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10 ноября 2024, воскресенье 15:43

№ 19646396

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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08 Ноя
The Law on the Privatization of Shares: the term for registration of the ownership right has been extended until 2028 (E-News)
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed Law No. 3993-IX, which extends the deadline for registration of ownership of land shares until 2028. This step is aimed at protecting the interests of unit holders and adapting the legislation to the difficult conditions that have arisen due to the war and other factors. Now, citizens will have another three years to formalize the ownership of ...
07 Ноя
Zelensky signed the law on expanding the powers of the National Bank of Ukraine (E-News)
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed a new law that significantly expands the powers of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to regulate financial services markets. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak announced this on his Telegram page, noting that draft law No. 11043 was adopted with the aim of improving the NBU's functions in this area. The main goal of the new law is to create ...
05 Ноя
L'Ukraine mettra en vente le pétrolier russe Nika Spirit, qui a participé au blocus des navires de guerre dans le détroit de Kertch (E-News)
L'Ukraine a décidé de vendre le pétrolier russe Nika Spirit, qui avait servi à bloquer les navires de guerre ukrainiens dans le détroit de Kertch en 2018. Après de longues procédures judiciaires, le tribunal a transféré ce bien à la direction de l'Agence de recherche et de gestion des biens (ARMA) pour une mise en œuvre ultérieure. La ...
05 Ноя
New rules for registration of inventions have been introduced in Ukraine: faster, more transparent and with priority for high-tech industries (E-News)
From October 25, 2024, new rules for registering inventions and utility models came into effect in Ukraine. These changes are aimed at simplifying and speeding up the innovation registration procedure, making it more transparent and accessible to both Ukrainian and foreign inventors. The press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine reported on the innovations, emphasizing their importance ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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08 Ноя
Popyt na samochody używane z zagranicy na Ukrainie osiągnął najniższy poziom od roku (E-News)
W październiku 2024 roku na Ukrainę sprowadzono jedynie 16,3 tys. samochodów używanych, co stanowiło najniższy w tym roku liczba rejestracji importowanych samochodów wraz z przebiegiem. Poinformowało o tym stowarzyszenie Ukrawtoprom. Popyt na samochody używane z zagranicy stale spada, a zmiany te są znaczne w porównaniu do lat poprzednich. W ...
08 Ноя
L'Ukrzaliznytsia a augmenté le trafic de passagers en octobre : destinations et services populaires (E-News)
En octobre 2024, Ukrzaliznytsia a transporté 2,3 millions de passagers, soit 100 000 de plus qu'en septembre. Une telle augmentation du trafic de passagers s'observe dans le contexte de la fin de la saison estivale, alors qu'il y a traditionnellement un déclin de la dynamique des transports. Selon le service de presse de la compagnie, le vol n°128 Zaporizhia - Lviv, qui a ...
07 Ноя
Ukrainians are forced to save on products: the study shows growing difficulties with finances (E-News)
According to the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center in September 2024, more than 44% of Ukrainians are forced to save on food by choosing the cheapest products. Thus, 44.2% of respondents admitted that when buying food, they prefer cheaper products, even if they are inferior in quality. This indicates serious financial difficulties faced by the population while adapting to ...
06 Ноя
Shmyhal : l'Ukraine dispose de ressources énergétiques pour la saison de chauffage (E-News)
La saison de chauffage a commencé dans toutes les régions de l'Ukraine, à l'exception de la région de Kherson, où le temps est encore relativement chaud. Le Premier ministre ukrainien Denys Chmyhal l'a annoncé, soulignant que les communautés et les régions sont prêtes à 100 % pour l'hiver. Selon Shmygal, 83 % des chaufferies fonctionnent ...
06 Ноя
The State Property Fund became a co-owner of the network of Shell gas stations in Ukraine (E-News)
In the last days of October, the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFMU) gained control over 49% of the authorized capital of LLC "Alliance Holding", which manages a network of Shell gas stations in Ukraine. This became possible thanks to court decisions and the actions of the Ministry of Justice, as evidenced by the data of the youcontrol analytical platform. According to the new ownership ...
