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25 октября 2024, пятница 08:14

№ 19604572

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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23 Окт
La commission de la Verkhovna Rada recommande de modifier la divulgation du secret bancaire : de nouvelles initiatives pour garantir l'ordre public (E-News)
La commission de politique juridique de la Verkhovna Rada d'Ukraine a adopté une recommandation sur l'adoption du projet de loi du gouvernement, qui modifie un certain nombre d'actes législatifs de l'Ukraine. Ce projet de loi, qui concerne la divulgation du secret bancaire, a reçu une évaluation positive et sera examiné par la Verkhovna Rada en deuxième ...
23 Окт
Ministry of Finance: The IMF memorandum does not oblige Ukraine to raise energy tariffs (E-News)
The updated memorandum of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of the fifth review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program does not contain obligations for Ukraine to increase energy tariffs. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. The department noted that during the review of the memorandum, the possibility of increasing energy tariffs was ...
23 Окт
The stoppage of e-booking could lead to a crisis in the agricultural and retail sectors (E-News)
Representatives of the Ukrainian Grain Association (UZA) and the Retailers Association of Ukraine expressed serious concern over the termination of the electronic employee booking procedure, which is critical for their industries. This issue has become a topic of discussion among key market players, as stopping this procedure could lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the ...
22 Окт
Increase in the number of bankruptcies in Ukraine (E-News)
As of today, 651 bankruptcy cases of individuals have been registered in Ukraine, which is a significant increase compared to last year. Since the beginning of summer, the number of such cases has almost doubled. Most bankruptcies are reported in Kyiv, Kyiv region and Dnipropetrovs'k region, where 64% of bankrupts are aged 25 to 45. According to Opendatabot, more bankruptcy cases have been ...
22 Окт
The shortage of personnel threatens the development of subsoil use in Ukraine: the results of the EBA survey (E-News)
The majority of Ukrainian companies in the field of subsoil use rate the industry as attractive for investment, despite the war. According to the September survey of the European Business Association (EBA), 78% of companies believe that investing in the Ukrainian underground remains promising. Only 4% have the opposite opinion, and 18% of respondents could not give an unequivocal answer. The ...
21 Окт
L'Ukraine peut reprendre ses exportations d'armes : de nouvelles opportunités pour l'industrie de défense (E-News)
L'Ukraine étudie activement la possibilité d'attirer des investissements internationaux dans l'industrie de défense et de reprendre l'exportation d'armes nationales. Le ministre ukrainien de la Défense, Rustem Umyerov, a noté que certains pays avaient déjà exprimé leur intérêt pour l'achat de missiles, de drones et d'autres types d'armes ...
21 Окт
Land auctions in Volyn, Lviv region and Cherkasy region: the starting price increased 7.6 times (E-News)
On October 17, large-scale land auctions took place in three regions of Ukraine - Volyn, Lviv, and Cherkasy - where state agricultural land was put up for sublease. The total area of ​​these plots was 670.6 hectares. As the press service of the "Land Bank" reported, the auctions gathered considerable interest among the participants, which made it possible to significantly increase ...
18 Окт
Kyiv student veterans will receive up to 25,000 hryvnias for their studies (E-News)
In the 2024-2025 academic year, Kyiv veterans will have the opportunity to receive targeted financial assistance from the capital's budget for partial payment of tuition at higher education institutions of their choice. The amount of support can be up to 25 thousand hryvnias. This was reported by Maryna Honda, deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration (KMDA) for self-governing ...
18 Окт
Naftogaz increases gas purchases on the domestic market: more than 800 million cubic meters. m has already been purchased (E-News)
"Naftogaz of Ukraine" group of companies continues to actively purchase gas from private producers on the domestic market. In 2024, the company has already purchased more than 800 million cubic meters of fuel, which was an important step to strengthen the country's energy independence. Oleksiy Chernyshov, chairman of the board of Naftogaz of Ukraine, announced this. During a meeting with ...
УкраинаНовости - Украина
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