Новости - Украина | | |
17:00 18 Ноя | From December 1, a new procedure for reservation from mobilization will start in Ukraine: what will change (E-News) From December 1, 2024, a new procedure for booking employees from mobilization will come into force in Ukraine. The Cabinet of Ministers has completed the audit of critical enterprises and organizations that have the right to book their employees, and now new criteria will be applied to determine the criticality of enterprises. The booking procedure will be agreed with the Ministries of Defense ... |
10:00 18 Ноя | Will Zelensky sign the law on tax increases? The decision has not yet been made (E-News) The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has not yet decided whether to sign draft law No. 11416-d, which provides for an increase in tax rates, in particular, a new amount of military levy. The situation surrounding this document remains uncertain, despite significant public outcry.
As BVS-Ukraine reports with reference to a source in the President's Office, the deadlines for both signing ... |
12:00 14 Ноя | Le NKRECP a approuvé le projet d'augmentation des tarifs de transport d'électricité pour 2025 (E-News) La Commission nationale de régulation de l'énergie et des services communaux (NKREKP) a approuvé le projet de résolution qui prévoit une augmentation du tarif de transport d'électricité en 2025 à 665,26 UAH/MWh. Il s’agit d’une augmentation de 25,8 % par rapport au tarif actuel de 2024. La décision a été prise lors d'une réunion du 13 ... |
12:00 | Nouvelles règles de transport international d'autobus: ce qui changera les transporteurs et les passagers (E-News) L'Ukraine a approuvé un nouvel ordre d'organisation des transports en bus internationaux, ce qui modifie considérablement l'approche de l'industrie. Développé par le ministère de la Communauté, des territoires et du développement des infrastructures, ce document vise à numériser les procédures et à simplifier les processus pour les ... |
15:00 18 Ноя | The most expensive apartments in Kyiv: rent in «royal» houses (E-News) In the course of 2024, a significant increase in apartment rental prices has been observed in Kyiv, which has exceeded 30%. The average rent for a two-room apartment in a new building in the capital reached 37,000 hryvnias. This indicates a general upward trend in rental prices in all areas of the city and among different housing types.
According to the data of the LUN portal, the most expensive ... |
17:00 15 Ноя | Ryanair prévoit de devenir la première compagnie aérienne en Crimée après la concupation: perspectives de tourisme et d'infrastructure (E-News) Le représentant du président de l'Ukraine dans la République autonome de Crimée Tamil Tasheva a rapporté que la volonté de Ryanair Airlines pour restaurer les vols vers la Crimée après la péninsule est devenue de l'occasion. Elle a déclaré cela lors de l'événement "Ukraine 2050. Dialogues sur l'avenir", organisé pour discuter ... |
15:00 15 Ноя | Popularity of Chinese cars in Ukraine: Leaders among new and used models (E-News) In October 2024, Ukrainians purchased about 1.2 thousand cars manufactured in China. Demand for Chinese cars decreased by 8% compared to the same period last year, but the share of these cars in the Ukrainian market continues to remain significant. About it reports the Association "Ukravtoprom", providing a detailed analysis of trends in the sale of Chinese cars.
Among the total number of cars ... |
13:00 15 Ноя | Na Ukrainie rośnie zapotrzebowanie na działki pod obiekty przemysłowe (E-News) W latach 2023-2024 na Ukrainie nastąpi wzrost zapotrzebowania na działki przemysłowe pod budowę obiektów produkcyjno-logistycznych. Trend ten zyskuje coraz większą popularność wśród przedsiębiorstw przenoszących się z niebezpiecznych regionów, a także wśród międzynarodowych firm planujących ... |
15:00 14 Ноя | Record fines for PPOs for excise goods in Ukraine: the results of 2024 (E-News) In 2024, the State Tax Service of Ukraine set a record in calculating fines for individual entrepreneurs (PPOs) working with excise goods. The total amount of fines assessed as a result of inspections amounted to UAH 9.5 million, which is a significant indicator for this sector. In addition, tax officials conducted about 9,000 actual inspections, as a result of which fines of UAH 132.2 million ... |
10:00 14 Ноя | Winter season in the Carpathians: housing rental prices are rising (E-News) With the onset of cold weather in the Carpathians, the winter tourist season has started, which is accompanied by the traditional increase in housing rental prices. The most popular mountain resorts of Lviv region and Ivano-Frankivsk region, as always, offer a wide selection of accommodation for tourists: from private houses and hotels to affordable rooms in hostels.
This year, the cost of ... |
17:00 13 Ноя | Bayer est au bord de la crise : les actions de l'entreprise sont tombées à leur plus bas niveau depuis deux décennies (E-News) Les actions du géant chimique allemand Bayer AG sont tombées à leur plus bas niveau des 20 dernières années. Cette baisse est le résultat d'une prévision à la baisse du bénéfice annuel de l'entreprise et de l'annonce d'une possible baisse des revenus en 2025. La nouvelle a provoqué une chute importante des actions, qui ont chuté de 14 % ... |
15:00 13 Ноя | Ukraine will increase funding for the defense industry to a record 55 billion hryvnias in 2025 (E-News) In 2025, Ukraine plans to allocate over 55 billion hryvnias for the production of weapons and military equipment. This will be the largest budget for these purposes in the history of independent Ukraine, which significantly exceeds the amount set aside for these needs in 2024. This was announced by the Minister of Strategic Industry Herman Smetanin.
