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5 ноября 2024, вторник 01:33

№ 19634153

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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04 Ноя
The Polish operator SKPL plans to launch a new route Warsaw - Kovel: the first flights are already in December (E-News)
The Polish private railway company SKPL Cargo plans to launch a new passenger service between Warsaw and the Ukrainian city of Kovel in the Volyn region from December of this year. According to the Polish publication *Rynek Kolejowy*, information about the company's plans has been confirmed by the Polish Railway Transport Authority. SKPL Cargo applied to open a commercial route on October 1. The ...
01 Ноя
Hausse des prix en Ukraine : le NBU a révisé ses prévisions d'inflation à la consommation (E-News)
La Banque nationale d'Ukraine (NBU) a abaissé ses prévisions concernant l'indice des prix à la consommation (IPC) pour 2024-2025, en tenant compte des nouvelles réalités économiques. Dans les nouvelles prévisions macroéconomiques publiées par le régulateur, il est indiqué que les attentes concernant la croissance des prix en Ukraine sont ...
01 Ноя
Brave1 helps attract $25 million in foreign investment for Ukrainian defense technologies (E-News)
Since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainian defense technology developers have attracted more than $25 million in foreign investment thanks to the Brave1 initiative, which supports cooperation between investors and Ukrainian companies. Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, announced the results of the platform. Already this year, the amount of investments has increased five ...
31 Окт
Unterstützung von Buchverlagen in der Ukraine: neue Initiativen des Staates (E-News)
In der Ukraine werden Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung von Buchverlagen ergriffen, die durch den Krieg erhebliche Verluste erlitten haben. Das Wirtschaftsministerium kündigte Programme und Initiativen an, die auf die Wiederherstellung der Buchverlagsbranche und die Popularisierung ukrainischer Bücher abzielen. Wie im Pressedienst des Wirtschaftsministeriums festgestellt wurde, ...
31 Окт
Naftogaz achieved record gas production thanks to the latest technologies (E-News)
"Naftogaz" group successfully launched a well, which demonstrates a flow rate of 170,000 cubic meters. m of gas per day, thanks to the implementation of simultaneous-separate operation (SOC) technology. Before the introduction of this technology, the productivity of the well was only 70 thousand cubic meters. m of gas per day, which emphasizes a significant increase in production. As the press ...
31 Окт
The salary increase for prosecutors was canceled: the Verkhovna Rada left the living wage at UAH 1,600 (E-News)
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted an amendment that keeps the subsistence minimum for the calculation of prosecutors' salaries at UAH 1,600 in 2025, which, in fact, cancels the planned 37% increase in their salaries. Such a decision caused a significant outcry among deputies and the public, as it directly affects the level of remuneration of representatives of law enforcement ...
30 Окт
Rising prices for renting luxury apartments in Kyiv: which districts of the capital are the most expensive (E-News)
In October 2024, apartment rental prices in Kyiv continue to show steady growth, especially in the segment of luxury housing in central areas. One-room apartments in Pechersk and Shevchenkivskyi districts are becoming more and more expensive, although the largest percentage increase in rent this year was recorded in Dniprovskyi district. At the same time, the demand for rent in the capital ...
29 Окт
Die Ukraine hat in der Bewertung des Schutzes von Eigentumsrechten abgenommen: Folgen für das Investitionsklima (E-News)
Im Jahr 2024 belegte die Ukraine im International Property Rights Index (IPRI), der von der Property Rights Alliance veröffentlicht wird, Platz 102 von 125. Diese Position bedeutet einen Rückgang um zwei Plätze im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, obwohl das Land immer noch über seinem Ergebnis von 2022 liegt, als es auf Platz 105 lag. Ihor Humennyi, Präsident der UBC-Gruppe und ...
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