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25 февраля 2025, вторник 13:06

№ 19718562

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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21 Фев
Zelensky responded to Trump: denial of manipulation and emphasis on support for Ukraine (E-News)
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky commented on the statement of former US President Donald Trump regarding his allegedly extremely low rating in Ukraine. Zelensky stressed that the widespread information about support at 4% is blatant disinformation of Russian origin. During a press conference, Zelensky noted that Ukrainian intelligence has evidence indicating that these manipulative data ...
19 Фев
Zełenski odroczył wizytę w Arabii Saudyjskiej: priorytety dyplomatyczne Ukrainy (E-News)
Prezydent Ukrainy Wołodymyr Zełenski podjął decyzję o przełożeniu planowanej wizyty w Arabii Saudyjskiej. Powodem tego były negocjacje międzynarodowe, które mogły wpłynąć na przyszłą sytuację bezpieczeństwa na Ukrainie i w Europie. Głowa państwa oświadczyła to podczas konferencji ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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24 Фев
Ukraińcy wypłacają średnio 5034 hrywien z bankomatów: dane NBU (E-News)
W 2024 roku średnia kwota wypłacana przez Ukraińców z bankomatów wzrosła o 19% i wyniosła 5034 hrywien. Wskazuje to na wzrost aktywności społeczeństwa w sektorze bankowym, w szczególności w zakresie korzystania z bankomatów w celu wypłaty gotówki, zgodnie z Przeglądem sektora bankowego Narodowego Banku Ukrainy ...
24 Фев
Ukraine significantly increases drone production: government invests 8 billion to develop technology (E-News)
In January 2025, Ukraine made significant progress in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, increasing production volumes 10 times compared to January 2024. This success was made possible thanks to active investments and government support, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said. He noted that over the past two years, Ukraine has significantly expanded production capacities in the defense ...
24 Фев
Drone spending at Prozorro increased to UAH 15.4 billion in 2024 (E-News)
In 2024, the amount of drone procurement deals through the Prozorro system increased significantly, reaching UAH 15.4 billion. This is almost six times more than in the previous year, when deals worth UAH 2.6 billion were concluded. This was reported by TI Ukraine, a publishing house specializing in the analysis of public procurement. The most popular among the purchased equipment remain various ...
20 Фев
Ukraine expects $2.7 billion from IMF in 2025: government plans for next year (E-News)
Ukraine plans to receive $2.7 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2025, which will become an important component of its financial policy. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Shmyhal. He noted that in the coming days an IMF mission will begin, which will carry out the seventh review of the joint EFF (Extended Financing Facility) program. During this process, ...
20 Фев
100 most popular drugs to be reduced by 30% in Ukraine (E-News)
From March 1, 2025, the prices of the 100 most popular drugs in Ukraine will be reduced by 30%. This was made possible thanks to an agreement between the Ministry of Health and leading domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, who signed a corresponding declaration. According to the Ministry of Health, the list includes drugs from Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies that are actively used to treat ...
19 Фев
Akcje Intela osiągnęły największy wzrost od 2023 r. pośród plotek o możliwym podziale firmy (E-News)
Akcje spółki Intel Corp. wzrósł o 11% w związku z plotkami o możliwym podziale firmy w ramach transakcji, w którą zaangażowani są giganci technologiczni, tacy jak Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) i Broadcom Inc. Był to największy wzrost wartości akcji Intela od 2023 roku, a wielu analityków uważa, że ...
19 Фев
Ukraine allocates over UAH 1.5 billion to restore Chernobyl NPP shelter after drone attack (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to allocate over UAH 1.5 billion to ensure the safety of the Chernobyl NPP shelter after it was hit by a Russian drone on February 14 of this year. These funds are intended to support and restore the facility in proper condition to prevent any potential threats to the environment and ensure stability of the situation at the plant. This was stated ...
19 Фев
Ukrainian military personnel will advance in their careers according to NATO standards (E-News)
Ukraine plans to reform the career advancement system for military personnel, bringing it closer to NATO standards. The Ministry of Defense has developed a draft decree that provides for the introduction of new rules for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service. The relevant document has already been approved by the government and submitted to the ...
18 Фев
Ukrainians paid almost 65 million hryvnias in voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (E-News)
During 2023-2024, Ukrainians paid voluntary insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Ukraine for a total of 64.8 million hryvnias. This was made possible thanks to the implemented program that allows every citizen to make voluntary contributions to their pension. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Ministry notes that Ukrainians can pay ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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How to deal with snoring: effective methods and recommendations (E-News)
Snoring is not only an unpleasant phenomenon for those who hear it at night, but also a serious problem that can affect the quality of sleep and health. Although snoring most often bothers men, women can also face this problem. It is important to understand that snoring is not always harmless, it can be a signal of more serious diseases, such as sleep apnea, when breathing can temporarily ...
