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9 сентября 2024, понедельник 16:34

№ 19596904

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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06 Сен
ARMA will spend UAH 2.6 billion from online casino accounts to buy OVDP bonds (E-News)
The National Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) announced a record recovery of 2.6 billion hryvnias from the accounts of online casinos that have ties to the aggressor state of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the head of ARMA Olena Duma. According to her, ARMA, in cooperation with the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), has already completed a number of measures, as a ...
05 Сен
The Government of Ukraine has decided to exclude the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone in order to strengthen security (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft presidential decree, which provides for the removal of the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone. This decision aims to create conditions for the deployment of additional military and border guards in this region. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Currently, a 50-meter ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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State support for immigrants in 2025: no increase is expected (E-News)
There are no plans to increase state support for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 2025, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said during question time to the government in the Verkhovna Rada. According to the information provided by Shmyhal, the Ministry of Finance does not yet foresee an increase in payments in the new budget year. According to the Prime Minister, the current level of ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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07 Сен
Barbara Bui: Elegance and Freedom of Fashion (E-News)
Barbara Bui, a French fashion designer with Vietnamese roots, was born in Paris in 1956. This city, known for its influence on world fashion, was the beginning of her outstanding career. In 1983, Barbara opened her first atelier, and four years later presented her first collection under the Barbara Bui brand. In 1988, she opened her first boutique, which quickly gained popularity throughout ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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08 Сен
So überwinden Sie den Winterblues: 10 effektive Möglichkeiten (E-News)
Der Winter bringt leider nicht nur Neujahrsfeiertage und verschneite Landschaften mit sich, sondern auch Niedergeschlagenheit, Dunkelheit und Kälte. Anstatt Winterschlaf zu halten, versuchen Sie, Ihre Stimmung zu kontrollieren und zu verhindern, dass der Winterblues überhand nimmt. Hier sind einige bewährte Möglichkeiten, die Ihnen helfen, auch an den dunkelsten Wintertagen ...
08 Сен
The Secret of Tattoos: Symbolism, Risks, and Care (E-News)
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, with a history of at least 6,000 years. The word "tattoo" or "tatu" came to Europe after Captain Cook's voyage to Tahiti and is of Tahitian origin, from the word "tatau", meaning "wound" or "sign". Tattoos have always had a special meaning in different cultures and on different continents, retaining their magical appeal, intriguing and sometimes ...
08 Сен
Basic wardrobe: creating a style for every season (E-News)
Every woman strives to be stylish and unique, but it is important that the wardrobe is not only fashionable, but also functional. Creating a basic wardrobe is an art that allows you to look great in any situation, without overloading your closet with unnecessary things. In summer and winter, there are certain things that must be in the wardrobe to easily create looks for various events. For a ...
07 Сен
Piercings: types, care and medical advice (E-News)
Piercing is not just a fashion trend, but also a way to express your individuality. There are different types of piercings, each with its own characteristics and care requirements. 1. intimate piercings This type of piercing is popular among women after the age of 25 who want to enhance their sexual sensations. The clitoris (horizontally or vertically), the skin fold above it or the labia are ...
06 Сен
Why it is important to start the day with breakfast (E-News)
Many people still ignore breakfast, citing lack of time or a desire to lose weight. However, not eating breakfast in the morning can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. Here are seven key reasons why breakfast should be an integral part of your day. First of all, eating in the morning energises your body for the day. Scientists claim that breakfast boosts our performance by ...
06 Сен
How to choose the perfect fragrance: from romantic to exotic (E-News)
Choosing a perfume is not just a matter of preference, but also a way to express your individuality and create a unique image. A fragrance can highlight your mood, become part of your image and leave an unforgettable impression. Find out which perfume is right for you and how it can complement your style. Elegant classics If you like to be the center of attention and radiate confidence, pay ...
05 Сен
How to choose the perfect cream for dry skin (E-News)
Face cream is an indispensable skin care product, especially when it comes to dry skin, which requires special attention and care. Dry skin is characterized by its thinness and tendency to irritation, which makes it especially sensitive to weather conditions and unsuitable cosmetics. To keep your skin healthy and hydrated, it is important to choose the right cream, focusing on factors such as ...
05 Сен
Wie Sie Selbstvertrauen gewinnen und Erfolg haben (E-News)
Erfolg und Selbstvertrauen sind zwei untrennbar miteinander verbundene Konzepte. Viele Studien bestätigen, dass Selbstvertrauen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist. Doch wie kann man dieses Selbstvertrauen gewinnen und es nicht mit Selbstvertrauen verwechseln? Psychologen sagen, dass die Arbeit an sich selbst der erste Schritt zu persönlichem Wachstum und Erfolg ist. Probleme mit dem ...
04 Сен
How to choose the perfect foundation for your skin type (E-News)
Each of us is faced with the problem of choosing the perfect foundation that would hide imperfections and emphasize the advantages. The main task is to find a product that will harmonize with your natural skin tone and match your skin type. The right choice can significantly improve the appearance and emphasize the natural beauty. The first step in choosing a foundation is to determine your skin ...
04 Сен
How to overcome autumn apathy (E-News)
Autumn days often bring not only fresh and bright colors, but also emotional changes. Sadness and fatigue can cloud our mood, forcing us to seek out ways to regain strength and joy. Instead active morning rituals Start the day with a workout. Morning gymnastics not only warms up your muscles, but also helps you prepare for a productive day. Simple exercises such as stretching, turning or ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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05 Сен
18 Autos von betrunkenen Fahrern aus Lettland beschlagnahmt (E-News)
Die lettische Regierung hat beschlossen, 18 Autos kostenlos an die Ukraine zu übergeben, die von Fahrern beschlagnahmt wurden, die wegen Fahrens unter Alkoholeinfluss festgenommen wurden. Unter den übertragenen Autos sei ein Audi Q7 im Wert von 25.000 Euro, berichtet Delfi. Der vorläufige Gesamtmarktwert von 18 Fahrzeugen, die in die Ukraine transferiert werden sollen, ...
03 Сен
Turkey aspires to join BRICS: a new vector of foreign policy? (E-News)
Turkey has taken a significant step in its foreign policy strategy by officially applying to join BRICS, an international alliance of countries with rapidly growing markets. This was reported by the Bloomberg agency, citing anonymous sources close to the administration of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to sources, this move is part of Turkey's broader strategy to change the vector of ...
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