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1 марта 2025, суббота 10:17

№ 19722090

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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27 Фев
Bank deposits of Ukrainians: uneven distribution of savings (E-News)
As of February 1, 2025, the total amount of deposits of individuals, including individual entrepreneurs (IEPs), in the banking system of Ukraine reached UAH 1.38 trillion. However, almost half of these funds are concentrated in less than 1% of depositors. According to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, a significant part of savings is stored in the national currency - UAH 883.6 billion. At the same ...
26 Фев
Ukrainian Charitable Foundations Raised 28% More Donations in 2024 (E-News)
In 2024, the largest charitable foundations of Ukraine raised 24.1 billion hryvnias, which is 28% more than in the previous year. This was made possible thanks to the active support of citizens and international donors during the full-scale war. According to Opendatabot, over the three years of the war, the largest Ukrainian foundations, such as Povernys zhivym, Prytula Foundation, and United24, ...
26 Фев
EU steps up energy support for Ukraine: integration and financing (E-News)
The European Commission has presented a new package of energy support for Ukraine, aimed at strengthening the country’s energy security and its full integration into the European energy market. The document was published in Kyiv on 24 February. According to the plan, by 2027, the Ukrainian electricity market should be fully integrated with the European one, which will allow Ukraine to become ...
25 Фев
Business in Ukraine during the war: over half a million closed businesses in three years (E-News)
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Ukrainian business sector has undergone significant changes. Over the three years of the war, over 873 thousand new individual entrepreneurs and companies were registered in the country, but at the same time more than half a million businesses ceased their activities. According to data from analysts at YouControl, 104 ...
24 Фев
Ukraińcy wypłacają średnio 5034 hrywien z bankomatów: dane NBU (E-News)
W 2024 roku średnia kwota wypłacana przez Ukraińców z bankomatów wzrosła o 19% i wyniosła 5034 hrywien. Wskazuje to na wzrost aktywności społeczeństwa w sektorze bankowym, w szczególności w zakresie korzystania z bankomatów w celu wypłaty gotówki, zgodnie z Przeglądem sektora bankowego Narodowego Banku Ukrainy ...
24 Фев
Ukraine significantly increases drone production: government invests 8 billion to develop technology (E-News)
In January 2025, Ukraine made significant progress in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, increasing production volumes 10 times compared to January 2024. This success was made possible thanks to active investments and government support, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said. He noted that over the past two years, Ukraine has significantly expanded production capacities in the defense ...
24 Фев
Drone spending at Prozorro increased to UAH 15.4 billion in 2024 (E-News)
In 2024, the amount of drone procurement deals through the Prozorro system increased significantly, reaching UAH 15.4 billion. This is almost six times more than in the previous year, when deals worth UAH 2.6 billion were concluded. This was reported by TI Ukraine, a publishing house specializing in the analysis of public procurement. The most popular among the purchased equipment remain various ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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25 Фев
How water helps to cope with negative emotions (E-News)
Water is not only a source of life, but also a powerful tool for improving psycho-emotional well-being. Studies show that contact with water can have a positive effect on our mood and help us cope with depression and negative feelings. For example, simply washing your hands or taking a shower can help improve your psycho-emotional state and refresh not only your body, but also your ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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28 Фев
W jakim wieku kobieta staje się najbardziej atrakcyjna? (E-News)
Stereotypy dotyczące atrakcyjności kobiet zależą w dużej mierze od wieku. Z reguły w świadomości społecznej wyróżnia się kilka okresów wiekowych, w których kobieta staje się szczególnie atrakcyjna. Pierwszy wiek to 18 lat, kiedy dziewczęta zazwyczaj są młode i świeże. Z kolei uwagę ...
28 Фев
How to Create a Creative Atmosphere in the Office (E-News)
Creating a creative and comfortable office is an important task for any employer. After all, an office is not just a workspace, but a place where the most important processes of the company take place. In order for employees to feel comfortable and enjoy their work, the environment must be thoughtful and inspiring. How can you create an atmosphere that will promote creativity and effective ...
28 Фев
Herbs for beauty: how they help solve skin problems (E-News)
Summer is not only a time for relaxation, but also a period when you can take care of your health and beauty with the help of natural herbs. For centuries, herbs have been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases and care for the skin. Today, herbs are still in demand in cosmetology, despite the development of pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. They remain an important component in ...
27 Фев
How to keep a man close to you (E-News)
In the search for harmony and happiness in a relationship, women often find themselves faced with the task of tying a man to themselves. This requires not only love, but also a strategic approach. Women often lose their individuality in the pursuit of attention of a partner, sacrificing hobbies and social circle for the sake of being liked. However, over time it becomes clear that constant ...
27 Фев
Co zrobić w przypadku użądlenia przez pszczołę? (E-News)
Użądlenie przez pszczołę to nieprzyjemność, która może spotkać każdego. Owady te często kojarzone są z korzyściami, ponieważ produkują miód, jednak dla niektórych osób spotkanie z pszczołą okazuje się nie tylko bólem, ale i niebezpiecznymi konsekwencjami. Ważne jest, aby ...
27 Фев
Proper nutrition during different years of life (E-News)
Proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining health and slowing down the aging process. So how to change habits depending on age to maintain health and look attractive throughout life? Gennady Malakhov, a well-known expert in the field of healthy lifestyle, can provide an answer to this question. In youth, up to thirty years old, the body is not yet experiencing serious changes, and we often ...
26 Фев
Jak leczyć zapalenie oskrzeli za pomocą roślin leczniczych (E-News)
Zapalenie oskrzeli to stan zapalny błony śluzowej oskrzeli, któremu często towarzyszą kaszel, świszczący oddech i trudną do oddzielenia plwocinę. W leczeniu tej choroby stosuje się w medycynie ludowej wiele roślin, jedną z nich jest bukwica. Roślina ta jest szeroko znana ze swoich właściwości leczniczych i ...
26 Фев
What foods will help stop hair loss (E-News)
The problem of hair loss is becoming relevant for many people, regardless of their age and gender. However, there is no reason to panic - there are several effective ways to combat this phenomenon, including through proper nutrition. Products rich in useful vitamins and microelements can significantly slow down hair loss and improve the condition of the hair. What substances are needed for this? ...
26 Фев
Dried tomatoes with aromatic herbs (E-News)
Dried tomatoes are a great way to preserve the summer harvest for a long time and enjoy a rich taste at any time of the year. They retain all their beneficial properties and become a great addition to various dishes, such as pasta, pizza or salads. Making dried tomatoes at home is not a difficult process, but it does take time and patience. To prepare dried tomatoes, you will need 1.5 kg of ripe ...
25 Фев
Jak zachować spokój podczas wychowywania dzieci (E-News)
Wychowywanie dzieci to nie tylko złożony proces, ale prawdziwa sztuka, która wymaga cierpliwości, wytrwałości i mądrości. Niestety, nie ma jednej uniwersalnej szkoły, która uczy wszystkich subtelności komunikacji z dzieckiem w trudnych sytuacjach. Każdy rodzic staje przed wyjątkowymi wyzwaniami, które wymagają ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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27 Фев
Court Orders Trump Administration to Restore Funding: USAID Foreign Contractors’ Accounts at Risk (E-News)
A District Court in the District of Columbia has ruled that the Trump administration must pay the bills of foreign contractors of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The ruling applies to work completed by February 13, the result of a lawsuit by contractors who claimed that the president’s executive order and Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s directive had halted ...
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