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12 Ñåí
Ukraine loses $11.2 billion annually due to mined territories (E-News)
Ukraine suffers annual losses in the amount of 11.2 billion dollars due to mined areas and other explosive objects, which is 5.6% of the country's GDP for 2021. The main losses are related to the reduction of export of agricultural products and the reduction of local tax revenues. This information was made public by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. According to a study by the Tony Blair ...
11 Ñåí
Apple lost a court case in the European Union for 13 billion euros: what it means for tax policy (E-News)
Apple has been defeated in a major court case related to non-payment of taxes in Ireland. The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled in favor of the European Commission, upholding its 2016 ruling that Ireland had breached state aid law. According to the court's decision, Ireland must return 13 billion euros in unpaid taxes to Apple. As reported by Bloomberg, this decision was an important ...
11 Ñåí
Google lost the appeal: the company is obliged to pay a fine of 2.4 billion euros (E-News)
Google Corporation suffered another defeat in the European Union, losing an appeal in the anti-monopoly court of Luxembourg. This means that the company has to pay a fine of 2.42 billion euros imposed by the European Commission back in 2017. This is reported by Reuters. The fine was imposed on Google for abusing its dominant position in the market for price comparison services. The European ...
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