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10 сентября 2024, вторник 17:54

№ 19604372

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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06 Сен
ARMA will spend UAH 2.6 billion from online casino accounts to buy OVDP bonds (E-News)
The National Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) announced a record recovery of 2.6 billion hryvnias from the accounts of online casinos that have ties to the aggressor state of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the head of ARMA Olena Duma. According to her, ARMA, in cooperation with the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), has already completed a number of measures, as a ...
06 Сен
A new application for searching for missing people has been created in Ukraine (E-News)
Ukraine has launched a unique application that will help in finding missing people, abducted children and reuniting families separated by war. This innovative tool aims to support people affected by the conflict and speed up the search process. The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine announces the launch of the Reunite Ukraine application. As noted, this ...
05 Сен
The Government of Ukraine has decided to exclude the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone in order to strengthen security (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft presidential decree, which provides for the removal of the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone. This decision aims to create conditions for the deployment of additional military and border guards in this region. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Currently, a 50-meter ...
05 Сен
Ab dem 23. September gelten die neuen Pässe in Kiew (E-News)
Ab dem 23. September wird in Kiew eine neue Art von Pässen in Betrieb genommen, die es Fahrzeugen ermöglichen, sich während der Ausgangssperre in der Stadt fortzubewegen. Dies gab die Kiewer Stadtverwaltung (KMDA) bekannt und betonte die Bedeutung der Aktualisierung des Passsystems. KMDA erklärt, dass die regelmäßige Erneuerung von Ausweisen eine notwendige ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Growth of rental rates in Ukraine: Kyiv and regions with record prices (E-News)
On the housing rental market in Ukraine, the tendency to increase prices continues, especially in Kyiv and the regions adjacent to the capital. According to the Association of Real Estate Specialists of Ukraine, rental rates in Kyiv increased by 15% during the summer months, and demand for housing remains high. AFNU President Olena Haydamaha explained that the high demand for housing in the ...
09 Сен
Positive dynamics of Ukraine's GDP: Latest data and forecasts (E-News)
The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine published fresh data on the growth of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). In July 2024, GDP increased by 2.7% compared to the previous month. This was announced by Yulia Svyridenko, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, through the social network Kh. "Ukraine's economy demonstrates stability, even in the face of ongoing aggression. In July, GDP ...
09 Сен
State support for immigrants in 2025: no increase is expected (E-News)
There are no plans to increase state support for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 2025, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said during question time to the government in the Verkhovna Rada. According to the information provided by Shmyhal, the Ministry of Finance does not yet foresee an increase in payments in the new budget year. According to the Prime Minister, the current level of ...
06 Сен
Die Werchowna Rada unterstützte zuvor die Teilprivatisierung staatlicher Banken (E-News)
Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat mit der Verabschiedung des Gesetzesentwurfs Nr. 11474 in erster Lesung einen wichtigen Schritt zur Teilprivatisierung staatlicher Banken getan. 249 Volksabgeordnete stimmten für den entsprechenden Beschluss, was die breite Unterstützung dieser Initiative im Parlament zeigt. Der Hauptautor des Gesetzesentwurfs ist Danylo Hetmantsev, Vorsitzender des ...
05 Сен
Ukraine is preparing for large-scale retraining: 180,000 citizens will receive new professional opportunities (E-News)
Over the next three years, about 180,000 Ukrainians will be able to learn new professions or improve their qualifications thanks to the ambitious Skills Alliance initiative. This program aims to overcome the problem of structural unemployment in Ukraine and increase the competitiveness of the workforce in the labor market. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetyana ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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07 Сен
Wichtigste Hochzeitstrends: modische Akzente für die Zeremonie (E-News)
Hochzeitszeremonien geben jedes Jahr neue Regeln vor und folgen neuen Trends. Wenn Sie sich in naher Zukunft auf eine Hochzeit vorbereiten, müssen Sie unbedingt wissen, welche Ideen derzeit auf dem Höhepunkt der Beliebtheit sind. Diese Trends helfen Ihnen, Ihre Feier stilvoll, modern und unvergesslich zu gestalten. Umweltfreundliche Hochzeiten: Umweltschutz und Stil Einer der ...
07 Сен
Barbara Bui: Elegance and Freedom of Fashion (E-News)
Barbara Bui, a French fashion designer with Vietnamese roots, was born in Paris in 1956. This city, known for its influence on world fashion, was the beginning of her outstanding career. In 1983, Barbara opened her first atelier, and four years later presented her first collection under the Barbara Bui brand. In 1988, she opened her first boutique, which quickly gained popularity throughout ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Infrarotsauna: Gesundheit, Schönheit und der Kampf gegen Depressionen an einem Ort (E-News)
Es gibt nur wenige Menschen, die nicht gerne in die Sauna gehen, denn ihre positive Wirkung auf den Körper ist schon lange bekannt. Aber unter allen Arten von Saunen verdient die Infrarotsauna besondere Aufmerksamkeit, da sie einzigartige Eigenschaften hat und fast keine Kontraindikationen aufweist. Lassen Sie uns mehr über ihre Vorteile und ihre Wirkung auf den Körper ...
