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6 сентября 2024, пятница 16:05

№ 19582688

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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A new application for searching for missing people has been created in Ukraine (E-News)
Ukraine has launched a unique application that will help in finding missing people, abducted children and reuniting families separated by war. This innovative tool aims to support people affected by the conflict and speed up the search process. The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine announces the launch of the Reunite Ukraine application. As noted, this ...
05 Сен
The Government of Ukraine has decided to exclude the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone in order to strengthen security (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the draft presidential decree, which provides for the removal of the section of the border with Belarus from the exclusion zone. This decision aims to create conditions for the deployment of additional military and border guards in this region. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Currently, a 50-meter ...
05 Сен
Ab dem 23. September gelten die neuen Pässe in Kiew (E-News)
Ab dem 23. September wird in Kiew eine neue Art von Pässen in Betrieb genommen, die es Fahrzeugen ermöglichen, sich während der Ausgangssperre in der Stadt fortzubewegen. Dies gab die Kiewer Stadtverwaltung (KMDA) bekannt und betonte die Bedeutung der Aktualisierung des Passsystems. KMDA erklärt, dass die regelmäßige Erneuerung von Ausweisen eine notwendige ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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Die Werchowna Rada unterstützte zuvor die Teilprivatisierung staatlicher Banken (E-News)
Die Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat mit der Verabschiedung des Gesetzesentwurfs Nr. 11474 in erster Lesung einen wichtigen Schritt zur Teilprivatisierung staatlicher Banken getan. 249 Volksabgeordnete stimmten für den entsprechenden Beschluss, was die breite Unterstützung dieser Initiative im Parlament zeigt. Der Hauptautor des Gesetzesentwurfs ist Danylo Hetmantsev, Vorsitzender des ...
05 Сен
Ukraine is preparing for large-scale retraining: 180,000 citizens will receive new professional opportunities (E-News)
Over the next three years, about 180,000 Ukrainians will be able to learn new professions or improve their qualifications thanks to the ambitious Skills Alliance initiative. This program aims to overcome the problem of structural unemployment in Ukraine and increase the competitiveness of the workforce in the labor market. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetyana ...
03 Сен
Die Weltbank investiert 415 Millionen US-Dollar, um die Bildung in der Ukraine zu unterstützen (E-News)
Die Weltbank kündigte ein neues Großprojekt zur Unterstützung des ukrainischen Bildungssystems an. Das Projekt mit dem Titel „Erhöhung der Zugänglichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit von Bildung unter Krisenbedingungen in der Ukraine“ (LEARN) hat die Genehmigung des Verwaltungsrats der Weltbank erhalten und stellt Fördermittel in Höhe von 415 Millionen Dollar zur ...
02 Сен
Gehalt und Fernarbeit: Schlüsselfaktoren bei der Berufswahl für Ukrainer (E-News)
Die neueste von OLX Robota durchgeführte Untersuchung des Arbeitsmarktes in der Ukraine ergab, dass die Ukrainer bei der Wahl eines neuen Arbeitsplatzes am meisten Wert auf die Höhe der Löhne und die Möglichkeit legen, aus der Ferne zu arbeiten. Darüber hinaus sind auch die Verfügbarkeit von Buchungen und der Ruf des Unternehmens wichtige Faktoren. Nach den ...
02 Сен
Ukrgazbank and Ukrnafta signed a general credit agreement (E-News)
State Ukrgasbank and the company "Ukrnafta" signed a general credit agreement for the total amount of 4 billion hryvnias. These funds will be directed to the implementation of the large-scale investment program of "Ukrnafta", which provides for an increase in oil and gas production, as well as the implementation of cogeneration projects. According to the press service of Ukrnafta, the loan funds ...
02 Сен
Wsparcie państwa dla parków przemysłowych: Pierwszy projekt otrzymał 150 mln UAH (E-News)
Ukraina zrobiła znaczący krok w rozwoju parków przemysłowych, udzielając pierwszego finansowania w wysokości 150 mln hrywien. Środki te kierowane są na budowę infrastruktury w ramach państwowego programu „Made in Ukraine”, którego celem jest stymulowanie rozwoju stref przemysłowych. Pierwszym odbiorcą takiego dofinansowania był ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Come ottenere la forma del seno ideale: consigli ed esercizi (E-News)
Negli ultimi anni, il fitness femminile ha assunto una posizione dominante, sostituendo il bodybuilding femminile, che prima era in voga. Ora molte donne preferiscono il fitness invece del duro allenamento di bodybuilding, cercando l'armonia e la femminilità nelle loro forme. Questo articolo ti fornirà consigli su esercizi e approcci che ti aiuteranno a raggiungere la forma del seno ...
05 Сен
Come scegliere i cosmetici perfetti: consigli e suggerimenti (E-News)
Scegliere i cosmetici può essere un compito difficile, soprattutto quando si tratta della differenza tra prodotti medicinali e decorativi, nonché tra cosmetici di classi diverse, dal mercato di massa al lusso. Per comprendere questa diversità è utile comprendere le principali categorie e criteri di scelta dei prodotti cosmetici. Professionale vs. cosmetici individuali La ...
