Новости - Украина | | |
18:00 24 Янв | Ukraine and Sweden sign agreement on defense cooperation (E-News) Ukraine and Sweden have reached an important agreement on the development of a bilateral agreement that provides for the joint implementation of projects in the defense-industrial complex (DIC). This initiative is part of the strategy for developing Ukraine's defense potential and strengthening international cooperation in the field of security.
This was reported by the press service of the ... |
16:00 24 Янв | EU stellt der Ukraine im Jahr 2025 Finanzhilfe in Höhe von 35 Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung (E-News) Die Europäische Union hat beschlossen, der Ukraine im Jahr 2025 umfangreiche finanzielle Unterstützung in Höhe von 35 Milliarden Euro zukommen zu lassen. Diese Mittel werden über die ERA-Kreditinitiative der G7 und die Ukraine-Fazilität bereitgestellt, die Teil einer umfassenderen Unterstützungsstrategie der EU zur Unterstützung der Ukraine während des ... |
16:00 20 Янв | Neue Schritte zur Unterstützung des visumfreien Reisens: Ukraine und EU (E-News) Am 17. Januar fand die dritte Sitzung des Gemeinsamen Ausschusses statt, der im Rahmen des Abkommens über den Güterverkehr zwischen der Ukraine und der Europäischen Union eingerichtet wurde. Dieses Ereignis wurde zu einem wichtigen Meilenstein in der Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Ukraine und der EU im Bereich des Güterverkehrs, da Entscheidungen getroffen wurden, ... |
15:00 24 Янв | Overview of the passenger car market in Ukraine in 2024: leaders among private and corporate buyers (E-News) In 2024, the Ukrainian passenger car market showed stable development, in particular against the backdrop of the recovery of economic activity. In total, 69.6 thousand new passenger cars were registered, of which 44.3 thousand were purchased by private individuals, and the remaining 25.3 thousand by legal entities. This indicator demonstrates both the growth of interest in new cars among ... |
10:30 24 Янв | Ukraine seeks security guarantees to attract investment: key requirements and achievements (E-News) Ukraine is actively working to provide reliable security guarantees for foreign investors wishing to develop their business projects on Ukrainian soil. According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko, successful security agreements will be a key element for future investment strategies.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Svyrydenko emphasized ... |
10:00 22 Янв | The Warm Winter social program is expanding: more cash assistance for low-income families (E-News) The Ukrainian government continues to actively improve social programs aimed at supporting low-income families and internally displaced persons. One of the key initiatives in this direction is the Warm Winter program, which has received significant changes and expansion this year.
According to the announcement of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, the government is expanding the number ... |
15:00 21 Янв | Improving the valuation of insolvent banks’ assets in Ukraine: a new stage of cooperation between the State Property Fund of Ukraine and the Deposit Guarantee Fund (E-News) Ukrainian state authorities have taken an important step to improve the procedure for valuing insolvent banks’ assets. The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) and the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals (DGF) have signed a memorandum of cooperation to improve the process of valuing the assets of banks that do not fulfill their obligations.
According to the information provided by the press ... |
15:00 20 Янв | State Budget of Ukraine for 2024: Expenditures Increased by UAH 456.5 Billion (E-News) In 2024, the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine increased by UAH 456.5 billion, which is 15% more compared to the previous year. Total cash expenditures of the general fund reached UAH 3.5 trillion, and in December alone they amounted to UAH 492.2 billion. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
The main part of the expenditures was directed to ensuring the country's ... |
11:00 20 Янв | Apple setzt KI-Nachrichten aus, nachdem Rafael Nadal einen Fehler bei seiner Behauptung gemacht hat (E-News) Der Technologieriese Apple hat die Einstellung seines auf künstlicher Intelligenz basierenden Nachrichtentools angekündigt, nachdem es zu einer Reihe schwerwiegender Fehler gekommen war. Dazu gehörte auch eine falsche Schlagzeile, in der suggeriert wurde, dass sich Rafael Nadal, der legendäre spanische Tennisspieler mit 22 Grand-Slam-Titeln, als schwul geoutet hätte. ... |
11:00 23 Янв | Neuer Gesetzentwurf in der Werchowna Rada: Mobilfunkbetreiber sollen als kritische Infrastruktur anerkannt werden (E-News) Die Ukraine erwägt eine Gesetzesinitiative, die den Status der Mobilfunkbetreiber ändern könnte, indem sie als Teil der kritischen Infrastruktur anerkannt werden. Der entsprechende Gesetzesentwurf Nr. 12420 wurde auf der offiziellen Website der Werchowna Rada veröffentlicht.
Der Hauptgrund für die Entwicklung dieses Dokuments war ein groß angelegter Fehler, der am ... |
15:00 22 Янв | Isambard-AI supercomputer: a breakthrough in the development of drugs and vaccines (E-News) The UK is preparing to launch a powerful supercomputer Isambard-AI, worth £ 225 million. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, this unique computing resource will become a key tool in the creation of new drugs and vaccines, reports AI4Future.