In general, 54.55 billion hryvnias will be ... |
15:00 12 Ноя | The NBU is considering raising the discount rate to fight inflation (E-News) The National Bank of Ukraine does not rule out the possibility of raising the discount rate in the future, while it believes that the current level of 13% is sufficient to contain inflation and achieve the goal of 5% in the coming years. This position was voiced by the press service of the NBU, noting that this issue was discussed in detail during a meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee ... |
11:28 15 Ноя | Intimità dopo i trent'anni: illusioni e realtà (E-News) In un’epoca in cui i valori e gli standard relazionali stanno cambiando rapidamente, molti di noi si trovano a un bivio. Cerchiamo di trovare un equilibrio tra le aspettative imposte dalla società e i nostri desideri. L'intimità dopo i trent'anni assume un nuovo significato, spesso accompagnato da sentimenti di insicurezza e nostalgia per il romanticismo perduto della ... |
15:28 14 Ноя | Dance that opens inner harmony (E-News) Belly dancing is not just a beautiful and exotic spectacle, but also a unique way to improve health and prolong youth. This type of dance can change a woman both externally and internally. While performing the movements, you can feel the real joy of life, love for the world around you and learn to live in the present moment. Despite the fact that belly dancing is often perceived only as an erotic ... |
08:48 | Hidden Signals of Relationship Problems (E-News) Sometimes signs that a relationship is falling apart show up much earlier than we are ready to notice. It is important to be able to see these signals and understand how to react to them so as not to miss the moment and understand what to do next.
he tries to spend less time together. When your partner begins to avoid meetings under various pretexts, and plans with friends or business become ... |
19:28 18 Ноя | Ejercicio para aliviar las migrañas (E-News) La migraña es una condición desagradable que experimentan muchas personas. Puede provocar fuertes dolores de cabeza, malestar e incluso discapacidad. Sin embargo, existen formas sencillas y eficaces de afrontar las migrañas sin recurrir a medicamentos. Uno de estos métodos es un ejercicio especial que se puede realizar tanto en casa como en el lugar de trabajo.
Para empezar, ... |
15:28 18 Ноя | Unbelievable Habits That Are Interfering With Weight Loss (E-News) Sometimes the most common actions have a negative impact on the process of losing weight. Many of us try to monitor our diet and actively exercise, but despite this, the results may not be what we expect. It is important to understand which habits can become an obstacle on the way to the ideal figure and change them.
Skipping meals is a common mistake. Many people believe that if they skip ... |
12:28 18 Ноя | Sopa otoñal de crema especiada con verduras (E-News) Con la llegada del otoño, apetece darse un capricho cálido y reconfortante, y ¿qué mejor que una aromática sopa de nata especiada para entrar en calor en los días fríos? Esta sopa no sólo es sustanciosa y sabrosa, sino que también está llena de vitaminas útiles que ayudarán a fortalecer el sistema inmunitario en la estación ... |
11:28 18 Ноя | Benefici del consumo regolare di acqua minerale (E-News) Molte persone credono erroneamente di poter dissetarsi con qualsiasi liquido: tè, caffè o bevande dolci. Tuttavia, il corpo percepisce tali bevande come cibo e non come acqua. Pertanto, per mantenersi in salute, è importante bere acqua, preferibilmente acqua minerale. Questo non solo aiuta a placare la sete, ma apporta anche una serie di ulteriori benefici al corpo.
L’acqua ... |
08:48 18 Ноя | Natural Simplicity and Harmony (E-News) In the modern world, where technology and artificial solutions have penetrated all aspects of life, the idea of naturalness again finds a response in the hearts of many. But what does it mean to be natural? Appearance, behavior, lifestyle - all these are important elements that determine our perception of ourselves and others. People are returning to natural sources, striving for ... |
20:48 17 Ноя | Co robić w wolnym czasie, aby czerpać radość i inspirację (E-News) Każdy z nas ma swoje preferencje i ulubione zajęcia, które pomagają mu uciec od codziennych zmartwień. Te hobby mogą obejmować muzykę i taniec, a każde z nich przynosi inną, niepowtarzalną radość. Ważne jest, aby znaleźć coś, co naprawdę Cię zainspiruje i napełni energią, zwłaszcza gdy ... |
19:28 17 Ноя | ¿Quién controla las relaciones familiares? (E-News) La cuestión de quién es el cabeza de familia provoca mucha controversia y discusión. Estudios recientes realizados por psicólogos estadounidenses cuestionan los estereotipos tradicionales, argumentando que las mujeres tienen el papel principal en la toma de decisiones en la familia. Anteriormente se pensaba que los hombres, como sostén de la familia, tenían más ... |
18:28 17 Ноя | Segreti del trucco autunnale per un look elegante (E-News) Con l'inizio dell'autunno, è tempo di aggiornare non solo il tuo guardaroba, ma anche la tua borsa per il trucco. Con solo un paio di modifiche al prodotto, puoi creare un look fresco e di tendenza adatto alle stagioni. Diamo un'occhiata alle principali sfumature del trucco autunnale che ti aiuteranno a mettere in risalto la tua bellezza e a proteggere la tua pelle dalle condizioni ... |
15:28 17 Ноя | On the way to love: why you are still single (E-News) Time flies, and sometimes it seems that life is passing you by. You are already about thirty, and dreams of love and a future together are starting to look increasingly illusory. Why is it so difficult to meet your soulmate? Perhaps you have long known what an ideal partner should be like, but despite this, you are still alone.
The main reason that prevents you from finding true love is the ... |
17:00 14 Ноя | L'ONU a fourni une assistance à plus de 7 millions d'Ukrainiens en 2024 : détails de l'aide humanitaire (E-News) Au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2024, les organisations humanitaires ont fourni une assistance à plus de 7 millions d'Ukrainiens, apportant un soutien varié en réponse aux conditions difficiles causées par la guerre. Cela est devenu possible grâce au travail actif de plus de 600 organisations travaillant dans le cadre du Plan de réponse humanitaire pour 2024, note ... |