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30 июня 2024, воскресенье 18:58

№ 19551820

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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26 Июн
The Ministry of Reintegration is preparing a resolution on the expansion of the project on remote inspection of destroyed housing in the temporarily occupied territories (E-News)
The Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine is preparing a resolution on the expansion of the experimental project on the remote inspection of destroyed housing in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) and in the combat zone. This was reported by Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. The project, which was first launched in Melitopol, uses the ...
25 Июн
Ukrainische Ärzte erhielten 40 Autos von UNICEF: Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung von Neugeborenen (E-News)
UNICEF übergab mit Unterstützung der spanischen Regierung 40 Autos an das Gesundheitsministerium der Ukraine, die die Betreuung von Neugeborenen zu Hause durch primäre Gesundheitszentren ermöglichen sollen. Dies gab der Gesundheitsminister der Ukraine, Viktor Lyashko, bei einem Briefing im Format einer Ukrinform-Pressekonferenz bekannt. „Die heutigen Autos, die zu ...
25 Июн
The Ministry of Digitization announced plans to expand the list of digital documents in the popular Diya application (E-News)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine announced plans to expand the list of digital documents in the popular Action application. In the coming days, Ukrainians will have the opportunity to obtain electronic versions of marriage, divorce and name change certificates without the need to carry paper copies with them. This was reported in the press service of the agency, emphasizing the ...
24 Июн
Educational process in the new academic year: plans and challenges (E-News)
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine does not plan to recommend that schools start the new academic year 2024/2025 earlier than usual. This decision was made in view of current circumstances and possible problems in the energy sector that may affect the educational process. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi during the "Question Hour for the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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28 Июн
During the 10 months of operation of the Ukrainian maritime corridor, 55 million tons of cargo were shipped (E-News)
During the 10 months of operation of the Ukrainian sea corridor, 55 million tons of cargo were shipped from the ports of Odesa, most of which were agricultural products. These indicators emphasize the important role of Ukraine's maritime infrastructure in the global economy. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure. In their ...
27 Июн
Les revenus russes du pétrole et du gaz augmenteront de 50 % : les sanctions ne dissuadent pas (E-News)
Les revenus russes issus de la vente de pétrole et de gaz en juin augmenteront de plus de 50 % sur un an pour atteindre 9,4 milliards de dollars. Cela témoigne de l’adaptation de l’économie russe aux sanctions occidentales, rapporte Reuters, se référant à ses propres calculs. Le pétrole et le gaz restent des sources de revenus clés pour le Kremlin, ...
27 Июн
The Lviv Research Institute was sold for 60 million hryvnias (E-News)
The State Property Fund of Ukraine successfully held an auction for the sale of the Lviv Research and Design Institute "LvivbudmNDiproekt", which was sold for 60.1 million hryvnias. This was reported by the head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine Vitaliy Koval. The auction started with a starting price of 23.7 million hryvnias, which increased 2.53 times as a result of competition between ...
26 Июн
The Finnish company Gasum stops purchasing Russian liquefied natural gas (E-News)
Finnish state-owned gas company Gasum has announced it will stop buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Russian Federation as a result of new European Union sanctions. According to the company's press service, this step meets the requirements and restrictions introduced by the EU since July 26. According to Gasum's announcement, they fully comply with all sanctions restrictions that ...
25 Июн
Strengthening of electricity supply restrictions in 12 regions of Ukraine (E-News)
Today, from 13:00, additional restrictions on electricity supply were introduced in 12 regions of Ukraine due to insufficient effectiveness of previous measures. This was reported by the press service of "Ukrenergo". In particular, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, emergency power cuts have been introduced since 13:00. In addition, from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., restrictions have been increased in ...
24 Июн
Die Vereinten Nationen helfen weiterhin ukrainischen Rentnern: neue Unterstützungsbedingungen (E-News)
Das Welternährungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (WFP) in der Ukraine hat die Verlängerung des Projekts zur Gewährung zusätzlicher Zahlungen an Rentner, die in Gebieten mit aktiven oder möglichen Feindseligkeiten leben, bis Dezember 2024 angekündigt. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, die Lebensbedingungen gefährdeter Bevölkerungsgruppen zu erleichtern, die ...
24 Июн
The decline of German exports to China: an analysis of trade tensions (E-News)
In May of the current year, there was a significant decrease in German exports to China by 14%, which amounted to 7.5 billion euros, compared to the same period of the previous year. This news became an important signal in the context of growing trade tensions between Europe and China. According to the Financial Times, escalating trade tensions have led to the threat of higher tariffs on key ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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25 Июн
Energy drinks: history, composition and effects (E-News)
Energy drinks are a type of soft drink that are carbonated and contain large amounts of caffeine, sugar, and various additives such as B vitamins, amino acids (e.g., taurine), and herbal stimulants such as guarana. Energy drink advertising primarily targets a young audience of 18 to 30 year olds, associating the product with strength, speed, and other attributes appealing to this ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Natural Antibiotics: Effective Alternatives (E-News)
Antibiotics are an integral part of the treatment of many diseases, but their use can be accompanied by side effects. However, among a variety of medicines, there are natural alternatives that, like chemicals, are highly effective in combating infections and other ailments. Cranberries: protection against urinary infectionsCranberries contain proanthocyanidine, which prevents escherichia coli ...
