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20 февраля 2025, четверг 15:43

№ 19786331

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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19 Фев
Zełenski odroczył wizytę w Arabii Saudyjskiej: priorytety dyplomatyczne Ukrainy (E-News)
Prezydent Ukrainy Wołodymyr Zełenski podjął decyzję o przełożeniu planowanej wizyty w Arabii Saudyjskiej. Powodem tego były negocjacje międzynarodowe, które mogły wpłynąć na przyszłą sytuację bezpieczeństwa na Ukrainie i w Europie. Głowa państwa oświadczyła to podczas konferencji ...
17 Фев
The Ministry of Digital Transformation has received powers to regulate gambling: a new stage of reform (E-News)
On February 14, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to transfer the functions of regulating gambling and lotteries from the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAL) to the Ministry of Digital Transformation. This became an important stage in the reform of state regulation in the sphere of gambling, aimed at increasing transparency and efficiency of control. The ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Ukraine expects $2.7 billion from IMF in 2025: government plans for next year (E-News)
Ukraine plans to receive $2.7 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2025, which will become an important component of its financial policy. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Shmyhal. He noted that in the coming days an IMF mission will begin, which will carry out the seventh review of the joint EFF (Extended Financing Facility) program. During this process, ...
La première vague de subventions pour les vétérans lancée en 2025 (E-News)
La première vague de subventions pour les anciens combattants a été lancée en 2025 et 19 gagnants ont déjà été identifiés. Parmi eux se trouvent 15 combattants et 4 membres de leurs familles, qui recevront au total près de 10 millions de hryvnias pour développer leurs propres entreprises ou démarrer de nouvelles entreprises. Cela a ...
100 most popular drugs to be reduced by 30% in Ukraine (E-News)
From March 1, 2025, the prices of the 100 most popular drugs in Ukraine will be reduced by 30%. This was made possible thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of Health and leading domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, who signed a corresponding declaration. According to the Ministry of Health, the list includes drugs from Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies that are actively used to treat ...
19 Фев
Akcje Intela osiągnęły największy wzrost od 2023 r. pośród plotek o możliwym podziale firmy (E-News)
Akcje spółki Intel Corp. wzrósł o 11% w związku z plotkami o możliwym podziale firmy w ramach transakcji, w którą zaangażowani są giganci technologiczni, tacy jak Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) i Broadcom Inc. Był to największy wzrost wartości akcji Intela od 2023 roku, a wielu analityków uważa, że ...
19 Фев
Ukraine allocates over UAH 1.5 billion to restore Chernobyl NPP shelter after drone attack (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to allocate over UAH 1.5 billion to ensure the safety of the Chernobyl NPP shelter after it was hit by a Russian drone on February 14 of this year. These funds are intended to support and restore the facility in proper condition to prevent any potential threats to the environment and ensure stability of the situation at the plant. This was stated ...
19 Фев
Ukrainian military personnel will advance in their careers according to NATO standards (E-News)
Ukraine plans to reform the career advancement system for military personnel, bringing it closer to NATO standards. The Ministry of Defense has developed a draft decree that provides for the introduction of new rules for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service. The relevant document has already been approved by the government and submitted to the ...
18 Фев
Ukrainians paid almost 65 million hryvnias in voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (E-News)
During 2023-2024, Ukrainians paid voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Ukraine for a total of 64.8 million hryvnias. This was made possible thanks to the implemented program that allows every citizen to make voluntary contributions to their pension. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Ministry notes that Ukrainians can pay ...
18 Фев
eHousing Program: Loans for UAH 253 million issued in a week (E-News)
Last week, the state support program for affordable mortgages "eHousing" continued to actively help Ukrainian families. According to information published on the Government Portal, a total of 132 loans were issued for the amount of UAH 253 million. It is noted that since the launch of the program, 15,588 families have been able to take advantage of loans for the amount of over UAH 25.4 billion ...
17 Фев
L'Ukraine, partenaire stratégique de l'UE : réserves clés de minéraux critiques et perspectives de coentreprises (E-News)
Le Premier ministre ukrainien Denys Shmyhal a souligné que le pays possède 22 des 30 minéraux critiques pour l'UE, ce qui en fait une ressource stratégique importante pour le continent européen. Il a souligné que l'Ukraine est déjà la base de la sécurité de l'Europe et ne cherche pas à rejoindre l'UE uniquement pour des raisons de financement ...
17 Фев
Boryspil and Wizz Air plan to resume air traffic: 30 new routes for Ukraine (E-News)
From February 11 to 13, 2025, the delegation of Boryspil International Airport held important negotiations with representatives of the European budget airline Wizz Air at the company's headquarters in Budapest. The main topic of the meeting was the resumption of passenger air traffic between Ukraine and other countries after the opening of Ukrainian airspace. These negotiations were an important ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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L'impatto della menzogna sulla salute umana (E-News)
Scienziati francesi hanno scoperto che mentire, anche quando sembra una cosa piccola e innocua, può avere effetti significativi sulla salute fisica e mentale di una persona. Uno studio condotto su 110 volontari di età compresa tra 18 e 71 anni ha scoperto che coloro che distorcevano i fatti in modo frequente e deliberato avevano uno stato di benessere peggiore rispetto a coloro che ...
18 Фев
Perché la gravidanza umana dura nove mesi (E-News)
La gravidanza è un processo unico che varia da specie a specie di mammifero. Tuttavia, nonostante le somiglianze generali, la durata della gravidanza umana solleva molte domande. Perché dura esattamente nove mesi? Questa domanda ha attirato l'attenzione dell'antropologa Holly Dansworth dell'Università di Rhode Island, che ha proposto una nuova ipotesi per spiegare questa ...
