Новости - Украина |  | |
17:00 18 Мар | Zelenskyy signe une loi permettant aux forces armées d'envoyer des unités à l'étranger (E-News) Le président de l'Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a signé une loi autorisant les forces armées ukrainiennes à envoyer leurs unités dans d'autres pays pendant la loi martiale. Cette mesure vise à garantir la sécurité nationale et à maintenir la stabilité internationale.
En vertu de la nouvelle loi, les forces armées ukrainiennes peuvent ... |
17:00 17 Мар | Ukraine Receives Financial Support from the World Bank for Healthcare Transformation (E-News) Ukraine has received significant financial support from the World Bank in the form of a grant of UAH 207 million for the implementation of an important project to transform the healthcare system. These funds will be used to modernize the healthcare infrastructure and increase the efficiency of domestic medicine.
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal announced the grant. According to him, the ... |
13:00 18 Мар | Tax revenues in Ukraine: which industries paid the most in 2025 (E-News) During January-February 2025, the main sources of filling the consolidated budget of Ukraine were wholesale and retail trade, as well as vehicle repair. This was reported by the State Tax Service of Ukraine (STSU), summarizing data on tax payments in various sectors of the economy.
According to official information, the following industries provided the most tax revenues:
- Wholesale and retail ... |
10:00 18 Мар | Return of Ukrainians Home: 70% Ready Provided Country Develops (E-News) The vast majority of Ukrainians who were forced to leave the country due to the war are ready to return to their homeland. However, their decision depends on further changes in Ukraine - almost 70% of Ukrainians are considering returning provided the situation stabilizes and the country's economic development.
This was stated in an interview with BBC Ukraine by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ... |
16:00 17 Мар | Die Regierung hat beschlossen, 60 Projekte zur Ausstattung von Notunterkünften in Schulen zu finanzieren (E-News) Das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine hat beschlossen, 60 Projekte zur Ausstattung von Notunterkünften in weiterführenden Bildungseinrichtungen in Gemeinden mit hohem und sehr hohem Risiko zu finanzieren. Die Gesamtsumme der Subventionen für den Bau von Unterkünften beträgt im Jahr 2024 die Rekordhöhe von 6,2 Milliarden UAH.
Diese Projekte wurden auf Grundlage des ... |
15:00 17 Мар | Poland is becoming increasingly attractive for migrant workers (E-News) Poland continues to attract migrant workers, particularly Ukrainians, thanks to rising wages and stable working conditions. According to a recent survey, 85% of Ukrainians working in Poland are satisfied with their wages, which correspond to their qualifications. In addition, 70% of respondents noted that they manage to save money regularly.
These data are provided by the analytical center of ... |
13:00 17 Мар | Pharmaceutical companies to reduce prices for more than 200 medicines: what awaits consumers (E-News) Medicine manufacturers in Ukraine are preparing to reduce prices for about 250 more medicines. The cost reduction will range from 20% to 40%, depending on the market situation. Such changes were announced by the president of the association "Medicine Manufacturers of Ukraine" Petro Bagriy, emphasizing that drug prices will be reduced gradually for different groups of drugs.
According to Bagriy, ... |
10:00 17 Мар | Trump’s trade tariffs have shaken consumer confidence in the US (E-News) In March 2024, consumer sentiment in the United States suffered a sharp deterioration, accompanied by rising inflation expectations. Economic uncertainty arose against the backdrop of a new wave of tariffs imposed by former President Donald Trump, which led to an escalation of the trade war and raised fears of rising prices and weakening economic stability.
According to Reuters, according to a ... |
13:00 14 Мар | Ukraińska firma MilTech Skiftech podpisała historyczny kontrakt z armią USA (E-News) Ukraińska firma Skiftech, specjalizująca się w opracowywaniu symulatorów taktycznych do szkolenia wojskowego, została pierwszą firmą MilTech z Ukrainy, która podpisała długoterminowy kontrakt z armią USA. Całkowita wartość umowy wynosi 921,1 mln dolarów, a jej okres obowiązywania ustalono na 10 lat.
Jak podaje biuro ... |
10:00 14 Мар | MTIBU paid almost UAH 92 million to road accident victims: analysis and trends (E-News) In February 2025, the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU) made a significant number of scheduled payments from the Victims' Protection Fund, totaling UAH 91.9 million. This was reported by the bureau's press service, emphasizing a significant increase in both the number of payments (+142.5%) and their total amount (+160.8%) compared to February 2024.
The bulk of scheduled ... |
11:00 13 Мар | Rheinmetall prognostiziert im Zuge der europäischen Rüstungsaufrüstung ein Rekordumsatzwachstum im Jahr 2025 (E-News) Der deutsche Maschinenbau- und Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall, einer der Hauptnutznießer der massiven Investitionen Europas in den Verteidigungssektor, erwartet für 2025 einen deutlichen Umsatzanstieg. Dieser Anstieg ist auf die aktive Erhöhung der Militärbudgets der europäischen Länder zurückzuführen, die vor dem Hintergrund der Bedrohung durch Russland ... |
10:00 13 Мар | Ukraine to import US gas through European terminals (E-News) Ukraine is considering the possibility of significant imports of US natural gas through terminals in Germany, Greece, Lithuania and Poland. This decision is aimed at strengthening the country's energy security in the face of Russian attacks on critical infrastructure.