24 Фев
Why August is the month of crises in families (E-News)
August is the time when the sun, sea and long-awaited vacation should at first glance bring only joy and harmony. However, at the same time, many couples face unexpected challenges. Instead of enjoying their vacation, some begin to think about breaking up, and according to statistics, September is the month when many family unions break up. Italian lawyers specializing in divorce proceedings ...
24 Фев
How even short-term stress affects health (E-News)
Stress has long been an integral part of modern man's life. Many people believe that a little stress can even be beneficial, motivating them to take action or helping them cope with difficulties. However, research shows that even short-term stressful situations can be seriously detrimental to health. Scientists from the UK have conducted a large-scale study that disproves the myth about the ...
23 Фев
The Best Makeup Shades for Dark-Haired Girls (E-News)
Dark-haired girls always attract attention with their mystery and charm. To emphasize natural beauty and create a spectacular image, it is important to choose the right makeup. A competent choice of cosmetic shades will allow you to look harmonious and spectacular in any situation. bright lipsticks for expressiveness Rich lipstick shades, such as terracotta, cinnamon, cherry or classic red, are ...
23 Фев
Przyczyny tachykardii i metody jej leczenia (E-News)
Tachykardia to stan, w którym częstość akcji serca przekracza 100 uderzeń na minutę. Może mieć różne przyczyny – począwszy od naturalnych reakcji organizmu, aż po choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Ważne jest, aby zrozumieć, że tachykardia może być nie tylko fizjologiczna, ale i ...
23 Фев
Cranberry Honey Mousse: A Refreshing Dessert for Any Occasion (E-News)
If you want to surprise your guests or treat yourself to a light and healthy dessert, cranberry honey mousse is the perfect choice. Bright, with a slight sourness of cranberries and a delicate texture, this mousse will be a great end to any dinner. And thanks to honey and semolina, it is not only tasty, but also healthy. To prepare the mousse, let's start by preparing the cranberries. The ...
22 Фев
How nutrition affects health at different ages (E-News)
Every woman, regardless of age, strives to keep herself in shape. However, the body undergoes changes over the years, and an approach to nutrition that worked in your 20s may become less effective in your 30s, 40s or 50s. Eating the right diet at each age period not only helps you maintain your figure, but also your health. How to eat after 30After the age of 30, calorie needs decrease. It is ...
22 Фев
Kaip pamilti savo bruožus (E-News)
Daugelis merginų, turinčių mažą krūtinę, dėl to jaučia kompleksus. Manoma, kad vyrai pageidauja tik vešlių formų, o šį stereotipą dažnai sustiprina viešoji nuomonė ir pačių vyrų pasisakymai. Tačiau tikrovė yra daug sudėtingesnė ir įvairesnė, nei ...
22 Фев
What kind of pies are safest to buy on the beach (E-News)
On hot summer days, many of us like to treat ourselves to something tasty on the beach. However, it is worth remembering that not all baked goods are suitable for consumption in such conditions. The safest option for a snack in such cases will be buns, preferably baked. Not only will they not harm the body, but they will also be much easier to digest than heavier baked goods, especially if you ...
21 Фев
Why do men cheat: nature or problems in the relationship? (E-News)
The problem of male infidelity worries many women, and there are several reasons why men go to such a step. The main ones are dissatisfaction in the relationship and natural instincts. Often cheating occurs at the moment when the relationship begins to crack at the seams, and the man is looking for solace on the side. However, there is another reason related to the physiological needs of men who ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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20 Фев
Prawdziwa kwota pomocy USA dla Ukrainy: eksperci odrzucają oświadczenie Trumpa (E-News)
Były prezydent USA Donald Trump powiedział, że Stany Zjednoczone udzieliły Ukrainie pomocy w wysokości 300 miliardów dolarów podczas wojny na szeroką skalę. Oświadczenie to wywołało szeroki rezonans zarówno wśród ekspertów międzynarodowych, jak i w ukraińskim środowisku politycznym, gdyż ...
20 Фев
EU agrees on 16th package of sanctions against Russia: what is known (E-News)
Ambassadors of the European Union member states have agreed on the 16th package of sanctions against Russia in response to its armed aggression against Ukraine. This decision was made on February 19 at a meeting of the EU Permanent Representatives Committee. This was reported by Radio Liberty European correspondent Rikard Jozwiak. According to him, the official approval of the sanctions package ...
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