15 Фев
Accouchement et amélioration de la mémoire chez les femmes (E-News)
On a longtemps cru que la grossesse et la maternité rendaient les femmes plus oublieuses, mais des recherches récentes remettent en question cette affirmation. Des experts de l'Université de Miami, C. Albizu, ont réfuté ce stéréotype, affirmant qu'avoir un enfant peut réellement améliorer la mémoire d'une femme. Une étude menée par ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Veal in milk with aromatic herbs (E-News)
Veal cooked in milk with aromatic herbs is a delicious and sophisticated dish that is perfect for both a festive dinner and everyday meals. This recipe combines the tenderness of meat and the softness of milk, while the herbs give the dish a unique aroma. To prepare, start with preparing the meat. Take 600 g of veal tenderloin and carefully clean it from the tendon film. This is an important ...
Deliciosas galletas de mantequilla mexicanas (E-News)
Conocidas por varios nombres como bola vienesa de azúcar o bola de nieve, las galletas de mantequilla mexicanas son una parte integral de las celebraciones navideñas. Es popular no sólo para Año Nuevo, sino también en bodas, bautizos y otras celebraciones. Estas galletas son suaves, con sabor a nuez y tienen una capa de azúcar en polvo que les da un toque festivo ...
The benefits and use of corn in nutrition (E-News)
Corn is not only one of the most popular cereals, but also an important product with many useful properties. It is widely used in the food industry and for medicinal purposes, and is also actively used in cooking. The golden grains of this plant are full of nutrients and are suitable for a wide variety of dishes. nutritional value of cornCorn grains are a source of many vitamins and minerals, ...
19 Фев
Pierogi z ziemniakami i serem (E-News)
Polskie pierogi to tradycyjne danie, które zachwyca sycącym smakiem. Przepis opiera się na miękkim cieście i delikatnym nadzieniu z ziemniaków, twarogu i grzybów. Proces gotowania nie jest skomplikowany, ale wymaga czasu i uwagi. Składniki na farsz i ciastoDo nadzienia będziesz potrzebować: 600 g tłustego twarogu;7 ziemniaków ...
19 Фев
Bebida tropical elaborada a base de mango y piña (E-News)
Las frutas tropicales no sólo deleitan con sabores brillantes, sino que también te llenan de energía. Los batidos hechos con mango, piña y leche de coco son una excelente manera de refrescarse, obtener un impulso de vitaminas y disfrutar de un sabor exótico. ¡Esta bebida es fácil y rápida de preparar, y el resultado siempre es agradable! ingredientes del ...
19 Фев
Come sapere quando la tua relazione è pronta per il passo successivo (E-News)
Man mano che una relazione si sviluppa, arriva un momento in cui entrambi i partner iniziano a pensare alla fase successiva dell'intimità. È importante capire che questo passaggio deve essere ponderato e confortevole per entrambi. L’intimità non è solo una manifestazione di sentimenti, ma anche una responsabilità per lo stato emotivo dell’altro. prontezza ...
19 Фев
How to help a child survive their parents' divorce (E-News)
Parents' divorce is always a serious test for a child. Regardless of age, children are acutely aware of changes in the family structure, which can cause a whole range of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger and sadness. To minimize stress and support the child during this difficult period, it is important to take into account their age and perception characteristics. Infants up to 18 ...
19 Фев
Come non sovraccaricare il tuo bambino di studi? (E-News)
Ogni genitore desidera che il proprio figlio si adatti bene alla scuola e non provi stress durante il processo di apprendimento. Tuttavia, può essere difficile sapere dove si trova il confine tra carico utile e sovraccarico. Gli psicologi consigliano di seguire semplici regole che aiuteranno a evitare errori e a non traumatizzare il bambino durante il processo di apprendimento. Routine ...
19 Фев
Useful cheap foods that are worth including in your diet (E-News)
Many of us are convinced that health directly depends on the quality of products, and this is usually associated with their high price. However, it is not always expensive products that guarantee usefulness. There are many available and inexpensive products that can have a positive impact on our health. Let's take a look at which of them can be a good basis for a balanced diet. Chicken meat is ...
18 Фев
Jak zmniejszyć zawartość kalorii w ulubionych potrawach? (E-News)
Czasami trudno jest nam zrezygnować z ulubionych potraw, zwłaszcza gdy zawierają one dużo kalorii. Nie oznacza to jednak, że należy całkowicie wyeliminować je z diety. Całkiem możliwe jest cieszenie się pysznym jedzeniem, przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu jego kaloryczności i uczynieniu go zdrowszym dla organizmu. Jednym z popularnych ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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EU agrees on 16th package of sanctions against Russia: what is known (E-News)
Ambassadors of the European Union member states have agreed on the 16th package of sanctions against Russia in response to its armed aggression against Ukraine. This decision was made on February 19 at a meeting of the EU Permanent Representatives Committee. This was reported by Radio Liberty European correspondent Rikard Jozwiak. According to him, the official approval of the sanctions package ...
14 Фев
La Suède soutient la perspective d’une adhésion de l’Ukraine à l’OTAN, à condition que toutes les conditions soient remplies (E-News)
L'Ukraine a la possibilité de devenir membre de l'OTAN, mais pour cela il faut remplir toutes les conditions, a déclaré le ministre suédois de la Défense Poul Jonsson. Cette déclaration a été faite avant une importante réunion des ministres de la Défense de l'alliance à Bruxelles, rapporte Reuters. Le ministre Jonsson a estimé que la ...
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