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14 июня 2024, пятница 13:43

№ 19511476

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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Changes in the testing of drivers: the fight against alcohol and drugs while driving (E-News)
New rules for testing drivers for alcohol and drug intoxication have been introduced in Ukraine. The government has approved changes related to the procedure for checking vehicle drivers, aimed at strengthening control and road safety. The representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, informed about these innovations. According to him, changes have been made ...
13 Июн
Restoration of the medical system of Ukraine: challenges and prospects (E-News)
Ukraine will need more than 14 billion dollars and a ten-year period to completely restore the medical system. This is due to the large-scale destruction caused by the Russian troops, who not only destroyed hospitals, but also tried to destroy "emergency rooms", pharmacies, and take away equipment and medicines. This statement was made by the Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko during the ...
10 Июн
Ukraine strengthens borders: new checkpoints with Hungary and modernization of infrastructure with Poland (E-News)
The government of Ukraine has approved a new agreement with Hungary, which provides for the opening of new checkpoints and the modernization of existing ones. In particular, it is about the creation of a new checkpoint "Velika Palady - Nadgodosh", which will be designated for passenger transport. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal. In addition, according to this ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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13 Июн
Mykolaiv received significant financial support for the restoration of the water supply system (E-News)
Mykolaiv received significant financial support for the restoration of the water supply system, thanks to the agreement between "Mykolaivvodokanal" and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in the amount of almost 25 million euros. The mayor of Mykolaiv Oleksandr Sienkovych informs about this. According to him, the existing water supply and drainage infrastructure of the ...
12 Июн
Opening of the joint workshop of Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom: a new stage of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex (E-News)
At the beginning of 2024, the first joint workshop of Rheinmetall and Ukroboronprom was launched in Ukraine, aimed at the production and repair of German military equipment. This step marks a new stage in the cooperation between the Ukrainian and German defense industries. Oleksandr Kamyshin, Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, emphasized the importance of this step, stressing that the ...
12 Июн
L'UE lance un soutien aux investissements pour la relance de l'Ukraine : des accords d'une valeur de 1,4 milliard d'euros ont été signés (E-News)
L'Union européenne a signé les premiers accords de garantie d'un montant de 1,4 milliard d'euros dans le cadre du programme Ukraine Facility. Cette étape ouvre la voie à la mise en œuvre du cadre d'investissement pour l'Ukraine, qui accélérera la reprise de l'Ukraine, en particulier de ses infrastructures énergétiques. Cela a été ...
11 Июн
La Suisse contribuera à la numérisation de l’Ukraine (E-News)
La Confédération suisse a décidé de poursuivre son soutien financier à l'Ukraine dans les domaines de la numérisation et de l'e-government, qui deviendront un domaine clé de la coopération internationale. Au cours des quatre prochaines années, l'Ukraine recevra 58,7 millions de francs suisses (65,4 millions de dollars) du budget de la coopération ...
11 Июн
The growth of Ukrainian bankruptcies in 2024: what the data show (E-News)
According to the Supreme Court of Ukraine, during the first five months of 2024, 343 Ukrainians filed for bankruptcy. This number is 2.2 times higher than the same period last year. In total, over the past five years, almost 2,000 personal bankruptcy cases were registered in the country. Information is provided by "Opendatabot". It is noted that only during the current year, 343 Ukrainians ...
11 Июн
Baisse du marché des services financiers non bancaires : résultats de mai (E-News)
En mai 2024, le marché des services financiers non bancaires en Ukraine a connu des changements importants. Le nombre de participants à ce marché est passé de 1045 fin avril à 1014 fin mai. Dans le même temps, le nombre de banques est resté stable et s'élève à 63. La Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU) a rapporté qu'en mai 26, des ...
11 Июн
A tender for 20 interregional passenger routes in Ukraine has been announced (E-News)
On July 17, the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine will hold the second competition of this year for interregional routes for motor carriers. This event attracts considerable attention, as it concerns the development of infrastructure and the improvement of transport connections between regions. Serhiy Derkach, Deputy Minister of Community ...
10 Июн
Le ministère de l'Économie a proposé une nouvelle stratégie : la reconversion des femmes (E-News)
Le ministère de l'Économie de l'Ukraine, confronté au défi de mobiliser des spécialistes dans les rangs des forces armées, a proposé une nouvelle stratégie : la reconversion des femmes dans des métiers dont les représentants sont allés au front. C'est ce qu'a annoncé la ministre de l'Économie Yulia Svyridenko. L'Ukraine, en ...
07 Июн
The Ukrainian economy expects additional financial support from the EBRD (E-News)
The Ukrainian economy expects additional financial support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to implement programs aimed at restoring the energy sector and retraining workers. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. According to Yulia Svyridenko, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, the government ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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The meaning of dreams: understanding the mysterious world of dreams (E-News)
Dreams, those mysterious images that visit us every night, leaving traces in the memory or dissolving into the unreachable vastness of the subconscious. Why do some people have pleasant dreams, while others wake up frightened? Why do some dreams seem to be foreshadowing, and others are just a meaningless stream of images? Let's get to the bottom of this mystery by discovering the world of ...
10 Июн
Chinese scientists have created an electronic skin with a 3D structure (E-News)
Chinese scientists from Tsinghua University have achieved a significant breakthrough in the development of electronic skin, which is the first in the world with a three-dimensional structure that imitates the properties of human skin. This news was published in the journal Science. Electronic skin reproduces the complex structure of human skin with its own epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous ...
