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17 октября 2024, четверг 10:08

№ 19586867

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Спорт


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14 Окт
Simple exercises to strengthen the abs and buttocks (E-News)
When you can’t go to the gym, but still want to maintain muscle tone, you can do simple exercises for the abs and buttocks at home or even in public places. Here are some effective ways to help maintain elasticity without much effort. The first thing you can do at any time and in any place is exercises for the gluteal muscles. During everyday activities, such as cleaning, walking, or even ...
12 Окт
Workout to Increase Breast Volume: Effective Exercises and Tips (E-News)
Many women dream of beautiful and voluminous breasts, and although there are many ways to achieve this goal, one of the most natural and safe is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening and increasing the pectoral muscles. The mammary glands are located on the large and small pectoral muscles, so increasing their mass helps to increase the circumference of the bust. Regularity of training is ...
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