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28 января 2025, вторник 12:34

№ 19768160

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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24 Янв
Ukraine and Sweden sign agreement on defense cooperation (E-News)
Ukraine and Sweden have reached an important agreement on the development of a bilateral agreement that provides for the joint implementation of projects in the defense-industrial complex (DIC). This initiative is part of the strategy for developing Ukraine's defense potential and strengthening international cooperation in the field of security. This was reported by the press service of the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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27 Янв
Trump a lancé l'élaboration de nouvelles règles pour réguler les crypto-monnaies aux États-Unis (E-News)
Le président américain Donald Trump a décidé de créer un groupe de travail qui travaillera à l'élaboration de nouvelles règles pour réguler les crypto-monnaies et explorer la possibilité de créer une réserve nationale d'actifs numériques. Cette mesure tant attendue vise à accroître le niveau de contrôle et de ...
27 Янв
New housing construction in Ukraine has slowed down significantly (E-News)
New housing construction in Ukraine has slowed down significantly, which may lead to a shortage of new apartments in the near future, especially in the capital. According to an analytical report by the National Bank, the new construction market is under great pressure, and this is affecting the overall condition of the country's housing stock. Despite the fact that the amount of housing already ...
24 Янв
Ukraine seeks security guarantees to attract investment: key requirements and achievements (E-News)
Ukraine is actively working to provide reliable security guarantees for foreign investors wishing to develop their business projects on Ukrainian soil. According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko, successful security agreements will be a key element for future investment strategies. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Svyrydenko emphasized ...
23 Янв
DTEK a annoncé des investissements importants dans le développement du parc éolien de Tyligul (E-News)
DTEK a annoncé des investissements importants dans le développement de la centrale éolienne de Tyligul (WPP), qui sera située dans la région de Mykolaïv. Le coût de cet ambitieux projet s'élève à 450 millions d'euros, ce qui en fait le plus gros investissement du secteur privé dans les infrastructures énergétiques ukrainiennes ...
23 Янв
Preservation of payments and benefits for people with disabilities (E-News)
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine reported on the preservation of all payments, benefits and pensions for citizens with disabilities, rejecting rumors that these payments may be canceled. The statement of the department clearly states that information about the possible cancellation of payments for people with the 2nd or 3rd disability groups is false and incorrect. According to the ...
22 Янв
Ukraina i Niemcy połączyły siły w zakresie produkcji i konserwacji sprzętu wojskowego (E-News)
Niemiecka firma KNDS Deutschland, znana jako producent czołgów Leopard 2, oficjalnie utworzyła spółkę joint venture z ukraińską firmą zbrojeniową. Oznacza to nowy etap współpracy w kompleksie wojskowo-przemysłowym obu krajów. Poinformował o tym minister przemysłu strategicznego Ukrainy Herman Smetanin. „Z ...
22 Янв
The Warm Winter social program is expanding: more cash assistance for low-income families (E-News)
The Ukrainian government continues to actively improve social programs aimed at supporting low-income families and internally displaced persons. One of the key initiatives in this direction is the Warm Winter program, which has received significant changes and expansion this year. According to the announcement of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, the government is expanding the number ...
21 Янв
Improving the valuation of insolvent banks’ assets in Ukraine: a new stage of cooperation between the State Property Fund of Ukraine and the Deposit Guarantee Fund (E-News)
Ukrainian state authorities have taken an important step to improve the procedure for valuing insolvent banks’ assets. The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals (DGF) have signed a memorandum of cooperation to improve the process of valuing the assets of banks that do not fulfill their obligations. According to the information provided by the press ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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27 Янв
Comment la taille affecte la probabilité de maladie (E-News)
Une recherche menée par des scientifiques de l'Université de Cambridge a révélé un schéma intéressant : la taille d'une personne peut être associée au risque de diverses maladies et même à la cause de son décès. Dans leur travail, les chercheurs ont analysé 130 études contenant des données sur la santé et les ...
27 Янв
Jak mózg pomaga zachować młodość (E-News)
Ludzki mózg jest niesamowitym organem o ogromnym potencjale i niesamowitej zdolności do samoodnowy. Badania przeprowadzone przez naukowców pokazują, że mózg może stać się źródłem długowieczności, a nawet wiecznej młodości. Według ekspertów z Uniwersytetu w Chicago, przy odpowiednim podejściu do zdrowia, ...
