamo di capire quali sono i passaggi che vi aiuteranno a scegliere la dieta giusta se decidete di cambiare il vostro stile di vita. Il primo punto di partenza è ...
05 Мар
Emergency situations at the dacha with children: how to provide first aid (E-News)
Dacha is a place where children can have fun in the fresh air, but also risk encountering various injuries. Breaking a knee or getting a bruise, it is important to know how to give the right first aid to prevent complications and ensure fast healing. Here are some tips for treating the most common injuries in children at the cottage. Abrasions and scratches First, treat the abrasion with cool ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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L'Autriche augmente son soutien : 2 millions d'euros supplémentaires pour Grain From Ukraine (E-News)
L'Autriche a alloué 2 millions d'euros à l'initiative humanitaire ukrainienne Grain From Ukraine, visant à lutter contre la faim dans le monde. Cette décision s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une coopération plus large entre les deux pays, englobant le soutien à l’Ukraine pendant la guerre, le développement agricole et l’expansion des liens commerciaux. C'est ce qu'a ...
US Trade Tariffs: A Threat to Canada’s Economic Recovery (E-News)
New tariffs imposed by the administration of US President Donald Trump are threatening Canada’s economic recovery, raising the risk of rising prices, higher unemployment and even a possible recession. Given that 75% of Canadian exports and a third of all imports depend on trade with the United States, the consequences of such actions could be serious. Canada’s heavy dependence on international ...
05 Мар
La Hongrie a bloqué un nouveau plan d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine de 20 milliards d'euros : l'UE cherche des alternatives (E-News)
L'Union européenne a suspendu la préparation d'un nouveau plan d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine d'une valeur de 20 milliards d'euros, proposé par la cheffe du département de la politique étrangère de l'UE, Kaia Kallas. La raison en est le blocage de ce programme d'aide par le gouvernement hongrois, rapporte Politico. Initialement, le projet de conclusions du sommet ...
05 Мар
Poland confirms US halts military aid to Ukraine without consulting allies (E-News)
The United States' decision to halt military aid to Ukraine was made without any prior consultations with allies, Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Pawel Wronski said, stressing that the move was made without discussions with NATO partners and the Ramstein Group, which coordinates support for Ukraine. According to Wronski, former US President Donald Trump made the decision unilaterally, without ...
04 Мар
Canada tightens sanctions against Russia: new restrictions and support for Ukraine (E-News)
Canada continues to expand economic pressure on Russia in response to its aggression against Ukraine. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the introduction of new sanctions during the "Securing Our Future" summit held in London. These sanctions are part of Canada's strategic efforts to support Ukraine and deter Russia. According to an official message on the website of the Prime Minister of ...
03 Мар
La Lituanie a récolté plus de 5 millions d'euros pour des drones destinés à l'Ukraine dans le cadre de la campagne Radarom ! (E-News)
En Lituanie, la collecte de fonds pour des véhicules aériens sans pilote destinés à l'Ukraine, réalisée dans le cadre de la campagne Radarom!, a été achevée. Au cours de la période du 3 au 24 février 2025, les Lituaniens et les organisations commerciales ont collecté plus de 5,6 millions d’euros. Ce projet est le troisième dans le ...
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