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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13 Июн
Sports and colds: why you should take a break (E-News)
During a cold, it is better to weaken or abandon sports training altogether. Researchers from the German Sports Institute Cologne found that sports during an acute illness can seriously damage the heart. Why should you avoid exercising when you have a cold?When an infection is accompanied by fever, physical activity can lead to inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis. This serious illness ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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Jak radzić sobie z obsesyjno-kompulsywnymi myślami? (E-News)
Obsesyjne myśli, zwiększony niepokój i niewyjaśnione lęki mogą być objawami zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsyjnego (OCD). Jest to poważna choroba psychiczna charakteryzująca się występowaniem obsesji i chęcią powtarzania pewnych czynności w celu złagodzenia niepokoju. Terminowa diagnoza i świadomość potrzeby ...
13 Июн
Wahania nastroju u kobiet: jak radzić sobie z wahaniami emocjonalnymi (E-News)
Wahania nastroju to problem, z którym boryka się niemal każdy człowiek, ale szczególnie często dotyka on kobiet. Gdy emocje są tak niestabilne, że przeszkadzają w normalnym życiu, warto zwrócić się w stronę medycyny. Wahania nastroju, znane również jako zaburzenia afektywne, objawiają się nagłą ...
13 Июн
El misterio de la hipnosis: del misticismo a la ciencia (E-News)
La hipnosis es un fenómeno complejo y aún no del todo comprendido que ha acompañado a la humanidad desde la antigüedad. El término "hipnosis" apareció hace relativamente poco, alrededor de un siglo y medio, y procede de la palabra griega que significa "sueño". Sin embargo, el fenómeno en sí se conoce desde que aparecieron los primeros chamanes, ...
13 Июн
Metodi semplici per migliorare la memoria (E-News)
Esistono alcuni semplici metodi per sviluppare la memoria che non solo vi aiuteranno a ricordare nomi e informazioni importanti sulle persone, ma anche a migliorare le vostre relazioni sociali. Una buona memoria per i volti e i dettagli vi permette di fare un'impressione positiva e di ottenere il sostegno di chi vi circonda. Sviluppare la memoria è importante non solo per la società, ma ...
13 Июн
Miłość bez względu na wiek: jak radzić sobie z różnicą wieku między małżonkami (E-News)
Rozpoznaj problem i bądź ze sobą szczery.Różnice wieku między partnerami mogą sięgać od kilku lat do kilkudziesięciu lat. Uznaj, że ta różnica ma znaczenie i omów z góry wszelkie potencjalne problemy. Jeśli jedno z was chce mieć dzieci, a drugie nie, należy to od razu omówić. Pamiętaj, że ...
13 Июн
Matrimonio diferente: cómo hacer frente a las diferencias de renta y edad (E-News)
Desigualdad de ingresosEl matrimonio entre cónyuges con ingresos muy diferentes puede plantear ciertos retos. Si uno de los cónyuges gana mucho más, esto puede afectar a la vida diaria y a las relaciones. Uno de los cónyuges puede permitirse compras y ocio caros, mientras que el otro se ve obligado a ahorrar dinero. Esto puede crear sentimientos de incomodidad y ...
13 Июн
Modern realities of searching for an ideal husband (E-News)
Marriage is a cherished dream of many girls. Since childhood, everyone imagines her wedding, white dress and the best groom next to her. But over time it turns out that finding the perfect partner is not so easy. Men do not hurry to bind themselves to the bonds of marriage, despite all the efforts of women. Is it easy to get married nowadays? Men's opinionMen are contradictory creatures. One ...
12 Июн
Programación neurolingüística: la clave para entender el comportamiento humano (E-News)
Si se siente un poco perdido cuando oye la frase "programación neurolingüística", no se preocupe, no está solo. Entre todos los términos complicados que se encuentran a menudo en Internet, la PNL puede parecer un verdadero laberinto. Pero intentemos comprender qué hay realmente detrás de este misterioso concepto. La programación neurolingüística, ...
12 Июн
I primi segnali di una rottura: come riconoscerli e cosa fare (E-News)
Una rottura improvvisa, senza un motivo apparente a prima vista, può essere un'esperienza amara. Tuttavia, a volte i segnali che la relazione si sta esaurendo possono essere colti molto prima della rottura "ufficiale", dandovi la possibilità di correggere la situazione. Vediamo alcuni segnali da tenere d'occhio. perdita di amiciUn chiaro segnale di una rottura imminente può essere ...
12 Июн
Compliments : les petits secrets d'une grande influence (E-News)
Les compliments ne sont pas de simples mots, ils constituent un outil puissant d'interaction sociale. Un compliment bien choisi et bien dit peut non seulement vous remonter le moral, mais aussi faire des choses incroyables. Il peut apaiser les tensions et établir discrètement des relations entre les personnes. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que donner et recevoir un ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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Japan will allocate 4.5 billion dollars to Ukraine: new opportunities for cooperation (E-News)
Ukraine will receive significant financial support from Japan in the amount of 4.5 billion US dollars during this year. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi announced this after signing a bilateral security agreement with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. According to the agreement, Japan undertakes to support Ukraine for the next 10 years in the fields of security, defense and ...
12 Июн
Ursula von der Leyen reported that Ukraine will receive the first 1.5 billion euros of income from frozen Russian assets already in July (E-News)
The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that Ukraine will receive the first 1.5 billion euros in revenues from frozen Russian assets already in July. This announcement was made on June 11 in Berlin at a conference on the restoration of Ukraine, Interfax-Ukraine reports. Von der Leyen noted that almost 1.5 billion euros will be available for Ukraine next month. ...
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