09 Сен
Trucco permanente: sempre al top della forma (E-News)
Ogni donna vuole essere bella in ogni circostanza, che si tratti di una spiaggia assolata, di una passeggiata mattutina sotto la pioggia o anche di una mattinata a letto. Occhi espressivi, sopracciglia curate e labbra luminose sono da sempre considerati simboli di femminilità e attrattiva. Per ottenere un look perfetto, le donne utilizzano diversi prodotti cosmetici, dal mascara al rossetto. ...
09 Сен
What happens during intimacy (E-News)
During sexual activity, the body undergoes significant changes related to hormone production and overall health. Oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” plays a key role in this process. Its effects on men and women are different, which may explain the differences in their perceptions and emotional reactions after sex. The role of oxytocin Oxytocin helps to reduce psychological defenses and ...
09 Сен
Come utilizzare l'uva per la cura della pelle del viso (E-News)
L'uva non è solo una delizia, ma anche un vero tesoro per la tua pelle. Grazie all'alto contenuto di vitamine e microelementi, questo frutto è in grado di combattere la secchezza, tonificare la pelle, migliorarne l'elasticità e proteggere dalle rughe premature. Inoltre, l'uva affronta efficacemente l'acne, i brufoli e le varie irritazioni, rendendo la pelle più chiara e ...
08 Сен
Come tonificarsi in inverno (E-News)
In inverno, oltre alla neve e alle vacanze, spesso siamo tormentati dall'apatia e dalla stanchezza. Se ritieni di aver perso vigore e hai bisogno di una sferzata di energia, usa i nostri semplici consigli per ritrovare il tono e l'umore positivo. Ricarica per collo e orecchie. Inizia la giornata con esercizi delicati per il collo, eseguendo movimenti circolari fluidi con la testa in entrambe le ...
08 Сен
The Secret of Tattoos: Symbolism, Risks, and Care (E-News)
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, with a history of at least 6,000 years. The word "tattoo" or "tatu" came to Europe after Captain Cook's voyage to Tahiti and is of Tahitian origin, from the word "tatau", meaning "wound" or "sign". Tattoos have always had a special meaning in different cultures and on different continents, retaining their magical appeal, intriguing and sometimes ...
08 Сен
Come scegliere l'acconciatura giusta per la forma del tuo viso (E-News)
Prima di decidere di cambiare pettinatura, dovresti studiare attentamente i contorni del tuo viso. Per comprenderne meglio la forma, prova il seguente esperimento: in bagno, mentre ti insaponi i capelli, raccogli i capelli in una crocchia dietro la testa e pettinali in diversi modi. Se il tuo viso è ovale, sei fortunato, perché quasi tutti i tagli di capelli ti andranno bene. Tuttavia, ...
08 Сен
Basic wardrobe: creating a style for every season (E-News)
Every woman strives to be stylish and unique, but it is important that the wardrobe is not only fashionable, but also functional. Creating a basic wardrobe is an art that allows you to look great in any situation, without overloading your closet with unnecessary things. In summer and winter, there are certain things that must be in the wardrobe to easily create looks for various events. For a ...
07 Сен
Il rossetto più audace: come scegliere la tonalità di rosso perfetta (E-News)
Il rossetto rosso è un elemento universale del make-up, che è come un “tubino nero” nel guardaroba. Può salvarvi in qualsiasi situazione. Tuttavia, per rendere il rossetto rosso elegante e non volgare, è importante scegliere la tonalità “giusta” e seguire alcuni consigli: 1- Determinare la tonalità nascosta del rossetto Per scoprire la vera tonalità del ...
07 Сен
I segreti dell'eyeliner perfetto: crea un look unico (E-News)
Una sottile linea nera sulle palpebre può trasformare il tuo sguardo in qualcosa di attraente ed elegante. L'eyeliner è diventato un accessorio irrinunciabile nell'arsenale delle donne alla moda, riportando il fascino sofisticato dello stile retrò sulle passerelle e nel trucco di tutti i giorni. Prendendo ispirazione da icone come Scarlett Johansson, Kate Moss e Paris Hilton, ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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05 Сен
18 Autos von betrunkenen Fahrern aus Lettland beschlagnahmt (E-News)
Die lettische Regierung hat beschlossen, 18 Autos kostenlos an die Ukraine zu übergeben, die von Fahrern beschlagnahmt wurden, die wegen Fahrens unter Alkoholeinfluss festgenommen wurden. Unter den übertragenen Autos sei ein Audi Q7 im Wert von 25.000 Euro, berichtet Delfi. Der vorläufige Gesamtmarktwert von 18 Fahrzeugen, die in die Ukraine transferiert werden sollen, ...
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