Новости - Украина | | |
10:00 | Ukraine has approved the Strategy-2030: how the healthcare system will change (E-News) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted an ambitious Strategy for the Development of the Healthcare System until 2030. As part of this document, an operational plan for the implementation of key measures for the period 2025-2027 has also been approved.
When announcing this news, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal emphasized the importance of clear planning. According to him, the ... |
18:00 17 Янв | Wielka Brytania wprowadza program śledzenia zboża kradzionego przez Rosję z Ukrainy (E-News) Wielka Brytania ogłosiła uruchomienie nowej inicjatywy, która pomoże Ukrainie śledzić zboże kradzione przez Rosję z tymczasowo okupowanych terytoriów. Będzie to ważny krok w walce z nielegalnym handlem ukraińskim zbożem, które po kradzieży jest często przepakowywane i sprzedawane na rynkach międzynarodowych. O ... |
10:00 17 Янв | Government expands project of modern workshops for vocational education (E-News) In 2025, 100 new modern workshops and laboratories will be established in vocational and technical education institutions. The government has allocated UAH 540 million for this initiative under the state program "100 Workshops". The goal of the program is to provide students with modern skills and adapt them to the requirements of the digital economy.
The statement on the expansion of this ... |
18:00 16 Янв | Wzrost liczby indywidualnych przedsiębiorców na Ukrainie w 2024 r.: popularne obszary działalności (E-News) Na dzień 1 stycznia 2025 r. na Ukrainie zarejestrowanych było 1 mln 707 tys. 677 indywidualnych przedsiębiorców (IEP), co stanowi wzrost o 7,5% w porównaniu z tym samym dniem w 2024 r. Oznacza to wzrost liczby indywidualnych przedsiębiorców o 118 943 osoby, co wskazuje na pozytywną dynamikę rozwoju małej przedsiębiorczości, pomimo ... |
15:00 16 Янв | In 2024, Ukrainian banks actively financed energy infrastructure restoration projects (E-News) From June to December 2024, Ukrainian banks actively financed energy infrastructure restoration projects, providing businesses with loans totaling UAH 10.5 billion. These funds were allocated for the implementation of projects that will help restore the country's energy capacity after the devastating consequences of the war.
In total, banks received 3,495 applications from businesses for UAH ... |
10:00 15 Янв | War risks and economic uncertainty are holding back housing investment in Ukraine (E-News) Despite the fact that price conditions in the real estate market in Ukraine have become more attractive than before the start of the full-scale war, Ukrainians are still cautious about investing in housing due to war risks. This conclusion was published by the National Bank of Ukraine in its December Financial Stability Report.
NBU experts emphasize that the real estate market has seen a decline ... |
15:00 14 Янв | Business lending in Ukraine in 2024: Results and trends (E-News) In 2024, the growth rate of business lending in Ukraine was significantly lower than that of retail lending. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, the growth of business lending was three times slower than that of individuals. The largest reduction in lending was observed in the corporate sector, in particular in hryvnia lending, which decreased by 2.4% (UAH 14.2 billion).
Growth in hryvnia ... |
13:00 14 Янв | Lotnisko we Lwowie przygotowuje się do wznowienia lotów cywilnych w czasie wojny (E-News) Władze międzynarodowego portu lotniczego we Lwowie imienia Daniela Halickiego rozważają możliwość częściowego wznowienia lotów cywilnych nawet w czasie stanu wojennego. Potwierdza to komunikat prasowy lotniska, w którym podkreślono priorytet bezpieczeństwa pasażerów, samolotów i infrastruktury.
Ocena ... |
18:00 13 Янв | Estonia odrzuca pomysł wspólnej elektrowni jądrowej z Łotwą i Litwą (E-News) Estonia nie planuje udziału we wspólnym projekcie budowy elektrowni jądrowej z Łotwą i Litwą. Jak podaje ERR, powołując się na urzędnika, oświadczenie to wypowiedział estoński minister klimatu Joko Alender.
Dlaczego Estonia wybiera inną drogę?
Głównym powodem tej decyzji jest strategiczne ukierunkowanie Estonii ... |
08:48 | How to avoid uneven tanning in a solarium (E-News) Tanning in a solarium is a quick and convenient way to give your skin a beautiful shade. However, to ensure the result is perfect, you need to know a few secrets that will help you avoid unevenness and excessive effects from ultraviolet lamps. In this article, we will reveal some tricks that only experienced solarium visitors know.
