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21 октября 2024, понедельник 19:45

№ 19595117

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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15 Окт
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2024 (E-News)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2024, which became an important step in ensuring the stability of the country's pension system. This was reported by the press service of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU). According to the approved budget, the total income of the Pension Fund in 2024 will amount to 863.7 billion hryvnias. This amount ...
15 Окт
In Ukraine, the professional standard of the customs officer is being updated: New requirements and international standards (E-News)
The State Customs Service of Ukraine has started the development of a new professional standard for the position of "Customs Inspector". This initiative is aimed at systematizing the requirements for the profession, increasing the level of personnel training and their compliance with international standards. For this purpose, a working group was created, which included leading specialists of the ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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16 Окт
Boeing announced its ambitious plans (E-News)
Boeing announced ambitious plans to raise up to $25 billion in new capital and agreed to a $10 billion credit facility to ensure financial stability amid an unprecedented strike by its largest labor union. These steps are aimed at maintaining the company's balance sheet during a difficult period for it. According to information published in the Financial Times newspaper, Boeing plans to raise up ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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How to Understand the True Reasons Behind Women's Cheating (E-News)
When it comes to cheating, society often shows indulgence towards male infidelity, justifying it with physiological characteristics and needs. However, female cheating still causes harsh condemnation and is perceived as a sign of moral weakness. Let's figure out why women cheat and what reasons are behind this act. One of the main factors is disappointment in the husband. Often, a woman marries ...
20 Окт
Stylish hairstyles for curly and wavy hair (E-News)
Curly hair has a special charm and effect that is in no way inferior to smooth curls. Instead of hiding their natural texture, owners of curly locks can safely experiment with hairstyles, emphasizing their individuality. Celebrities also know how to play up their curls, and their stylists offer many interesting ideas. Let's consider several stylish hairstyles that are suitable for curly and wavy ...
19 Окт
How to properly perform chocolate wrapping for the skin (E-News)
Chocolate not only pleases with its flavor, but also has many beneficial properties for the skin. Chocolate wrap is one of the most pleasant and effective procedures for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin. It makes the skin firm, moisturized and tightened, giving it a natural glow. However, it is important to perform this procedure correctly to maximize the benefits. The chocolate ...
16 Окт
When to start an intimate relationship: important aspects for young people (E-News)
The question of at what age to start having sex worries many young people. This is especially relevant for teenagers and young men who, being surrounded by information about sex, begin to think about the beginning of their intimate life. For many young girls, this question becomes especially acute, especially if they face pressure from partners or friends. But what should be the right age to ...
15 Окт
Topics you should not discuss with your husband (E-News)
Even the strongest and most trusting relationship between husband and wife can encounter difficulties if you do not observe certain boundaries in communication. It would seem that with a spouse you can talk about everything, because it is a close person, but in practice, not all topics are safe to discuss. The experience of generations and scientific studies show that there are topics that are ...
15 Окт
What you need to know about hair lamination (E-News)
Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of many women, and modern cosmetic procedures offer a variety of solutions to achieve this goal. One of these procedures is hair lamination. This popular procedure promises smoothness, shine and volume, but what is really behind these promises? Let's look at the key aspects of lamination and find out what it has to offer. What is hair ...
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