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2 сентября 2024, понедельник 20:09

№ 19580209

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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с комментариями
Ukrgazbank and Ukrnafta signed a general credit agreement (E-News)
State Ukrgasbank and the company "Ukrnafta" signed a general credit agreement for the total amount of 4 billion hryvnias. These funds will be directed to the implementation of the large-scale investment program of "Ukrnafta", which provides for an increase in oil and gas production, as well as the implementation of cogeneration projects. According to the press service of Ukrnafta, the loan funds ...
28 Авг
Compensation for employment of displaced persons: 7,000 employers received assistance (E-News)
Since the beginning of 2024, the state has paid 174 million hryvnias to employers as part of the compensation program for the employment of internally displaced persons (IDPs). This initiative has become an important support for both businesses and displaced people who were forced to leave their homes due to danger. As the Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetyana Berezhna reported, during ...
28 Авг
The Danish company launched a charity program for affected Ukrainians (E-News)
A Danish company represented in Ukraine initiated a large-scale charity program to support the owners of houses affected by the war. As part of this initiative, participants can get modern skylights at a significant discount of 99.9%. This is reported by UNIAN. The purpose of this charity program is to help people whose homes were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable due to Russian shelling. ...
27 Авг
Fundusze kryptowalutowe odnotowują rekordowy napływ środków: 533 miliony dolarów tygodniowo (E-News)
W dniach 19-24 sierpnia 2024 r. kwota kapitału napływającego do funduszy kryptowalutowych wzrosła do rekordowego poziomu 533 mln dolarów. Wolumen obrotu na rynku osiągnął 9 miliardów dolarów. Jest to stwierdzone w cotygodniowym raporcie firmy CoinShares, w zaszyfrowanych raportach publikacji. Ten znaczący napływ był największy ...
27 Авг
Shortened working week in Poland: the government is preparing for drastic changes in the labor code (E-News)
The Polish government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, has officially confirmed its intention to amend the country's Labor Code, providing for a reduction in working hours for workers. The relevant amendments must be approved before the end of the current government's term in 2027. Changes to the Labor Code, currently under consideration by the government, could include the ...
27 Авг
Salary arrears in Ukraine increased by 7.1%: which companies accumulated the most debts (E-News)
As of August 6, 2024, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered more than 34,000 cases of non-payment of wages, covering almost 2,000 enterprises. Among the regions, the leader in the number of debtors is Sumyshchyna, while the least number of such cases was recorded in Chernivtsi region. According to data from Opendatabot, while the number of cases of salary arrears decreased at the ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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The art of continuous pleasure: introduction to orgasmic meditation (E-News)
Orgasmic meditation, developed by Nicole Dedon, author of the book «Art of female orgasm» and founder of the commune One Taste, is a unique technique aimed at prolonging and deepening sexual pleasure. This technique allows a woman to maintain a state of arousal for a long time, turning ordinary orgasms into a prolonged process that Nicole calls "4-month orgasm". The principle of O-meditation is ...
01 Сен
The art of fashion: from couture to today (E-News)
The female passion for clothes is not just love of "rags", as some may think. Fashion is a high art that allows to express oneself and feel its uniqueness. In the 20th century fashion became one of the most impressive directions of the visual arts, and women who are fascinated by it undoubtedly have a fine taste and creative view of the world. The Modern era gave the world architectural and ...
30 Авг
O przekłuwaniu: co ważne, aby wiedzieć (E-News)
Przekłuwanie jest sposobem na zmianę wyglądu ciała poprzez przebicie różnych obszarów skóry w celu umieszczenia biżuterii. Chociaż może to wyglądać jak zwykła zmiana wyglądu, do tego procesu należy podchodzić z odpowiedzialnością. Oto główne kwestie, które należy wziąć pod ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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с комментариями
How to prolong the effect of salon procedures: tips for self-care (E-News)
Beauty takes time and effort, and to keep the effect of salon procedures long-term, it is important to observe a few simple but effective rules. These recommendations will help you not only save time and money on frequent trips to the salon, but also keep your appearance in perfect condition. how to keep the shine of hair after a visit to the barber When we leave the salon with perfectly ...
01 Сен
Pielęgnacja młodej skóry: jak zachować piękno i zdrowie (E-News)
Młodzież to czas, w którym skóra lśni zdrowiem i świeżością. Jednak w tym okresie ważne jest, aby właściwie dbać o skórę, aby zachować jej piękno przez wiele lat. Błędy popełnione w pielęgnacji skóry w wieku od 20 do 25 lat mogą prowadzić do niepożądanych konsekwencji ...
01 Сен
How to protect your hair from winter cold: care tips (E-News)
Winter is a difficult time for our hair. With the onset of cold they become dry, dull and brittle, and constant temperature fluctuations, dry air in rooms and use of appliances aggravate the situation. To maintain the health and beauty of your hair during this period, you need to pay special attention to their care. Properly selected tools and techniques will help your hair look well-groomed and ...
31 Авг
Letnia opieka: jak zachować piękno w upalne dni (E-News)
Lato to czas, kiedy nasza skóra i włosy wymagają szczególnej uwagi. Gorące słońce, sól morska i suche powietrze mogą stać się prawdziwym wyzwaniem dla piękna. W tym okresie ważne jest, aby przejrzeć torbę do makijażu i dodać do niej produkty, które pomogą zachować zdrowie i ...
31 Авг
Modern trends for returning youth and beauty to the face (E-News)
Modern cosmetology offers amazing opportunities to restore youth and improve the appearance of the face. With the help of advanced technologies and methods it is possible to correct facial features without resorting to radical plastic surgeries. If you are looking to update your appearance and look at the peak of fashion, especially in light of the latest wedding fashion trends, here are some ...
31 Авг
The effect on relationships from love reenactments: what is worth knowing (E-News)
Love reenactment, or the revival of old feelings, can have a profound impact on existing relationships. According to research by psychology professor Nancy Kalish of the University of California, flirting and texting with ex-partners can destroy even a stable marriage. On the site lostlovers.com, created by Kalish, you can find many stories about how old connections can flare up again, leading to ...
30 Авг
Tonal cream: debunking myths (E-News)
The cream is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions that can deceive even the most experienced users of cosmetics. To dispel these myths, let’s look at some of the most common misconceptions about toner and see what is true. 1. The cream is not necessary if the skin does not suffer from acne This myth is widespread, but it does not correspond to reality. Perfect skin is rare, and most ...
29 Авг
New look at weight loss: psychological techniques for success (E-News)
In the fight against excess weight psychological techniques play a significant role. The success of the process of losing weight largely depends on the inner mood and ability to motivate yourself. In this article we will consider effective psychological strategies that will help you to get the right mood and achieve the desired result. 1. Success VisualizationStart by creating a vivid image of ...
29 Авг
Włoska klasyka: cielęcina w winie z risotto (E-News)
Kuchnia włoska słynie z bogatych smaków i aromatów, a ten przepis na cielęcinę z risotto doskonale uosabia kulinarne tradycje Włoch. Połączenie delikatnego mięsa z aromatycznym sosem warzywnym i kremowym risotto sprawia, że danie to jest nie tylko pyszne, ale i efektowne. Do jego przygotowania potrzebne będą następujące ...
29 Авг
The art of accepting imperfections: how to find balance in a relationship (E-News)
Each of us is familiar with the feeling of irritation because of the small habits of our partner, which can sometimes become a real test for the relationship. However, family psychologists say that the right partner is the one whose flaws and quirks you are willing to put up with. Instead of trying to change your chosen one, try to accept him as he is, and even benefit from it. Clutter and ...
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