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8 сентября 2024, воскресенье 16:56

№ 19590275

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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06 Сен
ARMA will spend UAH 2.6 billion from online casino accounts to buy OVDP bonds (E-News)
The National Agency for Search and Asset Management (ARMA) announced a record recovery of 2.6 billion hryvnias from the accounts of online casinos that have ties to the aggressor state of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the head of ARMA Olena Duma. According to her, ARMA, in cooperation with the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), has already completed a number of measures, as a ...
06 Сен
A new application for searching for missing people has been created in Ukraine (E-News)
Ukraine has launched a unique application that will help in finding missing people, abducted children and reuniting families separated by war. This innovative tool aims to support people affected by the conflict and speed up the search process. The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine announces the launch of the Reunite Ukraine application. As noted, this ...
05 Сен
The Government of Ukraine has decided to exclude the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone in order to strengthen security (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft presidential decree, which provides for the removal of the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone. This decision aims to create conditions for the deployment of additional military and border guards in this region. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Currently, a 50-meter ...
02 Сен
Borodianka est en passe d'accéder au statut de ville : une nouvelle proposition du Cabinet des ministres (E-News)
Le Cabinet des ministres de l'Ukraine a franchi une étape importante en proposant d'accorder à Borodyanka, l'un des plus grands villages de la région de Kiev, le statut de ville. Le projet correspondant de la résolution a été approuvé lors de la réunion du gouvernement du 30 août, comme l'a rapporté le représentant du Cabinet des ministres ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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06 Сен
La Chine étend sa présence économique en Afrique : des milliards de dollars d’investissement et de nouveaux termes de l’échange (E-News)
La Chine intensifie sa présence économique en Afrique, offrant des conditions attractives pour le commerce et les investissements. C'est ce que rapporte l'agence Reuters. Le président chinois Xi Jinping a présenté de nouvelles initiatives lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine tenu à Pékin. Lors d’un ...
06 Сен
La Croix-Rouge ukrainienne a annoncé le lancement d'une nouvelle initiative (E-News)
La Croix-Rouge ukrainienne a annoncé le lancement d'une nouvelle initiative appelée REDpreneur.UA, qui vise à promouvoir la reprise et le développement des petites et micro-entreprises en Ukraine, en particulier pour celles touchées par la guerre. Selon les informations fournies par le service de presse de l'organisation, le programme REDpreneur.UA est conçu pour ...
05 Сен
Les experts appellent à la création d'un «Ramstein pétrolier» pour limiter les revenus pétroliers de la Russie (E-News)
Anatoly Amelin, co-fondateur de l'Institut ukrainien du futur, a appelé à la création d'un « Ramstein pétrolier » – une coalition internationale qui limiterait la capacité de la Russie à contourner les sanctions avec l'aide d'une « flotte fantôme ». Il l'a annoncé sur son compte Facebook, comme le rapporte Censor.NET. Amelin a noté que les sanctions ...
02 Сен
Ukrgazbank and Ukrnafta signed a general credit agreement (E-News)
State Ukrgasbank and the company "Ukrnafta" signed a general credit agreement for the total amount of 4 billion hryvnias. These funds will be directed to the implementation of the large-scale investment program of "Ukrnafta", which provides for an increase in oil and gas production, as well as the implementation of cogeneration projects. According to the press service of Ukrnafta, the loan funds ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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07 Сен
Barbara Bui: Elegance and Freedom of Fashion (E-News)
Barbara Bui, a French fashion designer with Vietnamese roots, was born in Paris in 1956. This city, known for its influence on world fashion, was the beginning of her outstanding career. In 1983, Barbara opened her first atelier, and four years later presented her first collection under the Barbara Bui brand. In 1988, she opened her first boutique, which quickly gained popularity throughout ...
02 Сен
The art of continuous pleasure: introduction to orgasmic meditation (E-News)
Orgasmic meditation, developed by Nicole Dedon, author of the book «Art of female orgasm» and founder of the commune One Taste, is a unique technique aimed at prolonging and deepening sexual pleasure. This technique allows a woman to maintain a state of arousal for a long time, turning ordinary orgasms into a prolonged process that Nicole calls "4-month orgasm". The principle of O-meditation is ...