26 Янв
Wpływ zawodów na fantazje mężczyzn (E-News)
Niektóre zawody kobiet od dawna cieszą się szczególnym zainteresowaniem mężczyzn, pobudzając ich wyobraźnię i tworząc obrazy pełne romantyzmu, a nawet lekkiej odwagi. Wynika to nie tylko z wyglądu przedstawicielek tych zawodów, ale także ze specyfiki ich pracy, która wpływa na męską percepcję. Jednym z ...
22 Янв
Isambard-AI supercomputer: a breakthrough in the development of drugs and vaccines (E-News)
The UK is preparing to launch a powerful supercomputer Isambard-AI, worth £ 225 million. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, this unique computing resource will become a key tool in the creation of new drugs and vaccines, reports AI4Future. Professor of High Performance Computing at the University of Bristol, Simon McIntosh-Smith, said that the launch of Isambard-AI will open up ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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26 Янв
Cómo afecta la falta de actividad física al cuerpo (E-News)
Las investigaciones modernas confirman cada vez más que un estilo de vida sedentario puede ser tan perjudicial como otros hábitos peligrosos. El rechazo a la actividad física no sólo empeora el bienestar general, sino que también desencadena procesos en el organismo que contribuyen al desarrollo de enfermedades graves. Fatiga crónicaLa falta de actividad física ...
23 Янв
Esercizi mattutini: come l'esercizio fisico ti aiuta a iniziare la giornata (E-News)
Ogni mattina le persone si trovano di fronte a una scelta: fare esercizio fisico o rimandarlo a più tardi. Mentre alcuni lo considerano una parte necessaria della loro routine mattutina, altri trovano molteplici ragioni per evitare l'esercizio fisico. Chi fa regolarmente attività fisica afferma che aiuta a svegliarsi più velocemente, fornisce energia per tutta la giornata e ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Come cambiare la tua vita per essere sano (E-News)
Negli ultimi anni sentiamo sempre più spesso dire che essere in salute è diventata una tendenza di moda. I banner pubblicitari e i social network ci incoraggiano a fare attività fisica, a mangiare sano e ad abbandonare le cattive abitudini. Tuttavia, è importante comprendere che il desiderio di salute non è solo una questione di moda, ma, prima di tutto, un desiderio ...
27 Янв
Najlepszy sposób na ochronę przed infekcjami (E-News)
Naukowcy udowodnili, że prosty nawyk – regularne mycie rąk mydłem – pozostaje najskuteczniejszą metodą zapobiegania infekcjom. Ta prosta, ale ważna czynność pomaga zapobiegać wielu chorobom przenoszonym drogą płciową. Mimo że wydaje się to oczywiste, nie każdy wie, że ważne jest nie tylko częste mycie, ale ...
27 Янв
Caminar al aire libre ayuda a evitar la miopía en los niños (E-News)
Científicos de la Universidad de Bristol han llegado a una conclusión importante: los paseos regulares al aire libre reducen significativamente el riesgo de desarrollar miopía en los niños, y este efecto persiste incluso en aquellos que tienen una predisposición genética a esta enfermedad. Las investigaciones han demostrado que el tiempo que se pasa al aire libre es ...
27 Янв
L'onestà come chiave per una salute migliore (E-News)
Gli psicologi dell'Università di Notre Dame negli Stati Uniti sono giunti a un'interessante conclusione: la sincerità migliora significativamente sia la salute fisica che quella mentale di una persona. Secondo la loro ricerca, ridurre deliberatamente le bugie può avere un impatto positivo sul benessere generale. Questa scoperta è il risultato di un esperimento unico nel suo ...
27 Янв
Fragrant pumpkin bread with cinnamon and seeds (E-News)
Pumpkin bread is not only a tasty, but also a healthy treat that can be easily prepared at home. Nourishing and aromatic, it will be a great addition to breakfast or dessert. This recipe is suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a sweet and at the same time healthy product. required ingredientsTo prepare pumpkin bread, you will need the following ingredients: 250 g pumpkin pulp, 2 cups flour, 1 ...
27 Янв
Qué atrae a un hombre de una mujer (E-News)
Cuando se habla de las preferencias de los hombres a la hora de elegir una compañera de vida, a menudo se discuten factores externos e internos que pueden desempeñar un papel decisivo. Estudios y encuestas ayudan a destacar los principales aspectos que atraen la atención de los hombres hacia las mujeres. Color del peloUno de los factores más discutidos es el color del pelo. ...
