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15 октября 2024, вторник 21:18

№ 19583297

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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In Ukraine, the professional standard of the customs officer is being updated: New requirements and international standards (E-News)
The State Customs Service of Ukraine has started the development of a new professional standard for the position of "Customs Inspector". This initiative is aimed at systematizing the requirements for the profession, increasing the level of personnel training and their compliance with international standards. For this purpose, a working group was created, which included leading specialists of the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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14 Окт
Restoration of front-line settlements: the Verkhovna Rada allocates UAH 2.2 billion (E-News)
The Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decided to allocate 2.2 billion hryvnias for the implementation of an experimental project aimed at restoring a number of settlements that suffered from Russia's armed aggression. This initiative aims to support regions that have suffered significant destruction as a result of hostilities. According to People's Deputy Denys Herman, the ...
14 Окт
Zwrot pieniędzy od państwa: w Diya zebrano ponad 73 miliony hrywien (E-News)
Od początku beta testów programu „National Cashback” łączna kwota płatności na rzecz obywateli za pośrednictwem aplikacji „Diya” przekroczyła już 73 miliony hrywien. Program umożliwia użytkownikom otrzymanie zwrotu pieniędzy za zakupy towarów krajowej produkcji, a jego uczestnikami zostało dotychczas prawie 1,2 mln ...
14 Окт
Pression inflationniste en Ukraine : causes de la croissance des prix et prévisions du NBU (E-News)
La Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU) a annoncé une accélération du taux d'inflation, qui a dépassé les prévisions précédentes. Le principal facteur à l’origine de ce phénomène a été l’inflation rapide des produits alimentaires, due à l’offre limitée de certains produits sur le marché. C'est ce qu'indique le service de ...
11 Окт
La Roumanie a décidé d'élargir la liste des marchandises importées d'Ukraine, pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'obtenir une licence (E-News)
La Roumanie a pris la décision d'élargir la liste des marchandises importées d'Ukraine, pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'obtenir une licence. Cette information a été confirmée par le ministre roumain de l'Agriculture, Florin Barbu, lors d'une conférence de presse, rapporte Euractiv. Cette décision était une réponse aux problèmes ...
11 Окт
Decrease in the number of oil product importers in Ukraine: causes and consequences (E-News)
The number of oil product importers in Ukraine in September 2024 decreased to 245 companies, which is the lowest figure since June 2022. This marked a 12% decrease compared to August, which caused concern among market analysts. This information was provided by the "A-95" Consulting Group, enkorr informs. According to experts, in September 2024 there is a decrease in the import of gasoline, ...
10 Окт
L'Ukraine a versé 224 millions de hryvnias aux entrepreneurs pour l'emploi d'immigrés en 2024 (E-News)
Depuis début 2024, l'État ukrainien a versé 224 millions de hryvnias aux entrepreneurs dans le cadre du programme d'indemnisation pour l'emploi des personnes déplacées à l'intérieur du pays (PDI). C'est ce qu'a rapporté Ioulia Svyridenko, première vice-Première ministre et ministre de l'Économie de l'Ukraine. Selon elle, plus de 8 000 ...
10 Окт
Germany expects a fall in GDP for the second year in a row: new challenges for the economy (E-News)
Germany predicts a 0.2% decline in gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of 2024. This became known from a Bloomberg report. The fall in GDP is marked for the second year in a row, as in 2023 the country's economy decreased by 0.3% compared to 2022. If the forecast comes true, it would be only the second time Germany has faced consecutive annual GDP declines since the reunification of West and ...
10 Окт
Ukrainie grozi brak prądu zimą: trwają prace nad zwiększeniem eksportu do 2,4 GW (E-News)
Zimą 2024-2025 Ukraina może stanąć w obliczu poważnych niedoborów energii elektrycznej, a eksperci ds. energetyki już pracują nad zwiększeniem możliwości eksportu energii elektrycznej z Europy. Poinformował o tym Wołodymyr Velychko, wiceprzewodniczący rady nadzorczej Centernergo PJSC. Według niego obecnie opracowywane ...
09 Окт
Les entreprises ukrainiennes soutiennent l'initiative de formation des conductrices (E-News)
Un projet a été lancé en Ukraine, dont l'objectif est la formation et l'emploi de conductrices. Les plus grandes entreprises du pays participent à la mise en œuvre de cette initiative, ce qui témoigne de l'intérêt croissant pour l'implication des femmes dans ce métier traditionnellement masculin. Selon le ministère du Développement ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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09 Окт
How to master the art of tantra (E-News)
Tantra is an ancient art that views sex not as a physical act for the sake of orgasm, but as a spiritual union of two people. Unlike the Western view, where the final orgasm is considered the main goal, in tantra the process itself is valued, filling it with awareness and energy. It is not the rush that is important here, but attention to every moment and sensation. The teachings of tantra teach ...
09 Окт
Where are your erogenous zones hidden? (E-News)
Knowing your body and its reactions to different touches is an important part of sexual self-knowledge. Sometimes we don't even realize that certain areas of our body can be a source of intense sensations and pleasure. Here are a few of the main erogenous zones that can be a source of new discoveries and joy in intimate life. Nipples are probably one of the most famous erogenous zones. This part ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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12 Окт
Workout to Increase Breast Volume: Effective Exercises and Tips (E-News)
Many women dream of beautiful and voluminous breasts, and although there are many ways to achieve this goal, one of the most natural and safe is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening and increasing the pectoral muscles. The mammary glands are located on the large and small pectoral muscles, so increasing their mass helps to increase the circumference of the bust. Regularity of training is ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Benefici dello scrub al caffè per una pelle luminosa (E-News)
Lo scrub è parte integrante della cura della pelle, permettendole di respirare e rinnovarsi. Uno dei mezzi più popolari ed efficaci per esfoliare le cellule morte è lo scrub al caffè. Non solo pulisce la pelle, ma migliora anche la circolazione sanguigna, rendendola liscia, morbida e ben curata. Puoi preparare facilmente questo scrub a casa utilizzando ingredienti semplici ...