06 Ноя
Subsidies for the 2024-2025 heating season: how Ukrainians can find out the new amount of support (E-News)
At the beginning of the 2024-2025 heating season, the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU) conducted an automatic recalculation of housing subsidies for citizens receiving this assistance. This is an annual process, during which the amount of payments increases taking into account additional heating costs. Corresponding changes allow households to better prepare for rising utility costs in the cold ...
05 Ноя
Ministerstwo Obrony zwraca państwu strategiczną działkę w Kijowie o wartości ponad 300 mln UAH (E-News)
Ministerstwo Obrony Ukrainy wspólnie z Prokuraturą Generalną przywróciło państwową własność działki wraz z zespołem nieruchomości w rejonie darnickim w Kijowie. Wartość zwróconych nieruchomości to ponad 300 mln hrywien, co stanowi istotny składnik majątku budżetu państwa. Informuje o tym ...
05 Ноя
Vocational and technical education trends in 2024 (E-News)
The completion of the admissions campaign to vocational and technical educational institutions in Ukraine in 2024 revealed that the most sought-after professions among applicants are cook, auto mechanic, electric gas welder, confectioner, driver, and tractor driver. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The professions of cook, driver and locksmith occupy leading ...
04 Ноя
Gabinet Ministrów zatwierdził zaktualizowany wykaz towarów, które nie podlegają wymianie ani zwrotowi (E-News)
Na posiedzeniu w dniu 1 listopada Gabinet Ministrów Ukrainy zatwierdził zaktualizowaną listę towarów, których kupujący nie będą mogli zwrócić ani wymienić po zakupie. Od teraz lista takich towarów została znacznie poszerzona, a zmiana ta ma na celu wzmocnienie ochrony praw konsumentów. O decyzji poinformował ...
04 Ноя
L'Ukrzaliznytsia a organisé avec succès des enchères pour la location d'espaces dans les gares : résultats et résultats des enchères (E-News)
Le 1er novembre 2024, "Ukrzaliznytsia" a organisé des ventes aux enchères via la plateforme Prozorro.Prodazhi, proposant à la location des espaces commerciaux dans les gares d'Ukraine. Les enchères ont rassemblé un grand nombre de participants et se sont terminées par la conclusion de contrats de location rentables. Comme l'a rapporté le service de presse de ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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09 Ноя
How to choose a bag for a business woman (E-News)
Every woman understands that a bag is not just an accessory, but an indispensable thing that accompanies her everywhere. This is especially true for business women, whose image should be thought out to the smallest detail. A properly chosen bag helps maintain style and functionality at the same time, which is extremely important for a business lady. But how not to make a mistake in choosing? The ...
04 Ноя
Ukrposhta introduces new requirements for the packaging of shipments: important details for customers (E-News)
From November 1, 2024, "Ukrposhta" is updating the packaging standards for shipments in connection with the transition to automated sorting. As part of this change, the company announced a transition period that will last until November 11 to give customers the opportunity to adapt to the new requirements. According to the press service of "Ukrposhta", the introduction of automated sorting lines ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
How to understand if he is ready to become a father (E-News)
When we find out that we are about to become a mother, worries and emotions overwhelm us. Nervousness and trepidation are a normal reaction to the upcoming miracle. Every day we plunge into this state, feeling the movements and kicks of the baby. But what is it like for the future father at this time? Often they are no less worried, although their fears may manifest themselves differently. When ...
Come affrontare le punture di insetti usando i rimedi popolari (E-News)
Ogni estate non vediamo l'ora di goderci giornate calde, passeggiare nella natura e rilassarci in riva all'acqua. Ma insieme a queste gioie arrivano inevitabilmente incontri spiacevoli con gli insetti. Zanzare, mosche, moscerini e altri insetti possono essere fastidiosi, soprattutto in termini di punture. Nonostante l’abbondanza di moderni mezzi di protezione, i metodi tradizionali rimangono ...
Healthy oatmeal and vegetable soup (E-News)
If you are looking for a quick, tasty and healthy recipe for lunch or dinner, then this oatmeal and vegetable soup is perfect for you. It will not only fill you up, but also enrich your body with vitamins and minerals, thanks to the use of fresh vegetables. Oatmeal is a healthy grain that contains a lot of fiber and helps improve digestion. To prepare this soup, you will need the following ...