05 Сен
Cuidado de la piel porosa: mascarillas astringentes para la perfección facial (E-News)
Los poros dilatados en la cara son un problema al que se enfrentan muchas mujeres. Este defecto cosmético suele causar molestias y requiere cuidados especiales. La piel porosa, propensa a una mayor producción de sebo, necesita cuidados regulares y adecuados para mantener su frescura y belleza. En el artículo de hoy compartiremos contigo recetas de mascarillas astringentes que ...
05 Сен
Trucco estivo: segreti di resistenza nella stagione calda (E-News)
Il caldo estivo diventa spesso una prova per il trucco. Anche all'inizio della stagione, quando la temperatura è appena in aumento, fuori ci possono essere circa 30 gradi. Come mantenere un aspetto fresco e attraente in modo che il trucco applicato al mattino non sbavi entro mezzogiorno? La risposta sta nella cura adeguata della pelle e nel trucco a lunga tenuta adatto alla stagione ...
05 Сен
How to do a pedicure at home: foot care secrets (E-News)
Well-groomed feet are not only beautiful, but also healthy. To keep your feet in good condition, you don’t have to visit a beauty salon regularly. You can do a pedicure at home yourself by following simple recommendations. In this article, we will tell you how to properly care for your feet and nails so that they always look their best. The first step of a home pedicure is preparing a foot bath. ...
04 Сен
Come diventare una reginetta di bellezza in 20 minuti (E-News)
Quando il tempo per prendersi cura di sé è limitato, ricette cosmetologiche domestiche rapide ed efficaci ti aiuteranno a trasformarti rapidamente. I segreti che proponiamo si basano su ingredienti semplici che si possono trovare in ogni cucina. Questi metodi per viso, capelli e occhi garantiscono risultati apprezzabili in tempi record. Regole di base per l'utilizzo di cosmetici fatti ...
04 Сен
Einen sexy Look kreieren: die Geheimnisse des rauchigen Make-ups (E-News)
Wir alle bewundern Prominente: Ihr Charme, ihr Selbstvertrauen und ihre Fähigkeit, Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen, wecken in uns den Wunsch, mindestens einmal in ihre Lage zu schlüpfen. Jede Frau träumte davon, über den roten Teppich zu laufen, umgeben von bewundernden Blicken, und sich wie eine echte Königin zu fühlen. Allerdings muss man kein Star sein, um so zu ...
04 Сен
How to choose the perfect foundation for your skin type (E-News)
Each of us is faced with the problem of choosing the perfect foundation that would hide imperfections and emphasize the advantages. The main task is to find a product that will harmonize with your natural skin tone and match your skin type. The right choice can significantly improve the appearance and emphasize the natural beauty. The first step in choosing a foundation is to determine your skin ...
04 Сен
Come mantenere la tenerezza e la morbidezza del tallone (E-News)
Mantenere la salute e la bellezza dei piedi è un aspetto importante della cura del corpo che viene spesso trascurato. Quando eravamo piccoli, i nostri talloni erano morbidi e lisci, ma nel tempo la cura sbagliata e scarpe scomode portano alla ruvidità della pelle e all'aspetto delle crepe. È importante ricordare che è meglio prevenire i problemi che curarli in seguito. Cura ...
03 Сен
Moderni approcci di aumento delle labbra: come raggiungere la forma perfetta (E-News)
Le labbra piene e sensuali sono sempre state un simbolo di attrattiva e sessualità. Possono diventare una vera e propria decorazione del viso, soprattutto se sono leggermente evidenziate con lucentezza o rossetto. Tuttavia, la natura non premia tutti con un tale dono. Per coloro che non hanno naturalmente le labbra piene, vengono in aiuto vari metodi di aumento del volume e correzione della ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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02 Сен
Basel has been chosen as the venue for Eurovision 2025 (E-News)
In 2025, the 69th international Eurovision Song Contest will be held in the Swiss city of Basel. The event will take place in the concert hall of St. Jakobshalle, and the dates have already been set: the semi-finals are scheduled for May 13 and 15, while the final will take place on May 17. Information about this is published on the official website of the competition. When choosing the host ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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05 Сен
18 Autos von betrunkenen Fahrern aus Lettland beschlagnahmt (E-News)
Die lettische Regierung hat beschlossen, 18 Autos kostenlos an die Ukraine zu übergeben, die von Fahrern beschlagnahmt wurden, die wegen Fahrens unter Alkoholeinfluss festgenommen wurden. Unter den übertragenen Autos sei ein Audi Q7 im Wert von 25.000 Euro, berichtet Delfi. Der vorläufige Gesamtmarktwert von 18 Fahrzeugen, die in die Ukraine transferiert werden sollen, ...
03 Сен
Turkey aspires to join BRICS: a new vector of foreign policy? (E-News)
Turkey has taken a significant step in its foreign policy strategy by officially applying to join BRICS, an international alliance of countries with rapidly growing markets. This was reported by the Bloomberg agency, citing anonymous sources close to the administration of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to sources, this move is part of Turkey's broader strategy to change the vector of ...
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