Professor of High Performance Computing at the University of Bristol, Simon McIntosh-Smith, said that the launch of Isambard-AI will open up ... |
16:28 25 Янв | So unterscheiden Sie natürlichen Honig von gefälschtem (E-News) Honig gilt seit langem als wertvolles Produkt, das nicht nur lecker, sondern auch gesund ist. Mit der wachsenden Popularität von Honig hat jedoch auch die Zahl von Fälschungen zugenommen, die nicht nur keinen Nutzen bringen, sondern sogar Schaden anrichten können. Wie wählt man hochwertigen Naturhonig aus?
Warum ist es wichtig, Qualitätshonig zu ... |
08:48 25 Янв | What is important in love for men (E-News) Love is a feeling that is hard to describe with just words. Each person has a different perspective on what is important in a relationship. While women often put mutual respect and care at the center of attention, for men these concepts can have a completely different meaning. But what do lovers care about most?
For most women, the most important thing in love is attention and respect from their ... |
15:28 24 Янв | How to extend your tan (E-News) Tanning is not only a way to improve your appearance, but also an opportunity to hide some skin imperfections, such as stretch marks or unevenness. It makes the figure more expressive and gives the skin a golden hue. However, in order for the tan to remain even and beautiful as long as possible, you need to know how to properly tan and care for the skin. After all, for many of us tanning is not ... |
08:48 24 Янв | Weight loss in a week: how to lose 7 kg (E-News) A seven-day diet is a way to quickly get rid of extra pounds by following a strict diet and a healthy lifestyle. In one week, you can lose 7 kilograms if you follow all the recommendations correctly. The main emphasis is on eating vegetables, fruits and dairy products, as well as giving up sugar and salt.
start of the day: a boost of energy and vitaminsThe morning should start with sugar-free ... |
15:28 23 Янв | Features of a nursing mother's diet: what you need to know (E-News) When a woman becomes a mother, one of the first important decisions concerns how to feed her child. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about how a mother's diet during breastfeeding should be especially strict in order to avoid allergies and digestive problems in the baby. But is this really true? In fact, breastfeeding requires a careful approach to diet, but not necessarily a ... |
09:28 23 Янв | 12 Produkte, die Ihnen helfen, gesund zu bleiben (E-News) Die Sorge für Ihre Gesundheit beginnt mit der richtigen Ernährung. Einige Lebensmittel verfügen über besondere Eigenschaften, die das Wohlbefinden deutlich steigern und der Entstehung einer Reihe von Krankheiten vorbeugen können. Die Liste der gesündesten Produkte wurde von Experten von Forbes zusammengestellt und umfasst 12 Artikel, die Sie unbedingt in Ihre ... |
18:28 22 Янв | Come stabilire un rapporto con il proprio figlio fin dalla nascita (E-News) Diventare padre apre un nuovo mondo. Un bambino appena venuto al mondo richiede attenzione, amore e cure. Tuttavia, è importante capire che il rapporto con il bambino inizia a costruirsi non nel momento in cui inizia a parlare o ad andare a scuola. Già dalla nascita, vale la pena di partecipare attivamente alla vita del bambino, dimostrandogli attenzione e amore.
l'importanza della ... |
11:28 22 Янв | Cura della pelle dei talloni: segreti di salute e bellezza (E-News) Una pelle sana e curata non è solo il biglietto da visita di una persona, ma anche un indicatore della sua salute. Anche se solitamente l'attenzione è focalizzata sul viso e sul corpo, molti problemi possono essere nascosti in una zona così importante come i talloni. I talloni screpolati e secchi non sono solo un problema estetico, ma anche un possibile segnale di problemi ... |
08:48 22 Янв | Unwanted sex: causes and consequences (E-News) Many women face a situation when they agree to sex, although they do not feel like it. You can often hear the phrase: "Let's not have sex today, I have a headache," but why does this happen and how does it affect relationships?
physiological and psychological reasonsSexual desire in women can decrease for many reasons. One of them is hormonal changes, stress or relationship problems. Unlike male ... |
18:28 21 Янв | Maschere per viso e collo fatte in casa per ogni tipo di pelle (E-News) Ogni donna desidera avere un aspetto impeccabile, ma non sempre è possibile recarsi nei saloni di bellezza o utilizzare cosmetici costosi. Tuttavia, esistono modi economici e semplici per prendersi cura della pelle, che possono essere facilmente preparati a casa. Prendiamo in considerazione alcune efficaci ricette di maschere per il viso e il collo, adatte a diversi tipi di pelle e che non ... |
15:00 23 Янв | Trump sets ambitious goal for Keith Kellogg to end Ukraine war in 100 days (E-News) US President Donald Trump has set his special envoy for the Ukraine war, Keith Kellogg, the task of ending the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 100 days. This ambitious goal has raised doubts among experts, as many do not believe that such a quick resolution to the war is possible, The Wall Street Journal reports.
According to the publication, Keith Kellogg's role as special envoy is to ... |
10:00 21 Янв | Trump Doubles Inaugural Fundraising Record: Historic $250 Million (E-News) US President-elect Donald Trump has set an unprecedented inaugural fundraising record, raising $250 million. This amount is more than double the $107 million raised during his first inauguration in 2017.
A significant portion of the funds came from large corporations. Key donors included tech giants Meta, Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and Uber, each of which contributed $1 million. ... |