09 Ноя
Cómo elegir dibujos animados útiles para los niños (E-News)
Hoy en día, los dibujos animados se han convertido en parte integrante de la vida de todos los niños, pero su influencia en el desarrollo del bebé causa mucha controversia. Uno de los experimentos demostró que ver algunos dibujos animados puede afectar negativamente a la concentración de los niños. Por ejemplo, después de ver Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados, ...
09 Ноя
Come la verità influisce sulla salute (E-News)
Scienziati americani dell'Università di Notre Dame hanno condotto un interessante esperimento per studiare come la verità e la menzogna influenzino la salute umana. Nell'ambito dell'esperimento, chiamato “La scienza della verità”, 110 volontari hanno partecipato a uno studio di due mesi. I soggetti sono stati divisi in due gruppi: a un gruppo è stato vietato di mentire, mentre ...
09 Ноя
Benefits of cranberries for health and skin care (E-News)
Cranberries are not just a delicious berry that can be added to sours, morsels and pies. It has many beneficial properties that have a favorable effect on the body both internally and externally. This is a real gift of nature, which can be used to promote health and skin care. Cranberries are rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as organic acids such as cinnamic, citric and benzoic acids. These ...
09 Ноя
Kaip paruošti daržovių suktinuką su ryžiais ir nori jūros dumbliais (E-News)
Daržovių suktinukas su ryžiais ir nori jūros dumbliais - paprastas ir sveikas patiekalas, kuris puikiai tinka ir pietums, ir vakarienei. Šis receptas skirtas vienai porcijai ir reikalauja minimalaus pasiruošimo laiko bei paprastų ingredientų, kurių nesunku rasti bet kurioje parduotuvėje. Dėl to gausite skanų patiekalą, kuriame gausu ...
08 Ноя
Jak zachować aktywność i energię jesienią: trzy ważne wskazówki (E-News)
Jesień to czas, kiedy wiele dziewcząt odpoczywa po sezonie letnim. Utracone kilogramy, uzyskana opalenizna i ogólny stan relaksu często sprawiają, że zwykła aktywność fizyczna i prawidłowe odżywianie schodzą na dalszy plan. Należy jednak pamiętać, że jesień nie jest powodem do zapomnienia o sobie, ale okazją ...
08 Ноя
Cómo crear las condiciones ideales para la relajación en casa (E-News)
El tiempo pasado en casa no siempre va asociado a un descanso adecuado. Muchos de nosotros seguimos sintiéndonos cansados ​​incluso en nuestro propio apartamento. Sin embargo, convertir tu hogar en un lugar de relajación y rejuvenecimiento está en nuestras manos. En esto, nuestras sensaciones juegan un papel importante: lo que vemos, oímos y sentimos. Veamos ...
08 Ноя
How to Apologize Properly and Improve Relationships (E-News)
Apologizing is an important aspect of human relationships that can help resolve conflicts and restore trust. Psychologists note that problems often arise not because of the offense itself, but because of the lack of apology from the person who caused the pain. Many of us have difficulty admitting our guilt and asking for forgiveness, and this can create additional problems in relationships. When ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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08 Ноя
Great Britain increases the pressure on the Russian military-industrial complex: the largest sanctions have been introduced (E-News)
The UK has introduced its most significant sanctions package against Russia's military-industrial complex and Russian-backed mercenaries from May 2023. The goal of the new restrictions is to undermine the supply of key components to the Russian military and counter the Kremlin's aggressive activities on the international stage, especially in regions where proxy groups operate, particularly in ...
04 Ноя
La Pologne se prépare activement à un éventuel afflux de réfugiés en provenance d'Ukraine (E-News)
La voïvodie polonaise de Lublin se prépare activement à un éventuel afflux de réfugiés en provenance d'Ukraine. Le consul général d'Ukraine à Lublin, Oleg Kuts, a rendu compte dans un commentaire sur Radio Liberty des mesures prises pour soutenir les citoyens ukrainiens dans la région. Le diplomate a noté que des réunions mensuelles du ...
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