According to Reuters, such a step will not only allow Ukraine to ensure stable gas supplies, but will also contribute to ... |
12:28 18 Мар | El estornudo como mecanismo de regeneración celular (E-News) En los últimos años, los científicos han comenzado a analizar de forma nueva procesos a los que estamos acostumbrados, como el estornudo, que se ha demostrado que es una parte importante del mecanismo de curación del cuerpo. Según el Dr. Noam Cohen, de la Universidad de Pensilvania, el estornudo no es sólo un reflejo, sino una especie de “reinicio” de las ... |
12:00 18 Мар | Google a officiellement annoncé son intention de remplacer Google Assistant par une nouvelle intelligence artificielle Gemini (E-News) Google a officiellement annoncé son intention de remplacer progressivement Google Assistant par une nouvelle intelligence artificielle appelée Gemini. Ce processus devrait se poursuivre tout au long de 2025 et couvrir presque tous les appareils, à l’exception de ceux exécutant des versions obsolètes d’Android.
Ceci est rapporté sur le blog de Google. Selon la ... |
10:28 17 Мар | Faire renaître la passion : comment se débarrasser des facteurs qui réduisent la libido ? (E-News) Tout le monde a des problèmes de désir sexuel, mais si cela devient un phénomène constant, il est important de prêter attention aux causes possibles et de chercher des solutions. Les causes peuvent être variées, et elles résident souvent dans le fait que nous ne remarquons pas ou que nous n'accordons pas d'importance à de petites choses. Voici quelques ... |
15:28 16 Мар | New hairstyle - new changes (E-News) For many, changing your hairstyle means more than just updating your appearance. It is a step towards changes in life, a reflection of your inner state, or a desire to leave something in the past. But how can you make sure that the changes are truly beneficial?
Hair has always had a special meaning. In ancient cultures, long locks symbolized strength and vitality. Let's remember the biblical ... |
20:48 15 Мар | Jak zacząć zarabiać pieniądze w domu (E-News) Dzięki rozwojowi technologii internetowych, możliwość zarabiania pieniędzy w domu staje się coraz bardziej aktualna. Jeśli zdecydujesz się spróbować tej drogi, wiedz, że nie jesteś sam. Świat zmienia się w szybkim tempie, otwierając nowe możliwości zarabiania pieniędzy, a praca zdalna jest jedną z ... |
09:28 13 Мар | Die Zukunft der Langlebigkeit: 1.000 Jahre alt werden (E-News) Wissenschaftler aus Großbritannien haben eine sensationelle Aussage gemacht, die das Verständnis der Menschheit vom Leben und Alter maßgeblich verändern könnte. Experten zufolge werden Fortschritte in Biologie und Medizin den Menschen ein deutlich längeres Leben ermöglichen, und vielleicht werden wir in Zukunft 1.000 Jahre alt werden. Obwohl der Name der Person, ... |
11:28 15 Мар | Come mantenersi in forma quando si ha un lavoro sedentario (E-News) Nelle condizioni di vita moderne, molti di noi si trovano ad affrontare il problema di uno stile di vita sedentario. Impiegati, programmatori, redattori e altri professionisti il cui lavoro comporta stare sempre seduti spesso si preoccupano del sovrappeso e della riduzione dell'attività fisica. Ma non c'è motivo di farsi prendere dal panico: esistono dei modi per ... |
08:48 15 Мар | How to Speed Up Progress in Training: Circuit Training (E-News) Many people know that with proper nutrition and high-intensity exercise, progress in improving physical fitness does not always remain stable. After a while, the weight may “get stuck” at one level, and increasing the training load will not give tangible results. This phenomenon is called a “plateau”. From time to time, it occurs even in experienced athletes, and it is explained by the fact that ... |
15:28 14 Мар | Running or Walking: Which is Better for Health (E-News) When it comes to staying fit, many people wonder what to choose: running or walking? Both types of activity are good for health, but which one is more effective? The answer to this question depends on many factors, including a person’s preferences and goals. However, experts are sure that the most useful type of sport is the one that brings pleasure, because this is the motivation that will allow ... |
20:48 18 Мар | Herbata i złoto w walce z rakiem: innowacyjna terapia (E-News) Naukowcy z University of Missouri zaprezentowali rewolucyjną terapię przeciwnowotworową, która łączy ekstrakt z herbaty z radioaktywnymi nanocząsteczkami złota. Ta innowacyjna metoda została z powodzeniem przetestowana na modelach zwierzęcych, w szczególności na myszach, którym przeszczepiono komórki raka prostaty. Niesamowite ... |
19:28 18 Мар | Albaricoques: el camino hacia una vista sana y el bienestar (E-News) Los albaricoques no sólo son frutas deliciosas y jugosas, sino también un auténtico tesoro de nutrientes que ayudan a mantener la salud ocular y cardiovascular. Uno de los componentes más valiosos de los albaricoques es la vitamina A, que desempeña un papel vital en la mejora de la visión. Esta vitamina es un potente antioxidante que neutraliza los radicales libres ... |
15:28 18 Мар | Dates in the diet: is it possible to lose weight (E-News) Sweet lovers often face difficulties when trying to lose weight, since limiting sugar becomes a real challenge for them. However, there are ways to lose weight that allow you to maintain a sweet taste in your diet. One of these options is eating dates, which are rich in natural sugars and can replace confectionery.