How to protect your face from excessive tanning?One of the most ... |
15:28 19 Янв | The Impact of AGE Harmful Compounds in Fried Food on the Body (E-News) Today, more and more attention is being paid to research into toxic compounds called AGE (advanced glycation end products), which have a harmful effect on the body. This indicator evaluates how much a product promotes the formation of glucose compounds with proteins and fats, increasing the risk of inflammatory processes, cardiovascular diseases and accelerating aging. It is generally accepted ... |
08:48 19 Янв | Buckwheat groats: features of the diet and options for use (E-News) Buckwheat has long won a place in the kitchens of many people thanks to its nutritional properties and versatility in cooking. However, its use goes beyond the standard recipes, becoming the basis for unloading days and a diet aimed at improving health.
Regular consumption of buckwheat allows you to saturate the body with a variety of vitamins, trace elements and carbohydrates that support ... |
15:28 18 Янв | How Parents' Words Affect Their Children (E-News) The words we say to children shape their worldview, self-esteem, and attitude toward the world around them. Parents are the child's main mentors, their opinion is perceived as the absolute truth. That is why it is so important to be aware of the phrases we say, because they can have both a positive and negative impact on the child's future life.
How Attitudes Are FormedParental attitudes are ... |
08:48 18 Янв | How to recognize men who are not ready for a serious relationship (E-News) Finding the right partner is not an easy task. Sometimes behind a bright appearance, beautiful gestures and promises there is a man who is completely unready for marriage. To avoid disappointment, it is important to learn to recognize certain types of bachelors.
Type 1: A womanizer or a pick-up artistThis man attracts attention with his impressive appearance, stylish clothes and self-confidence. ... |
20:48 17 Янв | Jak znaleźć wewnętrzną pewność siebie (E-News) Pewność siebie to podstawa, która pomaga pokonywać wyzwania, osiągać cele i czuć się komfortowo w każdych okolicznościach. Czasami jednak tracimy to ważne uczucie, zwłaszcza pod presją zewnętrznych okoliczności. Aby odzyskać lub wzmocnić pewność siebie, ważne jest, aby zdać sobie sprawę, ... |
15:28 17 Янв | Massage techniques at home for skin elasticity (E-News) Every woman is familiar with the problem called cellulite. This is a change in the structure of fatty tissue, creating the effect of "orange peel". There are dozens of ways to combat this problem: from special creams to physical exercises. However, massage is recognized as one of the most effective methods.
causes of celluliteCellulite occurs most often on the thighs, buttocks and arms. The ... |
08:48 17 Янв | Strengthening the body before the cold weather (E-News) The transition from warm summer to cool autumn is a test for the body. During this period, many people experience a weakened immune system, colds and a general deterioration in health. However, the right approach to preparing the body can help avoid these problems.
To begin with, you should spend more time outdoors. Walks, physical activity and morning exercises stimulate blood circulation and ... |
20:48 16 Янв | Korzyści czekolady dla serca i naczyń krwionośnych (E-News) Czekolada to nie tylko pyszny smakołyk, ale także produkt, który może mieć pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Badania przeprowadzone przez naukowców z Instytutu Karolinska w Sztokholmie pokazują, że spożywanie czekolady może znacznie zmniejszyć ryzyko chorób serca.
Dotyczy to zwłaszcza osób, ... |
15:28 16 Янв | Blueberries: useful properties and application (E-News) Blueberries have long been known for their healing properties. It helps to maintain health, rejuvenate the body and cleanse it of toxins. Moreover, in its composition found little-studied substances that, according to scientists, may be useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer. That is why blueberry leaves began to be actively used in medicine to fight neoplasms.
One of the main features ... |
15:00 13 Янв | Why Germany is holding up a new €3 billion aid package for Ukraine (E-News) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is currently blocking the approval of a new €3 billion military aid package for Ukraine. The initiative, which would have made a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s defenses, has met with resistance from the Chancellor, who fears it would “put the future federal government before a fact.”
What does the new aid package entail?
The aid plan, announced ... |