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24 января 2025, пятница 00:18

№ 19761448

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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20 Янв
Ukraine has approved the Strategy-2030: how the healthcare system will change (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted an ambitious Strategy for the Development of the Healthcare System until 2030. As part of this document, an operational plan for the implementation of key measures for the period 2025-2027 has also been approved. When announcing this news, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal emphasized the importance of clear planning. According to him, the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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23 Янв
Preservation of payments and benefits for people with disabilities (E-News)
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine reported on the preservation of all payments, benefits and pensions for citizens with disabilities, rejecting rumors that these payments may be canceled. The statement of the department clearly states that information about the possible cancellation of payments for people with the 2nd or 3rd disability groups is false and incorrect. According to the ...
22 Янв
Ukraina i Niemcy połączyły siły w zakresie produkcji i konserwacji sprzętu wojskowego (E-News)
Niemiecka firma KNDS Deutschland, znana jako producent czołgów Leopard 2, oficjalnie utworzyła spółkę joint venture z ukraińską firmą zbrojeniową. Oznacza to nowy etap współpracy w kompleksie wojskowo-przemysłowym obu krajów. Poinformował o tym minister przemysłu strategicznego Ukrainy Herman Smetanin. „Z ...
22 Янв
The Warm Winter social program is expanding: more cash assistance for low-income families (E-News)
The Ukrainian government continues to actively improve social programs aimed at supporting low-income families and internally displaced persons. One of the key initiatives in this direction is the Warm Winter program, which has received significant changes and expansion this year. According to the announcement of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, the government is expanding the number ...
21 Янв
Improving the valuation of insolvent banks’ assets in Ukraine: a new stage of cooperation between the State Property Fund of Ukraine and the Deposit Guarantee Fund (E-News)
Ukrainian state authorities have taken an important step to improve the procedure for valuing insolvent banks’ assets. The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals (DGF) have signed a memorandum of cooperation to improve the process of valuing the assets of banks that do not fulfill their obligations. According to the information provided by the press ...
20 Янв
State Budget of Ukraine for 2024: Expenditures Increased by UAH 456.5 Billion (E-News)
In 2024, the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine increased by UAH 456.5 billion, which is 15% more compared to the previous year. Total cash expenditures of the general fund reached UAH 3.5 trillion, and in December alone they amounted to UAH 492.2 billion. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. The main part of the expenditures was directed to ensuring the country's ...
17 Янв
Wielka Brytania wprowadza program śledzenia zboża kradzionego przez Rosję z Ukrainy (E-News)
Wielka Brytania ogłosiła uruchomienie nowej inicjatywy, która pomoże Ukrainie śledzić zboże kradzione przez Rosję z tymczasowo okupowanych terytoriów. Będzie to ważny krok w walce z nielegalnym handlem ukraińskim zbożem, które po kradzieży jest często przepakowywane i sprzedawane na rynkach międzynarodowych. O ...
17 Янв
Government expands project of modern workshops for vocational education (E-News)
In 2025, 100 new modern workshops and laboratories will be established in vocational and technical education institutions. The government has allocated UAH 540 million for this initiative under the state program "100 Workshops". The goal of the program is to provide students with modern skills and adapt them to the requirements of the digital economy. The statement on the expansion of this ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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22 Янв
Isambard-AI supercomputer: a breakthrough in the development of drugs and vaccines (E-News)
The UK is preparing to launch a powerful supercomputer Isambard-AI, worth £ 225 million. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, this unique computing resource will become a key tool in the creation of new drugs and vaccines, reports AI4Future. Professor of High Performance Computing at the University of Bristol, Simon McIntosh-Smith, said that the launch of Isambard-AI will open up ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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23 Янв
Jak radzić sobie z przewlekłym stresem (E-News)
Stres jest zjawiskiem, z którym zmaga się każdy człowiek. Jest to naturalna reakcja organizmu na bodźce zewnętrzne, która może objawiać się w różny sposób: od lekkiej drażliwości do silnego wyczerpania emocjonalnego i fizycznego. Choć w niektórych sytuacjach stres może być korzystny, zwłaszcza gdy ...
23 Янв
Features of a nursing mother's diet: what you need to know (E-News)
When a woman becomes a mother, one of the first important decisions concerns how to feed her child. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about how a mother's diet during breastfeeding should be especially strict in order to avoid allergies and digestive problems in the baby. But is this really true? In fact, breastfeeding requires a careful approach to diet, but not necessarily a ...