01 Сен
The art of fashion: from couture to today (E-News)
The female passion for clothes is not just love of "rags", as some may think. Fashion is a high art that allows to express oneself and feel its uniqueness. In the 20th century fashion became one of the most impressive directions of the visual arts, and women who are fascinated by it undoubtedly have a fine taste and creative view of the world. The Modern era gave the world architectural and ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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The Secret of Tattoos: Symbolism, Risks, and Care (E-News)
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, with a history of at least 6,000 years. The word "tattoo" or "tatu" came to Europe after Captain Cook's voyage to Tahiti and is of Tahitian origin, from the word "tatau", meaning "wound" or "sign". Tattoos have always had a special meaning in different cultures and on different continents, retaining their magical appeal, intriguing and sometimes ...
Historia y métodos modernos de extensiones de uñas. (E-News)
Las uñas artificiales, que hoy en día se han convertido en una parte integral de la industria de la belleza, tienen una historia interesante. Todo comenzó con la invención del esmalte de uñas de colores en 1932, creado por Charles Revlon. Este momento se considera el comienzo de la industria moderna de las uñas. Sin embargo, a mediados de la década de 1950 se ...
Basic wardrobe: creating a style for every season (E-News)
Every woman strives to be stylish and unique, but it is important that the wardrobe is not only fashionable, but also functional. Creating a basic wardrobe is an art that allows you to look great in any situation, without overloading your closet with unnecessary things. In summer and winter, there are certain things that must be in the wardrobe to easily create looks for various events. For a ...
07 Сен
Jak wybrać idealną suknię ślubną: wskazówki dla narzeczonych (E-News)
Określ swój budżetPlanując ślub, nie zapomnij wziąć pod uwagę kosztu sukni ślubnej, a także niezbędnych elementów, takich jak welon, buty, bielizna i biżuteria. Ceny welonu mogą zaczynać się od 50 c.u.e. i wzrastać do znacznych sum. Weź również pod uwagę koszt krawcowej, ponieważ ...
07 Сен
Peinados que traen suerte: cómo elegir según el signo del zodiaco (E-News)
Nosotros, los habitantes del planeta Tierra, no sólo somos habitantes de una zona determinada, sino que también formamos parte del infinito espacio cósmico. La energía del espacio influye mucho en nuestras vidas. Importantes objetos cósmicos como el Sol y la Luna nos dan luz y fuerza, mientras que los meteoritos y meteoritos influyen en los fenómenos naturales. ...
07 Сен
Piercings: types, care and medical advice (E-News)
Piercing is not just a fashion trend, but also a way to express your individuality. There are different types of piercings, each with its own characteristics and care requirements. 1. intimate piercings This type of piercing is popular among women after the age of 25 who want to enhance their sexual sensations. The clitoris (horizontally or vertically), the skin fold above it or the labia are ...
07 Сен
Secretos asiáticos para el cuidado de la piel: agregue lo exótico a su rutina (E-News)
Las mujeres asiáticas siempre han sido famosas por su piel perfecta y su lento envejecimiento. Su belleza es el resultado de tradiciones centenarias de cuidado del cuerpo, una nutrición adecuada y la capacidad de mantener la armonía entre el alma y el cuerpo. Su enfoque se basa en el uso de la energía Ki, que en la filosofía oriental simboliza el equilibrio de la ...
06 Сен
Signos de dolor de garganta en un niño y cómo tratarlos (E-News)
Puede reconocer el dolor de garganta en un niño por algunos signos evidentes. Uno de los primeros síntomas es la negativa a comer por el dolor al tragar. Si examina la garganta, observará amígdalas rojas e inflamadas con placa. La angina comienza con un aumento brusco de la temperatura, que es difícil de reducir. También aumentan los ganglios linfáticos bajo la ...
06 Сен
Why it is important to start the day with breakfast (E-News)
Many people still ignore breakfast, citing lack of time or a desire to lose weight. However, not eating breakfast in the morning can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. Here are seven key reasons why breakfast should be an integral part of your day. First of all, eating in the morning energises your body for the day. Scientists claim that breakfast boosts our performance by ...
06 Сен
10 alimentos para dormir bien: que incluir en tu dieta nocturna (E-News)
La calidad del sueño depende directamente del nivel de melatonina, una hormona que no sólo regula el sueño, sino que también tiene propiedades antienvejecimiento y antioxidantes. La falta de melatonina puede provocar insomnio, sueño inquieto e interrumpido. Sin embargo, puedes aumentar tus niveles de esta hormona de forma natural añadiendo ciertos alimentos a tu ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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03 Сен
Turkey aspires to join BRICS: a new vector of foreign policy? (E-News)
Turkey has taken a significant step in its foreign policy strategy by officially applying to join BRICS, an international alliance of countries with rapidly growing markets. This was reported by the Bloomberg agency, citing anonymous sources close to the administration of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to sources, this move is part of Turkey's broader strategy to change the vector of ...
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