Women should be careful with medicines (E-News)
Taking any medication, even the most common, can seriously harm a woman’s health. This is due to the fact that clinical trials are most often conducted on men or on male animals. According to recent data, women taking antidepressants during pregnancy are significantly more likely to be at risk of pre-eclampsia, which is accompanied by increased blood pressure, edema and protein in urine, as well ...
29 Июн
Calcium deficiency: the importance of balance (E-News)
Calcium is an important nutrient needed for bone, tooth, heart rate and many other processes in the body. The daily calcium requirement ranges from 1000 to 1500 mg. Calcium deficiency symptoms Calcium deficiency manifests itself in various symptoms, including muscle spasms, dry skin and brittle nails, increased premenstrual syndrome and increased bone fragility. Anxiety, irritability and other ...
29 Июн
Health effects of catechins (E-News)
Catechins are a type of antioxidants found in a variety of foods, including tea, red wine and chocolate. But green tea leaves are particularly rich in them. Interest in these substances in medical circles dates back to the 1990s, but even in ancient times tea was considered a drink of health and longevity. The catechins found in tea are also known as catechin polyphenols, and they are receiving ...
28 Июн
Skin self-healing: what is important to know (E-News)
Women all over the world strive to keep their skin young and beautiful for as long as possible, wanting to maintain its firmness, smoothness and defined facial contours. Time defies intervention, but modern aesthetic medicine offers methods that can reduce and slow down the signs of aging. The skin is known to be composed of many layers, each with its own important function. The most important ...
27 Июн
A revolution in rejuvenation: facial resurfacing (E-News)
Facial resurfacing remains one of the most controversial and misunderstood areas of aesthetic medicine. Often standard rejuvenation techniques such as facelifts, fillers or Botox fail to produce the desired results for fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. These problems are addressed by removing the top layers of skin, allowing it to heal and regenerate. The secret to facial resurfacingWhen the ...
27 Июн
Secrets of a slim figure: practical tips for weight loss (E-News)
Losing weight is an eternal and relevant topic. Many know that slow and systematic weight loss is more useful and effective, but not everyone manages to follow this rule for a long time. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. Proper weight loss is not only a diet regime, but also a lifestyle in general, including mood and way of thinking. If you are ready for gradual, and therefore the most ...
26 Июн
Effektive Wege, um Bauchfett bei Männern loszuwerden (E-News)
Bauchfett ist für viele Männer ein lästiges Übel. Wenn Ihr "Bierbauch" oder Ihre "Lebenslinie" um die Taille für Unzufriedenheit sorgt, ist es an der Zeit, herauszufinden, was man dagegen tun kann. Zwar ist der Lebensstil oft die Hauptursache für die Fettansammlung, aber auch die Genetik spielt eine Rolle. Um Bauchfett loszuwerden, müssen Sie sich an eine ...
26 Июн
Ascorutin: a myth or a real way to lose weight (E-News)
Ascorutin is not only a vitamin and mineral complex, but also a remedy with antioxidant properties, helping to improve capillary blood circulation and participating in metabolism. Such properties make it attractive for use in weight loss, especially as part of an oxygen diet. But what is behind this concept, and how does ascorutin affect the body? Dangerous free radicalsFree radicals are atoms ...
25 Июн
Avoiding unhealthy foods: a look at healthy eating (E-News)
In today's world we are surrounded by a variety of foods, but not all of them are good for our health. Often we do not think about the fact that the consumption of harmful products can have a negative impact on our body. Let's understand what we should give up once and for all. Reducing fat intake One of the main enemies of a healthy lifestyle are foods high in fat. Fast food, which has a lot ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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28 Июн
Google Translate expands the language spectrum (E-News)
Google has announced the biggest expansion of its translator since its launch, adding support for 110 new languages, including Crimean Tatar. This was reported in the Google press service, which stated that thanks to the PaLM 2 language model, the company is starting to integrate additional languages, which will significantly expand the capabilities of translator users. One of the new languages ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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27 Июн
Mark Rutte will become the new Secretary General of NATO: what does this mean for the alliance? (E-News)
On June 26, 2024, the Council of the North Atlantic Defense Alliance (NATO) officially appointed Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next Secretary General, replacing Jens Stoltenberg. This is reported on the official website of NATO. According to plans, Mark Rutte will take over as Secretary General from October 1, 2024, when the term of office of Jens Stoltenberg, who led the alliance for ...
27 Июн
Poland plans to open a new checkpoint on the border with Ukraine by the end of 2024 (E-News)
By the end of this year, Poland intends to open a full-fledged checkpoint on the border with Ukraine called "Nyzhankovychi-Malkhovichi" in the Lviv region. This was stated by the head of the Polish Council for Cooperation with Ukraine, Pavel Koval, during his participation in the 3rd Forum on the Reconstruction of Ukraine, Interfax-Ukraine reports. Koval noted that at the moment work is actively ...
24 Июн
Ukraine insists on the inclusion of Russia in the FATF blacklist due to the agreement with North Korea (E-News)
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine expressed an urgent demand to include Russia in the blacklist of the International Anti-Money Laundering Group (FATF) in connection with the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement concluded by the Russian side with the DPRK. This information was published on the official website of the ministry. The agreement between Russia and North Korea provides for ...
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