23 Янв
How to speed up hair growth: 5 effective tips (E-News)
Do you dream of long and healthy hair? There are several simple but very effective ways that will help speed up their growth and maintain their health. This does not require much time or expensive procedures, just follow a few simple rules. proper hair careThe first thing that is important to consider to speed up hair growth is to use the right grooming tools. A pig bristle brush is an excellent ...
22 Янв
Stone therapy for hair restoration (E-News)
Stone therapy is one of the most popular and effective spa treatments, which is known for its numerous health-enhancing effects. This technique combines ancient eastern traditions and modern western practices aimed at improving the functioning of the entire body. However, few people know that stone therapy can be beneficial not only for the whole body, but also for hair restoration and ...
22 Янв
Unwanted sex: causes and consequences (E-News)
Many women face a situation when they agree to sex, although they do not feel like it. You can often hear the phrase: "Let's not have sex today, I have a headache," but why does this happen and how does it affect relationships? physiological and psychological reasonsSexual desire in women can decrease for many reasons. One of them is hormonal changes, stress or relationship problems. Unlike male ...
21 Янв
Jak zorganizować żywienie dzieci w wieku szkolnym w trakcie roku szkolnego? (E-News)
Początek roku szkolnego to nie tylko czas zdobywania nowej wiedzy i osiągnięć, ale także okres, w którym rodzice zastanawiają się nad prawidłowym odżywianiem swoich dzieci. Dieta dzieci w wieku szkolnym ma bezpośredni wpływ na ich uwagę, wydajność i ogólne samopoczucie. Zobaczmy, jak najlepiej zorganizować ...
21 Янв
Eye skin care: simple recommendations to maintain a youthful appearance (E-News)
The skin around the eyes is one of the most sensitive and delicate on our body, and it is often the first to show its age. Wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles and “caterpillars” become visible much sooner than we want them to. That's why this area needs to be cared for regularly and thoroughly. Here are some simple and effective ways to keep the skin around the eyes looking young. The first thing ...
21 Янв
Cryotherapy for Rejuvenation and Health (E-News)
Cryotherapy, or cold treatment, is one of the most effective healing methods that uses low temperatures on the body. This method has a long history and is used to improve various functions of the body, such as blood circulation, metabolism, and to combat inflammation and skin diseases. Despite the lack of a single scientific definition, cryotherapy has proven its effectiveness in many areas of ...
20 Янв
Hair restoration after a hot summer (E-News)
Summer leaves not only pleasant memories, but also a noticeable mark on the condition of the hair. The hot sun, sea water and dry air deprive the hair of moisture, making it brittle, dull and unruly. To restore the health and beauty of your locks, you should pay special attention to them in the fall. vitamins for strengthening hair In the fall, hair needs additional nutrition. Take vitamin ...
20 Янв
Jak przywrócić zdrowie włosom i pozbyć się rozdwojonych końcówek (E-News)
Rozdwojone końcówki to problem, z którym zmaga się wiele właścicielek długich włosów. To nie tylko defekt kosmetyczny, ale także sygnał, że należy zwrócić się do lekarza o szczególną opiekę. Aby przywrócić włosom zdrowy wygląd, potrzebne jest kompleksowe ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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21 Янв
Rząd Ukrainy zatwierdził plan stworzenia 22 unikalnych opracowań naukowych (E-News)
Rząd Ukrainy zatwierdził plan stworzenia 22 unikalnych opracowań naukowych, które zostaną wdrożone po raz pierwszy na mocy rozporządzenia państwa. Jest to część nowej strategii mającej na celu integrację osiągnięć naukowych z praktycznym sektorem gospodarki. Wiadomo, że na te projekty zostanie przeznaczonych ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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23 Янв
Trump sets ambitious goal for Keith Kellogg to end Ukraine war in 100 days (E-News)
US President Donald Trump has set his special envoy for the Ukraine war, Keith Kellogg, the task of ending the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 100 days. This ambitious goal has raised doubts among experts, as many do not believe that such a quick resolution to the war is possible, The Wall Street Journal reports. According to the publication, Keith Kellogg's role as special envoy is to ...
21 Янв
Trump Doubles Inaugural Fundraising Record: Historic $250 Million (E-News)
US President-elect Donald Trump has set an unprecedented inaugural fundraising record, raising $250 million. This amount is more than double the $107 million raised during his first inauguration in 2017. A significant portion of the funds came from large corporations. Key donors included tech giants Meta, Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Uber, each of which contributed $1 million. ...
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