Comment les légumineuses aident à contrôler la glycémie (E-News)
De nombreuses études confirment qu'une alimentation adaptée peut améliorer de manière significative la santé des personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2. Une découverte inattendue a été le bénéfice des légumineuses dans le contrôle de la glycémie. Des scientifiques canadiens ont mené une étude à grande ...
Topics you should not discuss with your husband (E-News)
Even the strongest and most trusting relationship between husband and wife can encounter difficulties if you do not observe certain boundaries in communication. It would seem that with a spouse you can talk about everything, because it is a close person, but in practice, not all topics are safe to discuss. The experience of generations and scientific studies show that there are topics that are ...
Cómo no cometer errores en la vida íntima (E-News)
Las relaciones íntimas desempeñan un papel importante en la vida de toda pareja, pero a veces los hombres pueden cometer errores que afectan a la calidad de la intimidad. A menudo ni siquiera se dan cuenta de sus meteduras de pata, pero las mujeres, por regla general, son muy conscientes de lo que falla exactamente. Para evitar malentendidos en la cama y hacer que la vida íntima ...
Miti sull'intimità che è ora di sfatare (E-News)
Le relazioni sessuali, nonostante la loro importanza nella vita di molte persone, sono circondate da molti miti e idee sbagliate. A volte questi stereotipi sono così radicati nella mente che iniziano a essere percepiti come leggi non scritte. Sfatare alcuni di questi miti significa fare un passo avanti verso un'esperienza sessuale più sana e armoniosa. Il primo mito da sfatare riguarda ...
What you need to know about hair lamination (E-News)
Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of many women, and modern cosmetic procedures offer a variety of solutions to achieve this goal. One of these procedures is hair lamination. This popular procedure promises smoothness, shine and volume, but what is really behind these promises? Let's look at the key aspects of lamination and find out what it has to offer. What is hair ...
14 Окт
Secretos del estrógeno: cómo la hormona afecta la salud y el estado de ánimo de las mujeres (E-News)
La variabilidad femenina siempre ha sido objeto de bromas y anécdotas. Hoy alegría, mañana lágrimas: estos cambios de humor a menudo se explican por la influencia de las hormonas, especialmente los estrógenos. Esta hormona es responsable de muchos aspectos de la vida de una mujer, desde la apariencia hasta la salud reproductiva. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando el ...
14 Окт
Tè allo zenzero per magrezza e salute (E-News)
Lo zenzero si è affermato da tempo come un rimedio efficace per la perdita di peso e il miglioramento della salute. Questa radice è nota per le sue proprietà miracolose non solo nella medicina tradizionale, ma anche nella pratica tibetana. Secondo la classificazione tibetana, lo zenzero rientra tra gli alimenti “caldi” che aiutano a migliorare la circolazione sanguigna e ad ...
14 Окт
Simple steps to losing weight without stress (E-News)
If you have decided to start your struggle with excess weight, a few simple and effective tips can help you. It is important to remember that the weight loss process should not be accompanied by strict restrictions and stress, otherwise the results may be short-lived. Start by gradually changing your habits and you will notice your body becoming slimmer and more attractive. The first thing you ...
13 Окт
Alimentos esenciales para la salud y la energía (E-News)
Para que el organismo funcione a pleno rendimiento, es importante incluir en la dieta ciertos alimentos que aportan vitaminas, minerales y otros nutrientes esenciales. En este artículo, vamos a desglosar seis alimentos clave que le ayudarán a mantenerse sano y a mantener altos sus niveles de energía. 1. la carne es fuente de fuerza y energía La carne es uno de los alimentos ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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14 Окт
La mise en œuvre du système de contrôle aux frontières de l'UE est reportée à une date indéterminée (E-News)
La mise en œuvre prévue du nouveau système de contrôle des frontières de l'UE, connu sous le nom de système d'entrée/sortie (EES), a été reportée à une date indéterminée. Selon les plans initiaux, le système devait entrer en service le 10 novembre 2024, mais de nouvelles circonstances ont contraint la Commission européenne ...
11 Окт
Great Britain will supply Ukraine with new artillery systems and long-range weapons (E-News)
The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umyerov held a meeting with the Minister of Defense of Great Britain John Geely during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to London. The main topic of the negotiations was the further military support of Ukraine, in particular in the form of the supply of weapons and training of the Ukrainian military to increase the country's defense capabilities both ...
09 Окт
La Hongrie a annoncé le blocage de l'accord de prêt final pour l'Ukraine (E-News)
La Hongrie a annoncé le blocage de l'accord final sur le prêt à l'Ukraine, annoncé par les «Big Seven». Le montant total de ce prêt s’élève à 50 milliards de dollars et doit être remboursé à partir du produit des avoirs russes gelés. C'est ce qu'a annoncé le ministre des Finances de la Hongrie Mihaly Varga, commentant la ...
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