Is it possible to eat only dates?Dates do have a number of useful properties: ... |
10:28 18 Мар | Soins du maillot : options populaires (E-News) Si vous avez acheté un maillot de bain ouvert ou si vous souhaitez simplement essayer quelque chose de nouveau, il vaut la peine de réfléchir à la conception de la zone du bikini. Il existe de nombreuses façons de prendre soin de cette zone, et chacune d’entre elles a ses propres caractéristiques.
Épilation complèteL’une des options les plus courantes ... |
09:28 18 Мар | Warum heiraten manche Paare und andere nicht? (E-News) Im Leben gibt es oft Geschichten, in denen Menschen jahrelang zusammenleben, aber nie heiraten. Und dann heiratet einer von ihnen plötzlich eine andere Person, die er erst seit ein paar Monaten kennt. Warum passiert das?
Psychologen sind der Meinung, dass die Entscheidung zur Familiengründung rechtzeitig getroffen werden sollte. Zu Beginn einer Beziehung sind die Partner ... |
08:48 18 Мар | How to stay in shape without giving up restaurant food (E-News) The modern pace of life makes eating out an integral part of everyday life. However, frequent visits to cafes and restaurants can lead to weight gain. American researchers have found that a conscious approach to food helps to avoid this problem. How can you learn to control portions and the composition of dishes without denying yourself the pleasure of visiting your favorite places?
Scientists ... |
19:28 17 Мар | Cómo apoyar a un adolescente que sueña con ser modelo (E-News) Si tu hija adolescente de repente empieza a perder peso rápidamente, inspirada por fotos de modelos, esto es motivo de preocupación. El deseo de lucir atractivo es natural, pero es importante que no conduzca a problemas de salud graves. ¿Cómo puedes canalizar su interés en la dirección correcta y ayudarla a mantener un equilibrio entre la belleza y el cuidado ... |
16:28 17 Мар | Hausgemachte gekochte Kondensmilch: Der Geschmack der Kindheit, mit eigenen Händen gemacht (E-News) Kondensmilch ist nicht nur eine Süßigkeit, sondern ein fester Bestandteil der Kindheit. Wie viele schöne Erinnerungen sind mit diesem Produkt verbunden, als Oma oder Mama uns nach dem Mittagessen oder als Nachmittagssnack damit verwöhnten.
Mit der Entwicklung der industriellen Produktion und dem Erscheinen verschiedener Marken von Kondensmilch in den Supermarktregalen ... |
15:28 17 Мар | Useful protein shake for active people (E-News) Protein shake is not only tasty, but also a nutritious drink, which becomes a real source of energy and benefits for the body. Protein plays a key role in maintaining health, especially for people who lead an active lifestyle, as well as for children, women during pregnancy and lactation. Protein shakes are a great way to add the right amount of protein to your diet while still enjoying the ... |
12:28 17 Мар | Qué tipo de mujeres atraen a los hombres (E-News) Los hombres, al igual que las mujeres, tienen sus preferencias a la hora de elegir una compañera de vida. Aunque cada uno tiene sus gustos individuales, hay unas cuantas cualidades que definitivamente atraen a la mitad más fuerte de la humanidad. Veamos qué rasgos valora más una mujer a los ojos de los hombres.
En primer lugar, para la mayoría de los hombres, la ... |
17:00 14 Мар | La Finlande a annoncé un nouveau programme d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine d'une valeur de 200 millions d'euros : le 28e consécutif (E-News) La Finlande a annoncé un nouveau programme d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine, d'une valeur d'environ 200 millions d'euros. Cette décision a été prise lors d'une rencontre entre le ministre finlandais de la Défense Antti Häkkanen et le ministre ukrainien de la Défense Rustem Umerov, jeudi 14 mars. C'est ce qu'a rapporté le service de presse du ministère ... |
15:00 14 Мар | Polish President Calls for US Nuclear Weapons to Be Deployed in Poland to Deter Russia (E-News) Polish President Andrzej Duda has called on the United States to deploy nuclear weapons in Poland as a strategic step to deter potential aggression from the Russian Federation. The issue was raised during Duda's recent meeting with US diplomat and US Special Representative for Ukraine Keith Kellogg.
In an interview with the Financial Times, the Polish leader said that US President Donald Trump ... |
15:00 13 Мар | Maxar Technologies Restores Satellite Imagery Access for Ukraine (E-News) Maxar Technologies, a leading US aerospace technology provider, has restored access to satellite imagery for Ukrainian users through the GEGD (Government Enhanced Geospatial Data) program. This program, created by the US government, provides commercial satellite imagery collected by the US government for analysis and use.
This fact was confirmed by reports from several Ukrainian users of the ... |