27 Янв
Come rendere espressive le ciglia (E-News)
Un'immagine con ciglia lunghe ed espressive attira sempre l'attenzione e aggiunge fascino. Tuttavia, non tutti per natura possono vantare ciglia folte e lunghe. Fortunatamente, esistono diversi metodi efficaci che aiutano ad allungare visivamente le ciglia e a rendere lo sguardo più profondo ed espressivo. Arricciatura per ottenere volume e lunghezzaIl primo passo per spettacolarizzare le ...
27 Янв
How gadgets affect the quality of sleep (E-News)
Modern technology has become an integral part of our lives, but along with convenience it brings hidden risks. Studies show that using cell phones, tablets and computers before bedtime can have a negative impact on the quality of your night's rest. Why is this the case and how can we minimize the harm from gadgets? Melatonin and its roleMelatonin is a hormone that regulates the body's natural ...
26 Янв
Come il cacao aiuta a mantenere le capacità mentali (E-News)
Il consumo quotidiano di cacao, ricco di flavonoidi, può avere un impatto significativo sulla conservazione della memoria, soprattutto nelle persone anziane. Studi condotti da scienziati italiani e statunitensi dimostrano che il consumo regolare di questo prodotto aiuta a preservare le capacità cognitive anche dopo i 70 anni. A questa età, oltre il 6% delle persone subisce un ...
26 Янв
Berry Cake Preparation (E-News)
This berry dessert is a perfect choice for lovers of fresh and light treats. It combines with the natural taste of cottage cheese and sour cream, creating a rich texture and delicate taste, and the berries add brightness and sourness. Here's how to make a delicious and beautiful "Forest Berries" cake. IngredientsFor the base: 200 g cookies100 g butterFor the filling: 400 g cottage cheese150 g ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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21 Янв
Rząd Ukrainy zatwierdził plan stworzenia 22 unikalnych opracowań naukowych (E-News)
Rząd Ukrainy zatwierdził plan stworzenia 22 unikalnych opracowań naukowych, które zostaną wdrożone po raz pierwszy na mocy rozporządzenia państwa. Jest to część nowej strategii mającej na celu integrację osiągnięć naukowych z praktycznym sektorem gospodarki. Wiadomo, że na te projekty zostanie przeznaczonych ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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Pete Hegseth: The New US Secretary of Defense and His Path to the Pentagon (E-News)
The new US Secretary of Defense, 44-year-old Pete Hegseth, known as a former Fox News host, veteran and US National Guard officer, took office after being sworn in on January 25 of this year. Before that, he headed the Veterans for Freedom and Concerned Veterans for America organizations. According to The New York Times, the confirmation process for Hegseth was extremely tense in the Senate, ...
27 Янв
USA tymczasowo zawieszają programy pomocy zagranicznej: jak to wpłynie na Ukrainę (E-News)
Sekretarz stanu USA Marco Rubio ogłosił tymczasowe zawieszenie finansowania większości programów pomocy zagranicznej na 90 dni. Decyzja ta, o której donosił portal *Politico*, weszła już w życie i wywołała poważne zaniepokojenie wśród amerykańskich i międzynarodowych urzędników. Zgodnie z oficjalnym ...
25 Янв
Hungary blocks sanctions against Russia, demanding the restoration of gas transit through Ukraine (E-News)
Hungary has once again slowed down the adoption of a European Union decision to extend sanctions against Russia. Budapest has put forward a condition: pressure on Ukraine to restore the transit of Russian gas to Europe, which was suspended earlier this year. This is reported by Bloomberg. At a meeting of representatives of EU countries on Friday, the Hungarian delegation expressed concern about ...
23 Янв
Trump sets ambitious goal for Keith Kellogg to end Ukraine war in 100 days (E-News)
US President Donald Trump has set his special envoy for the Ukraine war, Keith Kellogg, the task of ending the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 100 days. This ambitious goal has raised doubts among experts, as many do not believe that such a quick resolution to the war is possible, The Wall Street Journal reports. According to the publication, Keith Kellogg's role as special envoy is to ...
22 Янв
La Turquie prête à reprendre le commerce avec Israël : tout dépend de la paix à Gaza (E-News)
La Turquie envisage la possibilité de reprendre ses relations commerciales avec Israël, mais pose comme principale condition une paix stable et durable dans la bande de Gaza. Cette déclaration intervient alors qu'un accord de cessez-le-feu a été conclu entre Israël et les militants du Hamas. Comme l'a rapporté *Reuters*, la position de la Turquie a ...
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